ThemeBuilder only allows limited control over a specific set of exposed variables. Although these variables are constantly analyzed and updated, some, such as $base-gradient, cannot be modified through ThemeBuilder and require manual adjustments.
Example of variable that is not currently exposed: $base-gradient
The feature request is to explore the possibility of exposing more variables or providing a UI for selecting Kendo variables, bearing in mind that some Kendo themes may have over 2,000 variables.
So far the following variables were requested explicitly:
1623384: $base-gradient
We recently upgraded our theme builder to ultimate so we could migrate our theme builder project from R1 2023 to Q4 2024. After we did this there were some small changes we needed to fix but after that we followed all the normal installation procedures.
We are running angular 18 and have updated all kendo components to the latest versions.
After installing the new theme we also added/changed the way we imported the theme package following the documentation (using @use).
Most everything looks good but there is one large issue with several of our components and that is the kendo theme mixin "k-color" is not working.
In several places there is no color or background color being set on the component(s). When i inspect the style i see color: k-color(primary); is not working. dev tools states that the variable is wrong. i can only assume the mixin is not imported/being used.
Image of my description
With Kendo theme version 8.0.0 the some radius variables like $kendo-border-radius were removed and are no longer present.
Instead, there is now a new feature called kendo-border-radii that automates the creation of different border-radius variables (e.g. like $kendo-border-radius-sm aor $kendo-border-radius-lg)
More about the new variables in Kendo Themes 8.0.0 and above are available in the official documentation:
Consider exposing border-radius variables as they were present in older version but are not accessible in TB Q3 2024.
The Progress ThemeBuilder currently has the Fluent theme (by Microsoft), but only the light version is available.
As for the other themes (kendo, bootstrap, material) would it be possible to have the dark version too?
Thank you,
best regards
I want to upload 2 variants of the same font (let's say Roboto with weight 300 and 500).
Then I want to configure the same font family for both of them.
This is currently not allowed (see attached screenshot).
I have to choose different names which results in an export like this:
@font-face {
font-family: Roboto300;
src: url('../fonts/roboto-v18-latin_latin-ext-300.woff') format('woff');
font-style: normal;
font-weight: 300;
font-display: auto;
@font-face {
font-family: Roboto500;
src: url('../fonts/roboto-v18-latin_latin-ext-500.woff') format('woff');
font-style: normal;
font-weight: 500;
font-display: auto;
But what I want to achieve is this:
@font-face {
font-family: Roboto;
src: url('../fonts/roboto-v18-latin_latin-ext-300.woff') format('woff');
font-style: normal;
font-weight: 300;
font-display: auto;
@font-face {
font-family: Roboto;
src: url('../fonts/roboto-v18-latin_latin-ext-500.woff') format('woff');
font-style: normal;
font-weight: 500;
font-display: auto;
My use case is that I want to set the font family only once and the just set different font-weight for individual components.
Also, we have migrated to Kendo / ThemeBuilder in our existing project which relies on fonts to be configured this way.
I am noticing that there are several styles that we cannot access through ThemeBuilder such as adding transitions, custom icons, etc. We would like the ability to export the ThemeBuilder package, add custom styles, then import back into ThemeBuilder. Is this possible? If not, this would be a great feature.
It would be great if Themebuilder had version control built into the tool so that our designers could view previous versions of the theme styles and revert back if necessary. Currently, we are planning on downloading the files and pushing to git, but this is very cumbersome.
Thanks for considering this!
I'm able to customize the components of the webpage, like buttons, grids, etc., but not the entire webpage. Can you support to design an entire webpage using ThemeBuilder so that I can create a login page instead of creating login.css.
The Kendo Themes recently introduced an accessibility swatch A11y for the Default Ocen Blue theme
Feature request: Support for the Ocean Blue A11y Accessibility Swatch in ThemeBuilder.
Steps to reproduce the bug
In Themebuilder:
Expected behavior : The two different values should be persisted and applied.
Actual behavior : The behavior is strange and editing one value seem to overwrite the other.
The MultiSelect and ComboBox Icons seem to have issues. First, in the MultiSelect, I'm not able to customize the icon within the IconButton. In the similar ComboBox, I can customize the icon, but the change is not reflected in the live view.
I would expect that all the clear "X" icons within the dropdown components would inherit from the base TextBox "Clear Icon" but they don't.
When the ThemeBuilder project has custom variables or variables exported from Figma in the output _tokens.scss file all variables are with the ‘tb’ or ‘figma’ prefix.
It will be good if these prefixes can be configuration options for the project and users can choose what prefix (or no prefix) should use.
We have been creating custom variables for a color palette that our design system uses. However, we are unable to set any of the global properties (ie. text color) to one of the custom variables we have created. The list of variable options is limited to the "Theme Colors." We can set the color manually by setting the hex color it would be great if we could use our custom variables, especially if the list of global variables grows in the future.
Thank you for consideration of this feature!
Add a new smart code editor as a variant of the Property Grid with all visual properties. Do not replace the property grid with this editor. They can live next to each other in different tabs. The smart code editor should support all features of the property grid but with advanced functionalities.
1. Show all kendo styles attached to the selected layer in a text format
2. Marks which style is overridden by user styles
3. Users can add any CSS property, not just the one listed by the Proprty grid editors.
4. Intellisense for CSS properties, something like:
5. Intellisense for using sass/css variables – the editor can recognize the property name and list only corresponding tokens for example – background – shows color tokens, box-shadow – shows effect tokens. Something like:
As the subject suggests, I think the ability to support multiple swatches in a single project would be a fantastic addition to Themebuilder!
This change would allow a user to select a theme that'll encompass an app's light mode, and once finished, select a separate theme to repeat the process for dark.
As it currently stands, separate Themebuilder projects need to be created in order to separate light and dark themes.
Thank you in advance for your consideration!