I've tested this with both Telerik.WinControls.UI.RadForm and Telerik.WinControls.UI.RadRibbonForm
Telerik.WinControls.UI.RadForm works fine! Telerik.WinControls.UI.RadRibbonForm fails to bubble up Keys.Up, Keys.Down, Keys.Left and Keys.Right
Create new WinForms project (I'm using .net 4.7.2)
Add Telerik extensions.
Add a Form (Windows Form default .Name = "Form1"), RadForm (default .Name = "RadForm1") and RadRibbonForm
You can use any Theme or default. Makes no difference.
Set all three form's .KeyPreview = True
Add this method to each form:
Private Sub form_KeyDown(sender As Object, e As KeyEventArgs) Handles Me.KeyDown
If e.KeyCode = Keys.Up Then
If My.Computer.Keyboard.ShiftKeyDown Then
MsgBox("Shift Up")
End If
End If
End Sub
Set your Startup Form = Form1 (The Windows Form) and click Start.
hit your UP-Arrow key. You'll get the MsgBox "Up!"
Hold shift+UP-Arrow and you'll get "Shift Up"
The above is True for Winforms AND RadForm but RadRibbonForm does this:
Set your Startup Form = radribbonform and click Start
Hit your UP-Arrow and you'll get...nothing. The event never gets raised.
Hold your shift+UP-Arrow and you'll get....nothing because the event does not fire when you hit any of the arrow keys.
Hello there,
I am facing system.StackOverflowExcepiton while exporting document with HtmlFormatProvider. I am attaching my code with the HTML string which I am passing into RichTextEditor.
HTML String:
"Navigate to the <a href="https://exelon.ifs.cloud/landing-page/" target="_blank"><b><u>IFS Cloud Landing Page</u></b></a>.<br /> <br />NOTE: If the above link does not work for you, copy and paste this address ...<br /> <br /><u>https://exelon.ifs.cloud/landing-page/</u>"
Method which is giving me an error:
internal static string GetRadRichTextEditorHtmlValue(RadRichTextEditor radRichTextEditor, bool RemoveNewLineSpace = false, bool withDocumentChange = true, bool removeLastParagraphLine = false, bool fromDefinationEditor = false, bool OnlyHtml = false, bool fromDynamicAssetDefinition = false)
//internal static string GetRadRichTextEditorHtmlValue(RadRichTextEditor radRichTextEditor, bool RemoveNewLineSpace = false, bool withDocumentChange = true, bool removeLastParagraphLine = false, bool fromDefinationEditor = false,bool OnlyHtml=false)
string htmlValue = string.Empty;
if (radRichTextEditor == null)
return "";
Telerik.WinForms.Documents.Model.RadDocument document = radRichTextEditor.Document;
Telerik.WinForms.Documents.FormatProviders.Html.HtmlFormatProvider provider = new Telerik.WinForms.Documents.FormatProviders.Html.HtmlFormatProvider();
if (withDocumentChange)
//Telerik.WinForms.Documents.FormatProviders.Html.HtmlExportSettings htmlExportSettings = new Telerik.WinForms.Documents.FormatProviders.Html.HtmlExportSettings();
//htmlExportSettings.ExportHeadingsAsTags = true;
//provider.ExportSettings = htmlExportSettings;
provider.ExportSettings.DocumentExportLevel = Telerik.WinForms.Documents.FormatProviders.Html.DocumentExportLevel.Fragment;
provider.ExportSettings.ExportFontStylesAsTags = true;
htmlValue = provider.Export(document); // Exception place.
if (withDocumentChange)
string strikeClassName = GetStrikeClassName(htmlValue);
htmlValue = GetTagValueFromHtmlString(htmlValue, fromDefinationEditor, fromDynamicAssetDefinition);
htmlValue = StripHtmlExceptFontTags(htmlValue, strikeClassName, RemoveNewLineSpace, OnlyHtml);
catch (Exception ex)
ClickLearn.Exceptions.ExceptionToEventLog(ex, "GetRadRichTextEditorHtmlValue");
// TO DO: Remove below condition when <br/> issue fixed fom editor
if (htmlValue.IndexOf("<br />") == 0 || htmlValue.IndexOf("</ br>") == 0)
htmlValue = htmlValue.Substring(6);
else if (htmlValue.IndexOf("<br/>") == 0 || htmlValue.IndexOf("</br>") == 0)
htmlValue = htmlValue.Substring(5);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(htmlValue))
htmlValue = RemoveLastNewLine(htmlValue);
return htmlValue;
Control's properties:
ucRichTextBox ucRichTextBox2 = new ucRichTextBox(tagCommand.Tags, ce.CurrentLCID, true, MetadataProperties, ArgInfoList);
ucRichTextBox2.spd = spd;
ucRichTextBox2.Tag = tagCommand.Tags;
ucRichTextBox2.Name = "ucRichTextBox2";
ucRichTextBox2.Left = sx;
ucRichTextBox2.Top = y;
ucRichTextBox2.Width = pnlSPD.Width - leftPadding - rightPadding;
ucRichTextBox2.btnUnlock.Click += BtnUnlock_Click;
ucRichTextBox2.btnUnlock.Image = Properties.Resources.c_full;
ucRichTextBox2.btnUnlock.Tag = "c_full";
ucRichTextBox2.btnLockOption.Visible = true;
ucRichTextBox2.btnLockOption.MouseDown += BtnLockOption_MouseDown;
ucRichTextBox2.btnLink.Click += BtnLink_Click;
ucRichTextBox2.rtxContent.CommandExecuting += RtxContent_CommandExecuting;
ucRichTextBox2.btnSetting.ButtonElement.ToolTipText = argInfoUX12.ConfigDoc.ContainsKey
UI for the control:
Error message:
Actual behavior
The value contains a string representing the formatted and rounded value of the average of all values.
Expected behavior
The value contains a raw, not rounded, not formatted, decimal value.
I expect this behavior since GridSummaryCellElement has two properties: Text and Value.
I expect those to have difference functions. Value to hold the actual calculated value, and Text to hold the formatted, round string-equivalent.
Another reason why I expect this, is that Value is of type object, not of type string. So expect a value corresponding to the original datatype of the column and/or the result of the calculation.
Follow-up questions
Hi, all. I am using the example you guys provide in your website and you can get from here: https://www.telerik.com/blogs/winforms-scaling-at-large-dpi-settings-is-it-even-possible-#example
As you can see in the image, I open the form in my main screen with Scale 100%. I have a second screen running in 150%. When I grab the form near to the left edge side of it, it resizes in one way, what I believe that is the correct way. However, if you grab the form near to right edge side, near the minimize, maximize and close button, it resizes differently. We have several users using our application and we are not able to fix this scalling issue, even in your own example. Could you guys have a look at it and prioritize? This kind of issue has been around for a long time without a final resolution. if not possible, let us know that we will have to decide move to another development tool.
Telerik version: 2024.2.514
Please consider integration / enhancement of the following rich sting rendering capabilities enabling performance for quick rich string related rendering tasks, providing further alternatives to GDI and GDI+ based tiresome and limited solutions, allowing scaling: https://github.com/toptensoftware/RichTextKit
Hi, the new feauture Merge Cells is very nice but the alignment is only at the center.
Can I align the merged cells in the same mode of the column?
Thanks, Fabrizio
I’m converting 20+ year old c# .net winform software that a clever internal ex dev wrote a themed control suite for. I’ve been working with those controls for almost the same length of time but am recently tasked with updating the whole app as customers are experiencing fall overs on some modern versions of Windows. Ive had the pleasure of (almost quietly ?) converting/updating by using Telerik for many years as my choice of replacement themed control systems.
Conversion experience has been pretty good, except for combo boxes, probably listboxes too (sorry guys Im writing this in bed at 5am so can’t/won’t just go testing). I did try, i think, using your conversion wizards without success. I do wish that you’d let us add any type of object to a combobox.item array in the same way that microsoft winform control allows.
Ive also noticed that some events dont occur in telerik, eg index changed need to be switched to valuechanged and these are only spotted when testing, which means extra work.
anyway. Bless an thanks to you all for my good experience with Progress/Telerik. Im old, poorly and crumbly now and wont be around much longer. May i last long enough not to need a pension to survive and i hope each of you invests in enough private pension to give yourselves a decent holiday or three per year ;)
We are trying to display read only versions of documents. Some of these documents are of type .docm and have elements like dropdowns and text boxes. Most of the documents are being converted properly but all text within these .docm elements are missing. We have tried loading into the RadRichTextBox control and directly exporting to plain text with no luck. We do not need full support for these elements but in order to use Telerik's library for our document viewer we need to be able to at least extract text from these elements.
Is this currently unsupported or is there some other provider I should be using?
I'm building a .net app with VB 2019.
With RadChartView, for some unknown reason, I can't change the Font on the Legend
Nor can I set the exact legend position when using following code
With myRadChartView
.ShowLegend = True
.ChartElement.LegendElement.Font = New Font("Arial", 12.0F, FontStyle.Regular)
.ChartElement.LegendPosition = LegendPosition.Float
.ChartElement.LegendOffset = New Point(1600, 300)
end with
NB: This was not working with previous release either.
Erro encontrado no RadGridView, quando está com configurado como ("SelectionMode" : FullRowSelect) e ("ClipboardCopyMode" = "EnableWihoutHeaderText"), o mesmo está abrindo um menu de contexto/menu suspenso "Copy" e impede a abertura do menu de contexto customizado. E ao copiar o conteúdo de uma célula em específico, copia a linha toda.
Na imagem a baixo, mostrando que está impedindo o menu de contexto do sistema
Sobre o Clipboard, aparentemente não está enviando o conteúdo da célula corrente e sim mandando da linha toda
resolvi aqui usando o evento KeyDown do RadGridViewif (e.Control && e.KeyCode == Keys.C)
Using a RadForm and rad controls like the RadTextbox and RadDropdown, I create this form. It looks like this:
I save and close the form. I reopen and it changes all the formatting. It now looks like this:
Notice, that the spacing has been increased and the dropdown lengths have been increased. I'm pretty sure there's other changes too.
What am I doing wrong?
It used to default to the control default and now it defaults to a theme.
It seems to also not recognize controls I add to the forms until I do a build. I shouldn't have to add that step before I select debug.
Acting very, very strangely.
I added a screen with RadSpreadsheet on it. When I open that screen from the parent screen, the DPI (scale) of the whole application changes.
Please find the source in the attachment.
PerformClick method of RadButtonElement is sending next error:
System.InvalidCastException: 'Unable to cast object of type 'System.EventArgs' to type 'System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs'.
Find my code below:
private void btnAddField_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
RadDiagramShape sourceShape = new RadDiagramShape()
Text = "source",
Shape = new RoundRectShape(5),
BackColor = Color.Red
sourceShape.Position = new Telerik.Windows.Diagrams.Core.Point(150, 100);
sourceShape.IsSelected = true;
RadButtonElement additionalContent = Telerik.WinControls.UI.Diagrams.Primitives.ItemInformationAdorner.GetAdditionalContent(
this.radDiagram.DiagramElement.ItemInformationAdorner) as RadButtonElement;
What I want is to display the SettingsPane automatically when adding a RadDiagramShape item in a RadDiagram
Hi- When I add a Rad context menu to a RadToolbarForm, the toolbar vanishes from the designer after a build. This is new behavior because I have other context menus that I had previously added to the form. If I drag a RadContextMenu from the toolkit, or I copy/paste an existing context menu, the toolbar disappears after a build. I am running the latest release (2024.1.130) and toolkit config (although this also happens when running the previous Telerik release)
I tried closing the designer before the build and the toolbar still disappears. Doing a Clean before build has no effect. This form is inherited from a simple RadToolbar form (no controls except the toolbar). The toolbar is still listed in the list of controls for the form
Ha! Just found out what's happening. It's deleting the toolbar configuration code from the designer code. Everything below is gone. If I add it back in, then do anything with the new context menu, like rename it, it gets removed again
Here's my dev environment:
Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022
I can't provide a project or even code snippets that would make sense out of context because the code base is too complex for an easy replication to be setup.
We are trying various things like calling Refresh, Update.
Hoping this is something you've encountered before and have some suggestions.
I just upgraded to the latest version of Telerik products and facing the issues described below.
When dragging and drop Telerik UI objects from the toolbar on a form, the dialog box below is displayed with question but there is no button to click to answer the question and I don't where to stop it.
See screenshot attached.