Last Updated: 24 Jul 2024 06:14 by Benjamin

I tried the following and the custom context menu does not apply: 

<telerik:RadEntry x:Name="telerikEntry">
            <MenuFlyoutItem Text="Custom flyout telrik radentry"

It works for MAUI Entry. Provide this menu for Telerik MAUI RadEntry too. 




Last Updated: 16 May 2024 11:33 by Sunali

Request for a manual Done button to be added to any of the existing Telerik controls when using numeric keyboard.

Request for RadEntry, NumericInput.


The MAUI Editor has manual done button above the Numeric keyboard, so the keyboard can be dismissed when pressing on this button.

Need More Info
Last Updated: 12 Apr 2024 07:41 by ADMIN
Created by: atlanta
Comments: 1
Category: Entry
Type: Feature Request
The Entry control should expose an event after ClearButton click
Last Updated: 10 Apr 2024 14:52 by ADMIN

There is android platform specific attached property ImeOption for entry control.

 <Entry x:Name="Default" FontSize="22" Placeholder="Default" Keyboard="Numeric" android:Entry.ImeOptions="Next" />

Please provide an option to use this property for Telerik MAUI RadEntry. 

Last Updated: 07 Mar 2024 14:40 by ADMIN
Created by: Larry
Comments: 3
Category: Entry
Type: Feature Request

I'm looking to replace the Xamarin RadRichTextEditor control in my Maui app. The Maui native Editor control is good but doesn't scroll.

And to be honest, the RadRichTextEditor gave me more trouble than it was worth (I loved the functionality, but it wasn't a good fit for my implementation).

So, adding the appropriate support to RadEntry to make it more of a 'multiline text editor' or even a 'mini word processor' would be awesome.

Last Updated: 06 Oct 2023 07:57 by Nelson
Created by: Nelson
Comments: 0
Category: Entry
Type: Feature Request
I want to change the clear button icon in RadEntry

For example the RadComBoBox has ClearButtonStyle, while RadEntry has separate properties for clear button color, hover: https://docs.telerik.com/devtools/maui/controls/entry/styling#clear-button-style and no text property
Last Updated: 23 May 2023 07:28 by Hakob
Created by: Hakob
Comments: 0
Category: Entry
Type: Feature Request
Provide an option to change the cursor(caret) color for Entry, AutoComplete and ComboBox.
Last Updated: 10 May 2023 20:55 by Craig
Created by: Craig
Comments: 0
Category: Entry
Type: Feature Request

Hi Team,

I need to be able to set the color of the selection highlight.

  • On WinUI/UWP you can do this using the TextBox.SelectionHighlightColor
  • On iOS and MacCatalyst, it is done using the UITextField.TintColor.
  • On Android, it is ColorAccent

Can you please add a new top-level property on the .NET MAUI RadEntry control that allows us to set this?

Thank you,


Last Updated: 09 Feb 2023 11:09 by Aram
Provide an API for changing the color of the Caret (cursor).
The same is valid for the RadEntry control which is used internally in the AutoComplete
Last Updated: 18 Jan 2023 13:33 by PalmSens
Created by: PalmSens
Comments: 0
Category: Entry
Type: Feature Request
Provide an option to style the validation error message and entry border.
Last Updated: 21 Dec 2022 09:23 by ADMIN
Created by: Mads
Comments: 0
Category: Entry
Type: Feature Request

Hi Team,

I would like to be able to use standard .NET data annotations on my bound property with the RadEntry's validation features.

For example, the following MaxLength attribute:

public string CustomerId
    get => customerId;
    set => SetProperty(ref customerId, value);


Thank you,


Last Updated: 04 Feb 2022 10:37 by ADMIN
I would like to force the character casing in a RadEntry (Upper, TitleCase etc...).