To reproduce: - Add a form with two auto-hidden windows - one on the left and one on the right. - Drag one of the windows by just showing it (do not pin it) - The floating window will contain both tool windows, instead of just the dragged one. Workaround: Private Sub RadForm1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load RadDock1.DockWindow(ToolWindow2, DockPosition.Right) RadDock1.AutoHideWindows(New DockWindow() {ToolWindow2}, AutoHidePosition.Right) ToolWindow2.Tag = DockPosition.Right RadDock1.AutoHideWindow(ToolWindow1) ToolWindow1.Tag = DockPosition.Left End Sub Private Sub RadDock1_FloatingWindowCreated(sender As Object, e As FloatingWindowEventArgs) Handles RadDock1.FloatingWindowCreated For Each dw As DockWindow In CType(sender, RadDock).DockWindows If dw.Handle <> CType(sender, RadDock).ActiveWindow.Handle Then dw.DockState = dw.PreviousDockState RadDock1.AutoHideWindows(New DockWindow() {dw}, dw.Tag) End If Next End Sub
Please use attached project and try the following: 1. Run the application and move toolWindow3 from right to the bottom panel. 2. Hide toolWindow3 by 'Toggle' menu item or just close it. 3. Save the layout pressing 'Save' menu item. 4. Close the application and run it again. 5. Restore layout using 'Init' menu item. 6. Press 'Toggle' menu item to show toolWindow3. Workaround: Make the window visible before loading the layout.
To reproduce: radDock1.ElementTree.EnableApplicationThemeName = false; radDock1.ThemeName = "TelerikMetroBlue"; ThemeResolutionService.ApplicationThemeName = "Office2013Light"; Workaround: ThemeResolutionService.ApplyThemeToControlTree(this,"Office2013Light"); radDock1.ThemeName = "TelerikMetroBlue";
To reproduce: Follow these steps: 1. Extract the project I have attached and open it in Visual Studio. 2. Run it. 2a. You should note two docked windows on the left (tabbed). 3. Click on the "Open Next Window" button. The first two clicks will simple open the first two docking windows (already open) On the 3rd click another docking window should appear on the right. Click the button a couple more times. You should have 3 docked windows on the right. 4. Now, drag the windows on the left so they are floating and docked together. 5. Click on the Save Layout button at the bottom. 6. Close and rerun the sample. You should note that the floating windows appear at the expected location. Move them off to the side away from their default location (away from the center of the screen) So far so good. 7. Upon reopening the application with toolWindow3, 4 and 5 floating and docked close the floating window. 8. Save the layout. --> This is where the key is... 9. Close and rerun the sample. If you watch quickly you'll see several windows "flicker". They appear and disappear quickly. Now, if you hit the "Open Next Window" button 5x, it will open the first two (already open) and then open the 3rd, 4th and 5th windows. But NOTE - they are NOT docked together. They are also not at the location where you left them (remember you needed to move them to the side)
To reproduce: - Add several tool windows to RadDock. - Make a window floating and then dock it back. - Hide all windows and then save the layout. - Close the application. - Start the application and load the saved layout. - Show all windows again.
To reproduce: please run the attached sample project and follow the steps in the gif file. After some further testing you will notice that the tab items are re-positioned incorrectly when you click a certain tab. It jumps to another location. Workaround: set the MultiLineItemFitMode property to None and specify the DocumentWindow.TabStripItem.Row property in order to arrange the tabs as you wish.
When you have a big UserControl in a DocumentWindow and you scroll down this UC, the UC is prescrolled when you try to set the focus on a control of the UC.
After a very specific sequence of steps, you may end up with an xml file of the RadDock layout that contains two windows, although there is only one window at the time the xml file is saved. In addition, when a floating window is loaded, it needs a click in order to get a caption string at the titlebar.
Let's have a ToolWindow in a RadDock. Float the ToolWindow and then close the FloatingWindow. Save the layout, close the application and start it again. Load the layout and display the hidden ToolWindow by calling the DisplayWindow method. The ToolWindow will become docked instead of floating.
If you have a ToolWindow in AutoHide mode with a RadDropDownList in it and you choose an item from the list or scroll the items in the list, the ToolWindow will hide itself.
A nice addition to the existing RadDock implementation for re-docking floating windows will be the ability to re-dock floating windows to documents if the previous state of the floating window was a document window.
OnActivated is fired before OnLoad in forms which have RadDock instances. However, OnLoad should be fired before OnActivated.
this.toolWindow1.TabStrip.MinimumSize = new Size(200,200)
To reproduce: - Create a MDI application with a RadDock in the mainform. - Add docked to the left ToolWindow to the dock. - On a button click add a child form with a RadDateTimePicker in it. - Set the picker Dock property to Top. Workaround: - Use the following SizeChanged event handler: private void RadForm1_SizeChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.rdMain.Width++; this.rdMain.Width--; }
RadDock should support a MDI mode where the child mdi forms are displayed in the old fashioned way.
A user should be able to scroll to a desired item (window) by selecting it from the overflow menu. Currently, the selected item is inserted at the first position and the order of items is changed.
If we set the AutoHideSize of a ToolWindow to the RadDock size, upon opening the AutoHide window we will notice that there is a gap of about 20px between the edge of RadDock and the AutoHide window.
RadDock - when loading layout, the control reads the stream from the current position instead from the beginning of it. This lead to exception "Root element is missing". Steps to reproduce: Dim strmDock As New MemoryStream RadDock1.SaveToXml(strmDock) RadDock1.LoadFromXml(strmDock) Work around: stream.Position = 0;
RadDock - implement BackgroundImage property.
Let's have a TextBox, ToolTip and a FloatingWindow containing the TextBox. The following code snippet will not show a tooltip for the textbox: this.toolTip1.ToolTipTitle = "ToolTip"; string strToolTip = "Exemple"; this.toolTip1.SetToolTip(textBox1, strToolTip); this.toolTip1.AutoPopDelay = 32767; this.toolTip1.Active = true;