I'm looking to replace the Xamarin RadRichTextEditor control in my Maui app. The Maui native Editor control is good but doesn't scroll.
And to be honest, the RadRichTextEditor gave me more trouble than it was worth (I loved the functionality, but it wasn't a good fit for my implementation).
So, adding the appropriate support to RadEntry to make it more of a 'multiline text editor' or even a 'mini word processor' would be awesome.
On Windows when IsReadOnly state changes to true, the control state does not change, you can still edit the text.
<VerticalStackLayout >
<Switch IsToggled="{Binding IsReadOnly,Source={x:Reference EntryShareName}}"/>
<telerik:RadEntry x:Name="EntryShareName"
Placeholder="Enter text here"
The Placeholder position is not in sync with the Entry's Text, it is always top-left aligned.
Here's a quick screenshot of what happens when the RadEntry is larger than the default.
This has the side effect of not being aligned with the Text.
There are several ways I can think of to approach this, but I think the easiest way would be to just bind the top level control's VerticalTextAlignment property value on the internal Label being used for the Placeholder
<telerik:RadEntry Placeholder="Name"
When you've set IsPassword=True and have an initial value for Text, that value is ignored (only the watermark is shown).
Reproducible on .NET MAUI peview14 using UI for MAUI 0.6.0 with the following code
<telerik:RadEntry Placeholder="Password" Text="1234" IsPassword="True"/>