Last Updated: 03 Jul 2024 12:36 by ADMIN
Created by: Nick
Comments: 0
Type: Feature Request

The Kendo Themes recently introduced an accessibility swatch A11y for the Default Ocen Blue theme

Feature request: Support for the Ocean Blue A11y Accessibility Swatch in ThemeBuilder.


Last Updated: 21 May 2024 15:34 by Fabien
Created by: Fabien
Comments: 5
Type: Bug Report

Steps to reproduce the bug

In Themebuilder:

  1. enable Advanced edit and edit the Grid component.
  2. Once there, in Grid Construction Elements, go to the GRID DEFAULT part.
  3. In the top-right element tree area, go in <div> Grid ---> <table> Table.
  4. Once there, set the Table > Border Collapse property to Separate
  5. Finally try applying two different values for vertical and horizontal spacing in the Table > Border Spacing property. If necessary, apply a visible border to cells to better see the issue.

Expected behavior : The two different values should be persisted and applied.

Actual behavior : The behavior is strange and editing one value seem to overwrite the other.


Last Updated: 17 May 2024 07:11 by ADMIN
It would be nice if i am able to add custom colors to primary palette color in theme builder.

Last Updated: 17 May 2024 06:55 by ADMIN
i would like to set the chevron down arrow vs the default. i set this in themebuilder and export but the icon remains the same default
Last Updated: 16 May 2024 12:17 by ADMIN
Created by: Brian
Comments: 1
Type: Bug Report


The MultiSelect and ComboBox Icons seem to have issues. First, in the MultiSelect, I'm not able to customize the icon within the IconButton. In the similar ComboBox, I can customize the icon, but the change is not reflected in the live view.

I would expect that all the clear "X" icons within the dropdown components would inherit from the base TextBox "Clear Icon" but they don't.



Last Updated: 16 May 2024 12:15 by ADMIN

When the ThemeBuilder project has custom variables or variables exported from Figma in the output _tokens.scss file all variables are with the ‘tb’ or ‘figma’ prefix.

It will be good if these prefixes can be configuration options for the project and users can choose what prefix (or no prefix) should use. 

Last Updated: 09 Apr 2024 09:48 by ADMIN


We have been creating custom variables for a color palette that our design system uses. However, we are unable to set any of the global properties (ie. text color) to one of the custom variables we have created. The list of variable options is limited to the "Theme Colors." We can set the color manually by setting the hex color it would be great if we could use our custom variables, especially if the list of global variables grows in the future.

Thank you for consideration of this feature!

Last Updated: 09 Apr 2024 09:46 by ADMIN

Add a new smart code editor as a variant of the Property Grid with all visual properties. Do not replace the property grid with this editor. They can live next to each other in different tabs. The smart code editor should support all features of the property grid but with advanced functionalities.  

1. Show all kendo styles attached to the selected layer in a text format 
2. Marks which style is overridden by user styles
3. Users can add any CSS property, not just the one listed by the Proprty grid editors. 
4. Intellisense for CSS properties, something like:

5. Intellisense for using sass/css variables – the editor can recognize the property name and list only corresponding tokens for example – background – shows color tokens, box-shadow – shows effect tokens.  Something like:

Last Updated: 09 Apr 2024 09:34 by ADMIN

As the subject suggests, I think the ability to support multiple swatches in a single project would be a fantastic addition to Themebuilder!

This change would allow a user to select a theme that'll encompass an app's light mode, and once finished, select a separate theme to repeat the process for dark.

As it currently stands, separate Themebuilder projects need to be created in order to separate light and dark themes. 

Thank you in advance for your consideration!

Last Updated: 09 Apr 2024 09:32 by ADMIN

Consider the option to expose predefined classes of HTML elements from the Kendo themes. This would allow atomic customization and mapping to other imported variables (like ones imported from Figma designs).

For example:

An option to style the H1 header from the Kendo theme, which has the .k-h1 class. 

Last Updated: 09 Apr 2024 08:36 by ADMIN
Created by: MJ
Comments: 2
Type: Feature Request
It would be really good to be able to copy customized attributes of an element, and paste them into another. So take an example where I want all TextBoxes to be outlined. I've customized the outline version, and want to apply that to the standard TextBox. Select the element, right click to copy, select the target element, right click to paste. Right now I can't even see which attributes are set - the full list are shown and I cannot filter to just those set. There are various ways this could be done, but right now it is a tedious comparison and fiddle to replicate attributes.
Last Updated: 09 Apr 2024 08:33 by ADMIN
Created by: Nick
Comments: 1
Type: Feature Request

Q: Can one css file be produced for just the components selected in ThemeBuilder?

Ideally, we would like to have the option to produce only partial themes for specific components. This will allow to minimize the size of the output CSS/SASS files, which will allow us to lower the size of the end application.

Alternative ways to achieve similar results through manual application builds:

Last Updated: 09 Apr 2024 08:18 by ADMIN

Currently, in ThemeBuilder, each uploaded font must have a unique font family name.

However, in some cases, we would like to add multiple font variants (files) via the same font family name (e.g., all named "Lato") and let the user control them through typography variables (from where users should be able to control the specific weight, type, etc.).


Last Updated: 12 Oct 2023 12:31 by ADMIN
Created by: Kamen Velikov
Comments: 0
Type: Feature Request
Add ability to style theme variants such as .k-tooltip-warning, k-tooltip-error, etc.
Last Updated: 07 Jul 2023 13:41 by ADMIN

How would I add custom tokens e.g. different shadow settings in ThemeBuilder. 


This is the JSON for one such setting:

    "$gph-grey-100": {
      "value": "#8f8f8f",
      "type": "color"
    "$gph-shadow": {
      "value": {
        "x": "3",
        "y": "04",
        "blur": "0",
        "spread": "0",
        "color": "{$gph-grey-100}",
        "type": "innerShadow"
      "type": "boxShadow"

Last Updated: 06 Feb 2023 12:14 by ADMIN
Created by: Brian
Comments: 1
Type: Feature Request


Would you please add a focused state to the tabs component in the ThemeBuilder.


Last Updated: 06 Feb 2023 09:53 by ADMIN
Created by: Brian
Comments: 1
Type: Feature Request


Could you please add editable states to the PanelBar > Child Item Level 2, so that it can have a proper indent?


Last Updated: 06 Feb 2023 09:47 by ADMIN
Created by: ThemeBuilder
Comments: 0
Type: Feature Request
Introduce a way to style the SearchBox of the Grid component.
Last Updated: 20 Jan 2023 14:50 by Igor
Created by: Radoslav
Comments: 9
Type: Feature Request

Add support for custom fonts and custom icon fonts in the ThemeBuilder Pro. 

The functionality will include the upload of custom fonts. Users can use uploaded fonts as a font family for selected component parts. 

If the font is an icon font after the upload in the ThemeBuilder the users will be able to choose which icon to use from this font via the Content editor in the Property grid.



Last Updated: 09 Nov 2022 12:47 by ADMIN
Created by: n/a
Comments: 3
Type: Feature Request

I have a pro subscription for the new theme builder app and want to create a custom variable that is neither a color nor typography related but cannot find a way to do this.

My use case is that I want to create a variable that has a size (such as 5px) that I can then assign to the margin property of a number of components. I could then adjust this property and all the components would update at once (the same as changing the primary-color changes all components).

How would I acheive this?


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