Last Updated: 23 May 2024 10:17 by ADMIN
Michael D
Created on: 31 May 2022 08:08
Type: Bug Report
Wrong background color for selected alternate rows when using SASS themes

Kendo SASS themes allow the definition of a variety of colors for grid rows that are applied in different situations:

  • $grid-alt-bg defines the color of alternate rows
  • $grid-selected-bg defines the color of selected rows
  • $grid-selected-alt-bg defines the color of selected alternate rows

However, at least in @progress/kendo-theme-classic (v. 5.4.1), $grid-selected-alt-bg is only applied for locked columns. You can check that by doing a string-search for "$grid-selected-alt-bg" in dist/all.scss. I have not checked if the same happens when using other themes.

Martin Bechev
Posted on: 23 May 2024 10:17

Hi Michael,

I am writing to let you know that the front-end developers are currently looking into this.

Please keep an eye on the issue to be notified in a timely manner when there is any update.

Martin Bechev
Progress Telerik

A brand new ThemeBuilder course was just added to the Virtual Classroom. The training course was designed to help you get started with ThemeBuilder for styling Telerik and Kendo UI components for your applications. You can check it out at https://learn.telerik.com
Michael D
Posted on: 12 Mar 2024 09:19
While doing our regular housekeeping tasks, I have stumbled over this issue again. Are there any news on this?
Ivan Zhekov
Posted on: 06 Jun 2022 09:57

Hello, Michael.

I can confirm that the behaviour you have described is indeed so. The grid definitely needs some improvement in terms of color variables.

I've logged the issue in our themes repo and you can follow the development of the issue there -- https://github.com/telerik/kendo-themes/issues/3648.

Ivan Zhekov
Progress Telerik

Virtual Classroom, the free self-paced technical training that gets you up to speed with Telerik and Kendo UI products quickly just got a fresh new look + new and improved content including a brand new Blazor course! Check it out at https://learn.telerik.com/.