It would be helpful for the "< Back" button on the Advanced Edit workspace to take you back to the same scroll position on the Live Preview page (history management). Currently, the back button takes you to the top of the page. This would be helpful when editing several components at the same time.
Consider exposing a template that will allow styling the (Optional) text span from ThemeBuilder.
Currently, as a workaround users must explicitly set the styles through the following selectors:
.k-stepper .k-step-label-optional {
color: red;
background-color: yellow;
font-size: 18px;
font-style: normal;
Requested through t.1648985
Consider adding support to set a data URL with SVG when creating a color variable
For example, that would allow the usage of different SVGs when switching between color modes and using components like the Switch
Current state:
The above means that it is not possible to use differently colored SVGs when using multiple color modes.
Requested through t.1679372
Currently, in ThemeBuilder, the generated stypes for the Kendo/Telerik Grid component are for size "medium" (or "md").
However, in Kendo UI for JQuery and other Kendo/Telerik suites, the Grid size property supports other values like "small" and "large".
Consider providing ThemeBuilder templates to allow the generation of styles for other Grid sizes
Add support for all possible Kendo/Telerik Components variants and configurations in ThemeBuilder.
For example, this includes all possible variants for creating a Kendo Button:
The above should also be supported for various Kendo/Telerik components like
- DateInput
(requested through t.1633591)
- DropDownList
(requested through t.1633591)
I created a new Q4 2024 (SVG Icons) Kendo Default Theme.
When I try to apply any of the provided color swatches, I see a loading spinner for 30 seconds and a "Failed to save document" error.
When I checked the network requests, I noticed that PATCH method returns 500 Internal Server Error with "Transaction with { txnNumber: 11 } has been aborted." error.
Consider exposing a template or a component part for the DateTickerPcker > Time > Highlight part.
The styling option is similar to what ThemeBuilder currently has for the TimePicker template
requested through t.1676966
Hi Team,
I encountered an issue while exporting a few selected components from the theme build. When I use them in my application, I’m seeing variable-related errors in the index file.
Please refer to the screenshot below:
In the screenshot, you can see that I have not exported the AppBar, Badge, and BottomNavigation components. However, their variables still appear in the index file.
I’m currently using:
kendo-theme-material": "^10.1.0"
Kindly look into this issue.
ThemeBuilder only allows limited control over a specific set of exposed variables. Although these variables are constantly analyzed and updated, some, such as $base-gradient, cannot be modified through ThemeBuilder and require manual adjustments.
Example of variable that is not currently exposed: $base-gradient
The feature request is to explore the possibility of exposing more variables or providing a UI for selecting Kendo variables, bearing in mind that some Kendo themes may have over 2,000 variables.
So far the following variables were requested explicitly:
1623384: $base-gradient
Consider and research the options for automatically exporting and mapping styles from the Telerik UI Kits to the built-in Telerik/Kendo templates in ThemeBuilder.
Currently, when using Telerik UI Kit alongside the Figma plugin for ThemeBuilde, one can do one of the following:
- Export only the styles *& variables and then manually map the styles in ThemeBuilder
- Export and create custom components, which won't be connected to the Telerik/Kendo components and will have a custom HTML rendering.
Consider adding a functionality that will allow the bulk export of component variants in Figma while using the Figma plugin for ThemeBuilder.
For example, an option to export and create all variants of the Button in the Telerik UI kit
We recently upgraded our theme builder to ultimate so we could migrate our theme builder project from R1 2023 to Q4 2024. After we did this there were some small changes we needed to fix but after that we followed all the normal installation procedures.
We are running angular 18 and have updated all kendo components to the latest versions.
After installing the new theme we also added/changed the way we imported the theme package following the documentation (using @use).
Most everything looks good but there is one large issue with several of our components and that is the kendo theme mixin "k-color" is not working.
In several places there is no color or background color being set on the component(s). When i inspect the style i see color: k-color(primary); is not working. dev tools states that the variable is wrong. i can only assume the mixin is not imported/being used.
Image of my description
When exporting only selected components, it would be incredibly beneficial if ThemeBuilder could automatically generate separate override files specifically for those components. This approach would keep the codebase more modular, improve performance, and better serve applications relying only on certain Kendo components.
Requested through 1674517
Add the ability to style combined state: e.g. selected:hover:active.
Currently, you can style these states separately.
With Kendo theme version 8.0.0 the some radius variables like $kendo-border-radius were removed and are no longer present.
Instead, there is now a new feature called kendo-border-radii that automates the creation of different border-radius variables (e.g. like $kendo-border-radius-sm aor $kendo-border-radius-lg)
More about the new variables in Kendo Themes 8.0.0 and above are available in the official documentation:
Consider exposing border-radius variables as they were present in older version but are not accessible in TB Q3 2024.
I modified a theme this morning and after changing a property got the error: "There are errors in SASS and it cannot be compiled to CSS.". Changing the property back to what it was before did not resolve the problem. Clicking the Undo button over and over and over did not resolve it.
I started over with a backup taken yesterday and started reapplying changes. When I clicked "Export All" I once again got the same error. There is no way to recover from it.
I've had ThemeBuilder licensed for some time, but this is the first week I've tried to use it in our application. It seems to be total garbage. I can't see any why forward with us using a tool that's going to randomly produce unrecoverable errors.
Currently, there are no templates for modifying the sort icons of the filter cells of the TreeList component. There is a template for the Filter Row, which refers to the Grid component. However, the part with the sort icon is not connected to the Grid, as modifying it there doesn't reflect the change in the TreeList.
Consider exposing a templates for these icons.
The Progress ThemeBuilder currently has the Fluent theme (by Microsoft), but only the light version is available.
As for the other themes (kendo, bootstrap, material) would it be possible to have the dark version too?
Thank you,
best regards
Currently, we have templates for the different states of the Calendar cells:
However, it's common to apply multiple states simultaneously. For example, the user may want to style a day cell that is considered current and selected or current, selected, and hovering at the same time. Consider exposing templates for the most commonly used combinations, such as the ones mentioned here.
Requested through t.1670882.