Last Updated: 02 Feb 2024 13:31 by ADMIN
Dynamically adding command bar buttons to a control inside a popup window may cause layout issue.
Last Updated: 30 Jan 2024 14:14 by ADMIN
To reproduce setup a column ColumnGroupViewDefinition, set RightToLeft mode of the grid and export it using the GridViewPdfExport class.
You will see that in the exported PDF document the columns and column groups are in Left-To-Right order.
Last Updated: 29 Jan 2024 15:46 by ADMIN

In the exported PDF document, the font size of the header and footer is smaller than the font of the data cells, even though the specified font is the same size.
To reproduce set the same font to the header and data cells:

pdfExport.HeaderFont.Font = new Font("Segoe UI", 10f);

private void PdfExport_CellFormatting(object sender, PdfExportCellFormattingEventArgs e)
    e.CellElement.Font = new Font("Segoe UI", 10f); 

Last Updated: 16 Nov 2023 13:46 by ADMIN

It would be great if there were a right-click menu option for custom Rad controls to "apply the theme to all sub-controls", similar to how Forms work.

I've attached images to illustrate the functionality.

Right now it only works for forms, and my custom controls have to be manually adjusted one at a time, by hand, which is time consuming and error prone.

It would save a lot of time and reduce the chance of missing a control when applying themes locally.

Right now the only way to apply themes is either globally or individually by hand, or with a find-replace-in-files command on the ThemeName property.

Last Updated: 24 Oct 2023 13:30 by ADMIN
Created by: Adrian
Comments: 1
Category: UI for WinForms
Type: Feature Request


Our product uses Infragistics controls. We have been in business for 21 years and since then we have been using Infragistics controls for WinForms. We would like to move to Telerik controls for WinForms, even though we already use Telerik controls for Blazor. Is there an easy way to convert them? Is there any plan to release a tool to convert them automatically? It will be very helpful and I am sure many companies are interested as well.   


Thank you



Last Updated: 29 Sep 2023 09:36 by ADMIN

Using Telerik button and dropdown beside and anchored to a standard label or textbox then, when run app in a Win 11 in Korean, the presentation is not correct.

Expected result:

Observed result:

Last Updated: 07 Aug 2023 13:03 by ADMIN
Created by: Fritz
Comments: 1
Category: UI for WinForms
Type: Feature Request

Hi Support,

why does PropertyStoreItem has no property "Tag" as other classes?

I had a few scenarios, where I need to store additional informations at the PropertyStoreItem.

Best regards


Last Updated: 23 May 2023 07:58 by ADMIN

Pasting a Network path in the breadcrumb navigates the user to the respective location. However, the UNC path is displayed as expected. Please refer to the attached gif files.




Last Updated: 04 May 2023 12:58 by ADMIN
The CurrentDirectoryPath property is not serialized and it is lost every time the designer is reopened.
Last Updated: 21 Mar 2023 09:12 by ADMIN
Created by: Martin
Comments: 1
Category: UI for WinForms
Type: Bug Report

Repro steps:

  1. Create a RadVirtualGrid with:
    1. A column with a nullable DateTime
    2. Another column with a string or number.
  2. Fill it with one or more rows. The DateTimes remain null.
  3. Edit a DateTime cell, open the dropdown:

  4. Click op button [Today], the date/time in the cell changes.
  5. Click [Tab], the focuses moves to the next cell, but the dropdown remains open:
  6. Click somewhere else in the grid or form, an Exception is thrown:
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at Telerik.WinControls.UI.RadDateTimePickerCalendar.popupControl_Closing(Object sender, RadPopupClosingEventArgs args)

Expected behavior:

  • The dropdown closes after moving to another cell.
  • No exception occurs.



Last Updated: 01 Mar 2023 13:08 by ADMIN

To reproduce:

            this.radCheckBox1.Text = "Something (in brackets)";
            this.radCheckBox1.RightToLeft = System.Windows.Forms.RightToLeft.Yes;

Last Updated: 15 Feb 2023 13:17 by ADMIN
Created by: Malcolm
Comments: 1
Category: UI for WinForms
Type: Feature Request

Presently none of the controls can be navigated to using the TAB key or the shift TAB combination.

For example, in this picture I would like to be able to go from the Verdana font to the size 12 font using TAB key controls. I would like to be able to do this for all controls within the editor. I have asked support and presently this wouldn't be possible.


Last Updated: 15 Feb 2023 13:07 by ADMIN
Created by: Malcolm
Comments: 1
Category: UI for WinForms
Type: Feature Request

To be accessible and compliant with our organizations standards, the search bar that can be enabled in the gridview should be accessible by pressing TAB and shift TAB. Right now the only way to select the search by keyboard is pressing Control F, but the up/down arrows and the search settings cog wheel cannot be accessed via the keyboard.

As of right now, the user cannot also select the column headers using the keyboard, which in turn means you cannot sort by a column with a keyboard.



Last Updated: 06 Feb 2023 08:15 by ADMIN
Created by: Claudio
Comments: 1
Category: UI for WinForms
Type: Feature Request
Support for input from DWG file format used in AutoCAD.
Last Updated: 06 Mar 2023 09:55 by ADMIN
Open the designer of the attached form. Have a look at the locations for the cbSegmentacion and btnActivaDesactivaCentrradoLinea controls. Close and reopen the designer. You will see that the location is changed.
Last Updated: 28 Nov 2022 07:50 by Shaindy
 The styles of a hyperlink (color, font properties) are not exported correctly to HTML
Last Updated: 29 Nov 2022 05:40 by ADMIN
Created by: Dev
Comments: 2
Category: UI for WinForms
Type: Feature Request

Currently, RadGridView offers GridViewImageColumn. However, it would be good to offer support for SVG images out of the box.  

One possible approach is to introduce a new property for the GridViewImageColumn - ImageDrawType = ImageDrawType.Svg that controls what kind of images this column will store.

Second approach is to introduce a new GridViewSvgImageColumn.

Last Updated: 16 Feb 2024 12:27 by Martin
Created by: Martin
Comments: 4
Category: UI for WinForms
Type: Feature Request

I would like to have a generic validation-mechanism, implemented in all controls. Hear me out:

A class ValidationInformation for containing all sort of validation information for a certain field, property, cell, etc. which has properties likes:

  • Type DataType
  • object MinValue
  • object MaxValue
  • int? MinLength
  • int? MaxLength
  • bool IsRequired
  • RegEx Mask
  • etc.

It also has a virtual method like bool Validate(object entity, object value, out string validationError).

A base class ValidationInformationProvider for retrieving validation information from various sources. It has some abstract methods for retrieval, storing/caching information per cell/field/property.

This base class has the following subclasses:

  • ValidationInformationProviderFromDataTable
  • ValidationInformationProviderFromAnnotations
  • ValidationInformationProviderFromXXX

Each provider is responsible for reading validation information from the source (DataTable, annotations on a property, etc.) and fill a ValidationInformation object.

Now the fun begins...

Each Telerik class, like RadGridView and/or subcomponents should get a method or event to retrieve ValidationInformation. When the event is not handled or the method returns null, the default behavior kicks in.

When ValidationInformation is provided, default behavior is overridden. Properties of editors van be set with values from ValidationInformation (like Minimum and Maximum of a GridViewDecimalColumnPlus or RadSpinEditorElement). At the end if editing the method ValidationInformation.Validate is called to validate the new value. The validation error can be used for popups, or tooltips, or an exception. 

This way a user does not have to think where to set which property of any Telerik control for any validation. This way a RadPropertyGrid and RadGridView can work the same way when it comes to data validation, regardless of all editors which work in the background.