We would like to use vector tiles in our offline mapping applications, like ones you can get here :- https://openmaptiles.com/downloads/dataset/osm/europe/great-britain/england/#5.03/52.946/-2.426
I think telerik only supports raster files right now. Is there any plans to support vector files in the future? Could it be added to the roadmap?
(I am not looking for a way to convert vector files into PNG/Bitmap/JPEG Image tiles in a custom provider thanks)
In the scenario below one should be able to access the defined UserData value in the SearchCompleted event handler How to reproduce: protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e) { base.OnLoad(e); this.radMap1.ShowSearchBar = true; BingRestMapProvider bingProvider = this.radMap1.Providers[0] as BingRestMapProvider; this.radMap1.MapElement.SearchBarElement.SearchProvider = bingProvider; this.radMap1.MapElement.SearchBarElement.SearchProvider.SearchCompleted += BingProvider_SearchCompleted; } private void BingProvider_SearchCompleted(object sender, SearchCompletedEventArgs e) { Telerik.WinControls.UI.Map.RectangleG allPoints = new Telerik.WinControls.UI.Map.RectangleG(double.MinValue, double.MaxValue, double.MaxValue, double.MinValue); this.radMap1.Layers["Pins"].Clear(); foreach (Telerik.WinControls.UI.Map.Bing.Location location in e.Locations) { Telerik.WinControls.UI.Map.PointG point = new Telerik.WinControls.UI.Map.PointG(location.Point.Coordinates[0], location.Point.Coordinates[1]); MapPin pin = new MapPin(point); pin.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(20, 40); pin.BackColor = Color.Red; pin.ToolTipText = location.Address.FormattedAddress; this.radMap1.MapElement.Layers["Pins"].Add(pin); allPoints.North = Math.Max(allPoints.North, point.Latitude); allPoints.South = Math.Min(allPoints.South, point.Latitude); allPoints.West = Math.Min(allPoints.West, point.Longitude); allPoints.East = Math.Max(allPoints.East, point.Longitude); } if (e.Locations.Length > 0) { if (e.Locations.Length == 1) { this.radMap1.BringIntoView(new Telerik.WinControls.UI.Map.PointG(e.Locations[0].Point.Coordinates[0], e.Locations[0].Point.Coordinates[1])); } else { this.radMap1.MapElement.BringIntoView(allPoints); this.radMap1.Zoom(this.radMap1.MapElement.ZoomLevel - 1); } } else { RadMessageBox.Show("No result found for the provided search query!"); } } Telerik.WinControls.UI.Map.Bing.SearchRequest request; private void radButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Telerik.WinControls.UI.MapLayer pinsLayer = new MapLayer("Pins"); this.radMap1.Layers.Add(pinsLayer); request = new SearchRequest(); request.Query = "San Marino"; request.SearchOptions.Count = 10; request.SearchOptions.QueryParse = true; request.UserData = "Tooltip"; BingRestMapProvider bingProvider = this.radMap1.Providers[0] as BingRestMapProvider; bingProvider.SearchAsync(request); } Workaround: if possible cache the data to be accessed at a later stage
To reproduce: - Create a shape with QGIS and add it to RadMap using the approach described in the documentation: http://docs.telerik.com/devtools/winforms/map/file-readers/esri-shapefile-reader
You can find attached a sample project, video, demonstrating the steps and a screenshot of the error. Workaround: public class MyMapVisualElementFactory : MapVisualElementFactory { public override MapVisualElement CreatePolyline(Collection<PointG> points) { return new MyMapPolyline(points); } } public class MyMapPolyline : MapPolyline { private FieldInfo pathsField; private FieldInfo boundingRectsField; private FieldInfo isInViewportField; public MyMapPolyline(Collection<PointG> points) : base(points) { this.pathsField = typeof(MapPolyline).GetField("paths", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic); this.boundingRectsField = typeof(MapPolyline).GetField("boundingRects", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic); this.isInViewportField = typeof(MapPolyline).GetField("isInViewport", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic); } public override void ViewportChanged(IMapViewport viewport, ViewportChangeAction action) { if ((action & ViewportChangeAction.All) == action) { long mapSize = MapTileSystemHelper.MapSize(viewport.ZoomLevel); List<GraphicsPath> paths = new List<GraphicsPath>(); List<RectangleL> boundingRects = new List<RectangleL>(); long start = viewport.PanOffset.Width; int maxWraparounds = 1; while (start + mapSize < viewport.ViewportInPixels.Width) { maxWraparounds++; start += mapSize; } for (int i = -1; i <= maxWraparounds; i++) { GraphicsPath path = new GraphicsPath(); List<PointF> drawPoints = new List<PointF>(); foreach (PointG p in this.Points) { PointL pixel = MapTileSystemHelper.LatLongToPixelXY(p.Latitude, p.Longitude, viewport.ZoomLevel); drawPoints.Add(new PointF(pixel.X + i * mapSize, pixel.Y)); } path.AddLines(drawPoints.ToArray()); RectangleF rect = path.GetBounds(); RectangleF view = new RectangleF(viewport.ViewportInPixels.X, viewport.ViewportInPixels.Y, viewport.ViewportInPixels.Width, viewport.ViewportInPixels.Height); if (rect.IntersectsWith(view)) { paths.Add(path); } boundingRects.Add(new RectangleL((long)rect.X, (long)rect.Y, (long)rect.Width, (long)rect.Height)); } this.pathsField.SetValue(this, paths); this.boundingRectsField.SetValue(this, boundingRects); } if (action != ViewportChangeAction.None) { this.isInViewportField.SetValue(this, false); List<RectangleL> boundingRects = this.boundingRectsField.GetValue(this) as List<RectangleL>; foreach (RectangleL rect in boundingRects) { if (viewport.ViewportInPixels.IntersectsWith(rect)) { this.isInViewportField.SetValue(this, true); } } } } } public class MyMapVisualElementFactory : MapVisualElementFactory { public override MapVisualElement CreatePolyline(Collection<PointG> points) { return new MyMapPolyline(points); } } public class MyMapPolyline : MapPolyline { private FieldInfo pathsField; private FieldInfo boundingRectsField; private FieldInfo isInViewportField; public MyMapPolyline(Collection<PointG> points) : base(points) { this.pathsField = typeof(MapPolyline).GetField("paths", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic); this.boundingRectsField = typeof(MapPolyline).GetField("boundingRects", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic); this.isInViewportField = typeof(MapPolyline).GetField("isInViewport", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic); } public override void ViewportChanged(IMapViewport viewport, ViewportChangeAction action) { if ((action & ViewportChangeAction.All) == action) { long mapSize = MapTileSystemHelper.MapSize(viewport.ZoomLevel); List<GraphicsPath> paths = new List<GraphicsPath>(); List<RectangleL> boundingRects = new List<RectangleL>(); long start = viewport.PanOffset.Width; int maxWraparounds = 1; while (start + mapSize < viewport.ViewportInPixels.Width) { maxWraparounds++; start += mapSize; } for (int i = -1; i <= maxWraparounds; i++) { GraphicsPath path = new GraphicsPath(); List<PointF> drawPoints = new List<PointF>(); foreach (PointG p in this.Points) { PointL pixel = MapTileSystemHelper.LatLongToPixelXY(p.Latitude, p.Longitude, viewport.ZoomLevel); drawPoints.Add(new PointF(pixel.X + i * mapSize, pixel.Y)); } path.AddLines(drawPoints.ToArray()); RectangleF rect = path.GetBounds(); RectangleF view = new RectangleF(viewport.ViewportInPixels.X, viewport.ViewportInPixels.Y, viewport.ViewportInPixels.Width, viewport.ViewportInPixels.Height); if (rect.IntersectsWith(view)) { paths.Add(path); } boundingRects.Add(new RectangleL((long)rect.X, (long)rect.Y, (long)rect.Width, (long)rect.Height)); } this.pathsField.SetValue(this, paths); this.boundingRectsField.SetValue(this, boundingRects); } if (action != ViewportChangeAction.None) { this.isInViewportField.SetValue(this, false); List<RectangleL> boundingRects = this.boundingRectsField.GetValue(this) as List<RectangleL>; foreach (RectangleL rect in boundingRects) { if (viewport.ViewportInPixels.IntersectsWith(rect)) { this.isInViewportField.SetValue(this, true); } } } } }
Workaround: Public Class MyLocalMapProvider Inherits LocalMapProvider Public Overrides Sub ViewportChanged(viewport As IMapViewport, action As ViewportChangeAction) If Not Me.Initialized Then Me.Initialize() Return End If Dim tilesToDraw As List(Of MapVisualElement) = DirectCast(Me.GetType().BaseType.GetField("tilesToDraw", BindingFlags.Instance Or BindingFlags.NonPublic).GetValue(Me), List(Of MapVisualElement)) Dim numOfTilesX As Integer = CInt(Math.Ceiling(CDbl((viewport.ViewportInPixels.Width)) / Me.TileSize.Width)) + 2 Dim numOfTilesY As Integer = CInt(Math.Ceiling(CDbl((viewport.ViewportInPixels.Height)) / Me.TileSize.Height)) + 2 Dim maxNumberOfTilesY As Integer = If((viewport.ZoomLevel = 1), 2, (viewport.ZoomLevel - 1) << 2) numOfTilesY = Math.Min(numOfTilesY, maxNumberOfTilesY) Dim topLeftTile As Point = MapTileSystemHelper.PixelXYToTileXY(-viewport.PanOffset.Width, -viewport.PanOffset.Height) Dim numberOfTiles As Integer = 2 << (viewport.ZoomLevel - 1) Dim startX As Integer = CInt(viewport.PanOffset.Width) Mod Me.TileSize.Width Dim startY As Integer = CInt(viewport.PanOffset.Height) Mod Me.TileSize.Height If startX > 0 Then startX -= Me.TileSize.Width End If For i As Integer = 0 To numOfTilesY - 1 For j As Integer = 0 To numOfTilesX - 1 Dim x As Integer = startX + j * Me.TileSize.Width Dim y As Integer = startY + i * Me.TileSize.Height Dim tileX As Integer = (topLeftTile.X + j) Mod numberOfTiles Dim tileY As Integer = (topLeftTile.Y + i) Mod numberOfTiles If tileX < 0 Then tileX += numberOfTiles End If tilesToDraw.Add(New MapTile(Me.GetTileImage(tileX, tileY, viewport.ZoomLevel), New Rectangle(New Point(x, y), Me.TileSize))) Next Next End Sub End Class
To reproduce: public RadForm1() { InitializeComponent(); this.radMap1.ToolTipTextNeeded += radMap1_ToolTipTextNeeded; BingRestMapProvider bingProvider = new Telerik.WinControls.UI.BingRestMapProvider(); bingProvider.UseSession = true; bingProvider.BingKey = bingKey; this.radMap1.Providers.Add(bingProvider); //add a layer to display the route this.radMap1.MapElement.Layers.Add(new MapLayer()); RouteRequest request = new RouteRequest(); request.DistanceUnit = DistanceUnit.Kilometer; request.Options.Mode = TravelMode.Driving; request.Options.Optimization = RouteOptimization.Time; request.Options.RouteAttributes = RouteAttributes.RoutePath; request.Options.RouteAvoidance = RouteAvoidance.None; request.Waypoints.Add("Paris, France"); request.Waypoints.Add("Madrid, Spain"); bingProvider.CalculateRouteCompleted += BingProvider_RoutingCompleted; bingProvider.CalculateRouteAsync(request); } private void radMap1_ToolTipTextNeeded(object sender, Telerik.WinControls.ToolTipTextNeededEventArgs e) { Console.WriteLine(sender); } private void BingProvider_RoutingCompleted(object sender, RoutingCompletedEventArgs e) { List<PointG> pts = new List<PointG>(); Telerik.WinControls.UI.Map.PointG startPoint = new Telerik.WinControls.UI.Map.PointG(e.Route.RoutePath.Line.Coordinates.First()[0], e.Route.RoutePath.Line.Coordinates.First()[1]); pts.Add(startPoint); Telerik.WinControls.UI.Map.PointG endPoint = new Telerik.WinControls.UI.Map.PointG(e.Route.RoutePath.Line.Coordinates.Last()[0], e.Route.RoutePath.Line.Coordinates.Last()[1]); pts.Add(endPoint); MapPolyline mapPolyline = new MapPolyline(pts); mapPolyline.BackColor = Color.Red; mapPolyline.BorderColor = Color.Red; mapPolyline.BorderWidth = 5; this.radMap1.MapElement.Layers[0].Add(mapPolyline); PointG midPoint = new PointG((startPoint.Latitude + endPoint.Latitude) / 2d, (startPoint.Longitude + endPoint.Longitude) / 2d); MapLabel westernLabel = new MapLabel(midPoint, "My label") { BackColor = Color.FromArgb(122, 255, 0, 0) }; this.radMap1.MapElement.Layers[0].Add(westernLabel); } Workaround: public class CustomMapPolyline : MapPolyline { List<GraphicsPath> paths; public CustomMapPolyline(IEnumerable<PointG> points) : base(points) { } public override void ViewportChanged(IMapViewport viewport, ViewportChangeAction action) { base.ViewportChanged(viewport, action); FieldInfo fi = typeof(MapPolyline).GetField("paths", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic); this.paths = (List<GraphicsPath>)fi.GetValue(this); } public override bool HitTest(PointG pointG, PointL pointL, IMapViewport viewport) { using (Pen pen = new Pen(this.BorderColor, this.BorderWidth)) { foreach (GraphicsPath path in this.paths) { if (path.IsOutlineVisible(pointL.X, pointL.Y, pen)) { return true; } } } return false; } }
How to reproduce: check the attached project, the expected behavior would be that the MapPoint object have its text painted Workaround: public partial class RadForm1 : Telerik.WinControls.UI.RadForm { public RadForm1() { InitializeComponent(); MapLayer pinsLayer = new MapLayer("Buildings Layout"); this.radMap1.Layers.Add(pinsLayer); EmptyMapProvider emptyProvider = new EmptyMapProvider(); emptyProvider.InitializationComplete += emptyProvider_InitializationComplete; this.radMap1.Providers.Add(emptyProvider); using (FileStream seatsStream = File.OpenRead(@"..\..\shapes-new\Label_Pk_Boulou2.shp")) { using (FileStream seatsDataStream = File.OpenRead(@"..\..\shapes-new\Label_Pk_Boulou2.dbf")) { ShapeFileReaderParameters parameters = new ShapeFileReaderParameters(); parameters.ShapeStream = seatsStream; parameters.DbfStream = seatsDataStream; //parameters.CoordinateConverter = new EPSG900913Converter(); ShapeFileReader reader = new ShapeFileReader(); List<MapVisualElement> elements = reader.Read(parameters); foreach (var item in elements) { item.Text = Convert.ToString(((IExtendedData)item).ExtendedData["Text"]); } this.radMap1.Layers["Buildings Layout"].AddRange(elements); } } } }
In WPF this is possible with custom provider: https://www.telerik.com/forums/map-control-and-web-map-service
The ShapeFileReader fails in its ReadDbfRecord method:
using (MemoryStream shapeStream = new MemoryStream(File.ReadAllBytes(@"C:\Users\dyordano\Downloads\84aa4699-f436-4b7e-b029-e353fdab0411_shapefile-before-modification\asseuappareil.shp")))
using (MemoryStream dbfStream = new MemoryStream(File.ReadAllBytes(@"C:\Users\dyordano\Downloads\84aa4699-f436-4b7e-b029-e353fdab0411_shapefile-before-modification\asseuappareil.dbf")))
ShapeFileReaderParameters parameters = new ShapeFileReaderParameters();
parameters.ShapeStream = shapeStream;
parameters.DbfStream = dbfStream;
ShapeFileReader reader = new ShapeFileReader();
List<MapVisualElement> elements = reader.Read(parameters);
I am using RadMap to display a KML file.
Unfortunately, it looks like RadMap is not displaying properly all the shapes (departments).
Displayed with RadMap (few holes, ie departments not displayed):
Displayed with a third party tool (all departments properly displayed):
I have attached the KML file in a zip file.
Recently OpenStreetMap changed their tile usage policy and require UserAgent string in the web headers for accessing tile.openstreetmap.org tiles.
As a result, standard open street map mode does not work - no tiles are loaded and "too many requests" error is returned from the server.
RadMap's OpenStreetMapProvider needs API (event, property or similar) for easier set up of UserAgent / Referer / other headers of web requests.
Hi Team,
Are there any intermediate zoomlevel in the RadMap object?
Currently the transition from one zoomlevel to another is too important.
Thank you for your response
Please refer to the sample project and follow the steps:
1. Run the attached application.