Last Updated: 05 Mar 2021 05:34 by ADMIN
Created by: Michel
Comments: 2
Category: KendoReact
Type: Bug Report


I'm using the NumericTextBox to receive a value stored in a state, it has a percent "p3" format so it display numbers like this "0,000 %". When the state change, the value displayed in the NumericTextBox loses its format. If I click in the field and press space or any other key, the format comes back. The expected result was the NumericTextBox always keeping the format, what can be done in this situation?

NumericTextBox code

This is the textbox when I change the value direct in the field, it works fine

The state is shared between 2 NumericTextBox. if I change the value in the other textbox, it loses the format in this textbox

If I go in this textbox and just hit space, the format comes back

What can be done to keep the textbox format?


Thank you

Last Updated: 27 Apr 2021 10:05 by ADMIN
Created by: Jon
Comments: 3
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request
We would like to respond to MenuItem clicks with a callback function, rather than the current navigation-based response. Probably when an onClick function is provided, the MenuItem would render a button element rather than an anchor element.
Last Updated: 05 May 2021 08:09 by ADMIN
Created by: Abhinav Mishra
Comments: 3
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request
Displaying additional information like User Email, Department, etc. in a Tooltip when the user mouse is over on any Resource from Scheduler Dashboard and also to display more information (like User Name, Flag image, some other additional fields) in the Resources.
Last Updated: 27 Apr 2021 09:45 by ADMIN
Created by: James
Comments: 1
Category: KendoReact
Type: Bug Report

The className prop on the ChipList component is ignored in version 3.18.0. A simple addition of class strings does not appear in the compiled product, e.g.

  return (
      className='flex-layout --wrap --end'
      chip={props => (
        <Chip removable removeIcon='k-i-close' {...props} />


I've looked through the transpiled source in node_modules, and it seems the className property passed to the React.createElement() function totally ignores the prop class names.

Last Updated: 14 Mar 2022 06:43 by ADMIN
Created by: Vikram
Comments: 3
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request



I am using Kendo react richtext editor and insert image plugin as it is shown in this page


I am able to insert/upload image, but not able to resize image after adding it, similar to MS word.

After inserting image it should be resizable, so that user can easily resize the image as required.


Please let me know how can I achieve image resizing through mouse in above example.


Vikram E

Last Updated: 24 Feb 2021 12:13 by ADMIN

Defined a date rang. But it allows to enter a date larger than a max date of the range. Both via calendar and manually.

const minDate = new Date(1, 1, 1);
const maxDate = new Date(9999, 12, 31);

          return (
              <DatePicker value = {this.state.value}

Last Updated: 27 Apr 2021 10:07 by ADMIN

The width of the Kendo React DatePicker can become small due to the container width.

In such case, consider the following use case

Users select the date part (year) and start incrementing it by the "up" key. The year date part is selected, but is partially visible,

and the users do not see the date part that they are currently modifying, while they can fully see the other date parts that are not currently in focus.


The DateInput needs a horizontal scrolling to ensure that a focused date part is fully visible to the users in case if the width of the component is narrow.


Please check the case here 

Last Updated: 27 Apr 2021 10:09 by ADMIN
Created by: Fabian
Comments: 0
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request
Provide an option to set the minWidth of the ComboBox Popup.

We can add one of the following options:

1) Add style props to the ComboBox popupSettings. This will allow the developer to set a custom min-width.

2) Provide an option that will set the minWidth to the same as the ComboBox width.

We try to cover the following case:

The Popup will auto grow based on the longest item, but its widht should not be shorted than the ComboBox.
Won't Fix
Last Updated: 28 Jul 2023 11:52 by ADMIN
Created by: TonyT
Comments: 3
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request


I noticed in the PDF Export component limitations ( that it does not support iFrames. This is a major issue for us as we have data containing full HTML markup and <style> tags, which we want to embed in a PDF. We need to use an iFrame otherwise the styles will bleed into the rest of the document. Is there any plans to support iFrames in the future?

Last Updated: 27 Apr 2021 10:09 by ADMIN
Created by: Rakesh
Comments: 1
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request


We use the directory upload feature in our MVC app using Kendo. We are now redeveloping the app using React but this feature is missing. 

Is this feature on the roadmap for a future update (soon)?

Kind regards



Last Updated: 27 Apr 2021 10:10 by ADMIN
Created by: Ting
Comments: 1
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request

The DatePicker component has a `toggleButton` prop which we use for customisation, but this prop is missing from DateTimePicker and TimePicker, this makes an inconsistent API and is frustrating for us because we cannot easily apply the same customisation to them.

Please can you add `toggleButton` prop to DateTimePicker and TimePicker.

Last Updated: 27 Apr 2021 10:12 by ADMIN
Created by: Papiya
Comments: 3
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request

Hi There,


This is the kendo ui for jQuery scheduler we use in our older version of product. Note that the resources are across the top, and dates down the side.



We have switched to react and we want similar view. This is the closest we can get.

The resources are on left hand side so we cannot see all the resources. 

Kendo-ui for jQuery has an additional boolean property ‘date’ ( which groups the view by date down the left hand side, and resources across the top.  There is no alternate property available in kendo-react-ui which will result in same appearance as it does in kendo-ui.

We are using kendo scheduler version 4.0.0.

Is there any way to achieve this? Do we have to implement a custom view? If so how?


- Papiya

Last Updated: 16 Feb 2021 11:29 by ADMIN

The SCSS files from the kendo-theme-material contain !important rule, that makes it difficult to override the styles in the consuming application.

We have a requirement to customize the DatePicker Kendo React component so that it has a border around all 4 sizes, as by default the theme has the border only on the bottom.

We have applied a new custom style to k-picker-wrap  and added the 
border-top-color$datetime-border !important;


.k-picker-wrap-sphera {
        border-top-color$datetime-border !important;


But due to the !import rule in the file 

@progress\kendo-theme-material\scss\datetime\_layout.scss, line 15

the custom style that we applied in the consuming application does not get applied.


Please find screenshots with the details of the problem.

The screenshots indicate that the custom style for the border-top-color did not get overriden, and the box is missing the top border.

Kindly advise approach that we can use to customize the CSS styles that has !important CSS rule, so that we can override the styles defined in the material theme.

Last Updated: 27 Apr 2021 10:08 by ADMIN

The DatePicker and DateInput React components miss the customizable button to clear the date value.


Would be nice to have ability to customize the icon, size, margins and a selectable option to clear the date value to null or a default value (as set to the component) or bind a custom event handler.


Last Updated: 15 Feb 2021 07:26 by ADMIN

We are implementing the application level zooming.

When user changes the zoom level from "100%" to , say, "200%",

all the components on the web page rerender proportionally bigger.


And we need to zoom the DatePicker react component as well.

We tried to use unofficial "zoom" CSS style property

and "scale" CSS function, but that does not give a good solution.


If that takes time, please advise an approach how we can achieve zooming of the DatePicker/DateInput react component.

So far only interested in zooming of the DateInput and calendar toggle button (not popup Calendar itself).

Last Updated: 16 Jun 2021 11:22 by ADMIN

if (_this.element && document.activeElement === _this.element) {
                _this.element.setSelectionRange(selection.start, selection.end);

@progress/kendo-react-dateinputs": "^4.3.0"

DatePicker and DateInput React components malfunction when rendered inside iFrame.


For example, key navigation between date parts is not working for the DateInput/DatePicker rendered inside iFrame.

When user clicks on the month part of the date, the month part does not get selected.

Same for day or year part.


The reason is a code similar to this in DateInput.js:


if (_this.element && document.activeElement === _this.element) {
                _this.element.setSelectionRange(selection.start, selection.end);

if (document.activeElement !== _this.element) 

This code references the top level "document".

If the React component is rendered inside iFrame, we need to use the contentDocument of the iFrame to have this code working as expected.


Could replace "document" with "_this.element.ownerDocument" to make it work inside iFrame as well as in the top level window.


Now "document.activeElement" always returns the reference to the iFrame element rather than the expected date input element inside iFrame.




Last Updated: 27 Apr 2021 10:13 by ADMIN
Created by: Shannon
Comments: 1
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request

Hello support team,

Can you please provide an example in kendo react to upload > crop > save cropped image. My use case is that user should be able to choose, crop and save their profile photo.

Thank you.

Last Updated: 27 Apr 2021 10:37 by ADMIN
Created by: Vladimír
Comments: 1
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request

Hello Telerik, I wanna ask you if you have any carousel component. A need slide some div elements. Thanks for your answer.



Last Updated: 27 Apr 2021 10:37 by ADMIN
Created by: Matteo
Comments: 0
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request
Provide a visual prop for the Chart GridLines.

Similar to how other elements provide the option to render a custom visual.
Last Updated: 09 Oct 2023 04:59 by ADMIN
Release [R3 2023] PI 3
Created by: Leeden
Comments: 3
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request

Hi Support, 


Is there any org chat component or similar components in Kendo React that is similar to the Org Chart in this link


Thanks & Regards,
