We would like to be able to override the behavior of the Clear button in the editable combo box.
When the user has started typing into an editable combo box, and they click the Clear button before they've selected another item, we want to revert their text to what was in there before they started typing and keep the previously selected item selected, rather than clearing the text and selected item.
If you can add that functionality, even better, but it should be enough to just expose the Clear button's Click event (with a Cancel param or another way to ensure the text isn't cleared), so we can override the current functionality.
Provide an option to modify the ComboBox so there is no space between the ComboBox and the dropdown.
Hi Team,
We have a need for being able to dynamically choose a template for the three available DataTemplate:
Thank you,
Reduce the space between the text and the X button.
Hi Team,
Currently, the popup for the RadComboBox doesn't allow you to make it wider than the ComboBox's width (even if you set ItemTemplate to be wider).
The only available properties for styling the "dropdown/popup' are listed here https://docs.telerik.com/devtools/maui/controls/combobox/styling, which happens to include DropDownHeight, but not Width.
This feature request asks you to allow us to set this DropDownWidth via Style, Property, ControlTemplate, or whatever best fit the control architecture.
Thank you,
I want to reset the scroll position because in our implementation, we have filter buttons that when clicked, fetch a new list from our web API.
It appears that the scroll position is being saved when a new list is assigned while the ComboBox is not focused.
The width of RadEntry, RadMaskedEntry, and RadComboBox are the same on windows, android and ios. On mac there is difference when the width of the defined Column is set to * in grid:
Whenever the combobox doesn't have enough space to be displayed on the screen, the footer gets pushed to the bottom and off the dropdown popup.
This was tested on Telerik 3.0 but I also tested it on 3.1, 3.2, 3.2.1, and 4.0 with the same results.
When setting SelectedItem and using static data for the ItemsSource, Layout cycle detected. Layout could not complete exception is thrown
<telerik:RadComboBox x:Name="ComboBox"
SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedItem, Mode=TwoWay}">
<x:Array Type="{x:Type x:String}">
<x:String>United Kingdom</x:String>
Telerik RadComboBox for MAUI looses focus and triggers unfocus event after selecting an item from the dropdown. This behavior works fine on first time page loading. But if we navigate to some other page and then navigate back to the first page then, upon selecting any item from combobox it closes the dropdown but does not loose the focus and hence does not trigger unfocus event.
We are using the unfocus event with event to command behaviour and ultimately triggering a command in viewmodel. This works fine the first time but after navigation it does not work.
It appears that by the amount of problems that I have encountered so far that Telerik UI for .NET MAUI has not been tested at all on IOS.
Your own ControlSamples do not run for IOS.
Next problem.
IOS Specific only.
<telerik:RadComboBox ItemsSource="{Binding Items}"
Placeholder="Select Status"
note that to use the Telerik Custom Controls it is necessary to either add an x:name to each control, or dummy instantiate each one.
This can be done in MauiProgram.cs.
Add line
_ = new RadComboBox();
A runtime error occurs when using telerik:RadComboBox and the application will abort.
2022-08-05 10:24:05.765 Xamarin.PreBuilt.iOS[5889:422588] *** NSForwarding: warning: object 0x2837b0780 of class 'Telerik_Maui_InputElement_RadTextField' does not implement methodSignatureForSelector: -- trouble ahead