When a filter dialog is shown (Report Filter or Label Filter) for OLAP Hierarchy, it contains the items only for the selected level. Instead items from all levels could be visible, so you won't have to open additional dialogs to filter them (show them like a tree).
The TelerikData.dll and ChartView.dll should only be referenced when one needs to use the Export or Bind-to-ChartView functionality respectively. With the current implementation, when someone wants to merge the PivotGrid.dll in their application, the TelerikData.dll and ChartView.dll will always be required to merge because assemblies are resolved statically when merging.
Currently the AdomdDataProvider supports only AdomdClient version 10.0 which supports Microsoft SQL Server 2008. Add support for newer versions.
Description: One should be able to resize row header cells programmatically as it is with the mouse currently.
AutoSizeRows property which allows autosizing both header rows and data rows.
Include a way for the developers to set the height of the header in code
Currently the only way to recognize something changed as accurate as possible is to use StatusChanged on the DataProvider, but that does not tell apart from a structure change or just a click on the Update button… it would be nice to have such events available (onUpdate, onFieldListModified etc)
ADD. RadPivotGrid - add ability to filter by more than one condition - composite filters
Currently, you can only copy the contents of the data cells to the clipboard and it is not possible to include the column/row header names.
ADD. RadPivotGrid - add single selection mode and expose the selected cell in property
Consider the pivot PivotGrid >> Binding With RadChartView example in our demo application. RadChartView shows all cells that are selected and there is no api to interpolate or filter them.
It should be possible to group the fields in the "Choose fields" are when using LocalDataSourceProvider because in some cases when you join a few tables, you might end up with a large number of fields.
Implement Right-to-Left support for RadPivotGrid.
To reproduce: Try setting the value in the CellForamting event. Workaround: class MySpreadExportRenderer : SpreadExportRenderer { public override void SetCellSelectionValue(DataType dataType, object value) { base.SetCellSelectionValue(dataType, value); if (dataType == DataType.Number) { CellRange range = ((CellSelection)this.GetCellSelection()).CellRanges.ElementAtOrDefault(0); double d; if (double.TryParse(Convert.ToString(value), out d)) { var cell = ((Worksheet)this.GetWorksheet()).Cells[range.FromIndex.RowIndex, range.FromIndex.ColumnIndex]; cell.SetFormat(new CellValueFormat("#,##0.00")); cell.SetValue(d); } } } }
Workaround: public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); this.radPivotGrid1.GroupDescriptorElementCreating += radPivotGrid1_GroupDescriptorElementCreating; } private void radPivotGrid1_GroupDescriptorElementCreating(object sender, Telerik.WinControls.UI.GroupDescriptorElementCreatingEventArgs e) { FieldInfo fi = e.GroupDescriptorElement.GetType().GetField("filterPopup", BindingFlags.Instance | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic); fi.SetValue(e.GroupDescriptorElement, new MyPivotGroupFilterPopup(e.GroupDescriptorElement) { Visible = false }); e.GroupDescriptorElement.SortDirectionArrow.Visibility = ElementVisibility.Collapsed; } public class MyPivotGroupFilterPopup : PivotGroupFilterPopup { public MyPivotGroupFilterPopup(PivotGroupDescriptorElement pivotGroupDescriptorElement) : base(pivotGroupDescriptorElement) { } protected override void LoadSettings() { base.LoadSettings(); this.Items.Remove(SortAZMenuItem); this.Items.Remove(SortZAMenuItem); this.Items.Remove(SortOptionsMenuItem); } }