When using a draghandle to drag a same level item below another item, it will not drop in the correct place.
The item will revert back to the original position.
The item should be place in the expected dropped location.
When the toggleOnClick option is set to true, the hide method doesn't hide the Popover
Workaround: https://dojo.telerik.com/JhWNDQrv (works only in the custom scenario when the hide method is called on scrolling the page. It will not work when the call method is called on button click)
The Popover remains visible
The Popover should hide
My use case:
On grid dataBound, I am iterating over the table rows to perform some piece of custom logic on the row based off of the backing dataItem. Our production site is using version 2024.1.130, and everything is working great. Our next release we've updated to version 2024.2.514, and when we try adding a record, we get an error; when we try to access the dataItem of the last table-row - the dataItem is undefined. The grid.items() in my case is an array of size 21, and the internal _data array is size 20.
Repro conditions (as far as I can tell):
My workaround:
Simply perform a null check on the dataItem before doing the logic. We are calling DataSource.read in the DataSource.sync success callback anyway, so the grid will reload and the dataBound event will be handled afresh.
I've created the below dojo snippet to demonstrate a simplified version of my use case. I tested with 2024.1.130 and seems to work fine. I noticed the issue starting at version 2024.1.319.
A note: No, I don't actually use the internal _data property in my code, just for debugging purposes :)
Bug Report
The diagram.exportImage() throws an error with v.2024.4.1112
"Uncaught TypeError: diagram.exportImage(...).done is not a function"
Regression with 2024.4.1112.
Reproduction of the problem
Run the example from the following API: https://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/api/javascript/dataviz/ui/diagram/methods/exportimage
Current behavior
The export is not working.
Expected behavior
No error shall be present and image must be generated.
Kendo UI version: 2024.4.1112
jQuery version: x.y
Browser: [all]
The Kendo-UI Grid supports the concept of locked columns that are always on the left side of the screen (in a non-RTL-world) and do not scroll. This makes it necessary to split the underlying HTML-table into two parts (one is locked and one is not). Kendo-UI takes care of syncing the height of the rows between those two tables.
However, if there are empty cells in the locked part, this logic produces results that make the row grow larger (higher) than if there was content. This DOJO demonstrates the behaviour. Using the Browser's DEV-Tools, you can see that rows without content in column A are 37px high, while those with content are only 36px high.
Bug Report
Loading individual scripts for Menu trows an error with version 2024.4.1112.
"Uncaught TypeError: n.ui.icon is not a function"
Regression with 2024.4.1112.
Reproduction of the problem
<link href="https://kendo.cdn.telerik.com/themes/10.0.1/default/default-main.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.7.0.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://kendo.cdn.telerik.com/2024.4.1112/js/kendo.core.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://kendo.cdn.telerik.com/2024.4.1112/js/kendo.popup.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://kendo.cdn.telerik.com/2024.4.1112/js/kendo.html.base.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://kendo.cdn.telerik.com/2024.4.1112/js/kendo.html.icon.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://kendo.cdn.telerik.com/2024.4.1112/js/kendo.icons.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://kendo.cdn.telerik.com/2024.4.1112/js/kendo.data.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://kendo.cdn.telerik.com/2024.4.1112/js/kendo.menu.min.js"></script>
Dojo demo: https://dojo.telerik.com/jjwUoIBz
Current behavior
Error is thrown
Expected behavior
The menu shall render as in previous versions: https://dojo.telerik.com/lJeMhObZ
Kendo UI version: 2024.4.1112
jQuery version: 3.4.1
Browser: [all]
In the DateTimePicker with dateInput:true, if you change the AM/PM using the arrow keys, the day changes as well.
Regression introduced with 2023.2.606
The date will change as well
The date shouldn't be changing
When exporting a Spreadsheet with a set background to a PDF file, some of its borders are not displayed.
Some borders of the Spreadsheet are missing in the exported PDF file.
All borders of the Spreadsheet should be displayed in the PDF file.
Bug report
SpreadSheet does not apply borderBottom correctly for last row
Reproduction of the problem
Dojo - https://dojo.telerik.com/UGABAnoR
Current behavior
Border is applied at the first row for the next column
Expected/desired behavior
The border shall be applied at the bottom at A2000
Kendo UI version: [all]
Browser: [all ]
Reproducible in the Events demo.
Also reproducible when selecting the slots from right to left (Wed to Mon) and then selecting the last slot (Mon).
The behavior is identical when selecting slots in a specific day, e.g. selecting and dragging from 8:00 to 10:00 and then selecting the last slot (9:30-10:00).
The change event does not fire.
The change event fires.
In Scheduler event, if the eventTemplate has a table, the add event is triggered when editing an existing task, resulting that both popups open and close instantly.
Open this dojo example. Choose an event and click the span containing the text "I have some icons here".
The add event popup shows together with the edit event popup.
Only the edit event popup should be displayed.
In a "modern" TimePicker, when you open the component and click on the input, if you use the up/down arrow keys, the value input is incorrect
Value will be changed to something like: "hour010203040506070809101112"
The correct value should be e.g. 01
When the Slider's increase and decrease buttons are focused, there's no key to change the Slider's value.
Workaround: https://dojo.telerik.com/UXoCoBuX/8
The Slider's value cannot be changed through the keyboard when the buttons are focused
You should be able to change the value through the keyboard
Description: When 'shared' tooltip is enabled (tooltip: {shared: true}) keyboard navigation through chart triggers JavaScript error and tooltip on focus is not shown, neither shared nor regular tooltip. It works without issues when 'shared' is disabled, but when it is enabled errors are triggered.
Steps to reproduce:
Stack trace of the issue:
kendo.all.js:290271 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'format') at init.show (kendo.all.js:290271:1) at init._displayTooltip (kendo.all.js:302830:1) at init._focusFirstPoint (kendo.all.js:302653:1) at init._navigatePoints (kendo.all.js:302577:1) at init._keydown (kendo.all.js:302540:1) show @ kendo.all.js:290271 _displayTooltip @ kendo.all.js:302830 _focusFirstPoint @ kendo.all.js:302653 _navigatePoints @ kendo.all.js:302577 _keydown @ kendo.all.js:302540
Versions of KendoUI with the issue: 2024.2.514, 2024.3.806
If the splitter container has 100%, the height of the Splitter panes is changed when the splitbar is moved to the right or left.
The panes of the splitter have the wrong height when it is moved to the left and the correct one when it is moved to the right.
Splitbar panes should have the same height regardless of splitbar moving.
When the splitbar is moved to the left, the left position of the second splitbar pane should be updated before its width. For now, it is updated after it, which causes showing a horizontal scrollbar of the Splitter parent for a moment. As result, the Splitter pane height is calculated wrongly.
When trying to select a value from the modern Kendo UI TimePicker configured with Max and Min ranges, the currently selected value of the TimePicker is not updated.
The value should be set upon initial selection.
When clearing the contents of part of a Kendo UI DateRangePicker with a clear button, the change event does not trigger.
The Change event should fire when clear button is pressed.
Subscribing to a mousedown event on the clear button, and manually triggering the change event. It will require a setTimeout due to timing purposes:
//Mousedown event on clear button
$("span.k-clear-value").on("mousedown", function(e){
//set timeout for timing purposes
//reference DateRangerPicker and trigger Change event
var dateRange = $("#daterangepicker").data("kendoDateRangePicker");
}, 200);
I'm seeing an error in the Chrome console when the filter menu is clicked on in a kendo grid: https://demos.telerik.com/kendo-ui/grid/filter-menu-customization
You can see the example in the link above by opening your console in Chrome and clicking on the filter button.
Here is the error:
Blocked aria-hidden on a <a> element because the element that just received focus must not be hidden from assistive technology users. Avoid using aria-hidden on a focused element or its ancestor. Consider using the inert attribute instead, which will also prevent focus. For more details, see the aria-hidden section of the WAI-ARIA specification at https://w3c.github.io/aria/#aria-hidden.
When kendo.observable is updated based on a selected TreeView node an error VM6996:1 Uncaught SyntaxError: "undefined" is not valid JSON
is thrown.
An error Uncaught SyntaxError: "undefined" is not valid JSON
is thrown.
There should be no error and the observable should be updated correctly.
### Bug report
When custom classes are set via the headerAttributes of the column and the showColumn is called, the predefined classes are wiped away
### Reproduction of the problem
1. Set custom class via headerAttributes.
2. Call the showColumn method.
3. Custom classes are wiped away.
Dojo sample for reproduction:
### Expected/desired behavior
The classes should be retained after the method is called.
### Environment
* **Kendo UI version:** 2021.1.119
* **jQuery version:** 1.12.4
* **Browser:** [all]