Hi Team,
I would like to request emf image support for the Kendo UI Spreadsheet. If that is not possible, I would like to request a way to handle if the image is in a non-supported image type - such as a console error.
Thank you!
Hi Team,
I would like to request a built-in way to set a reject type validation when a value is programmatically set in the Kendo UI Spreadsheet. Currently, it only sets a warning type as shown in this Kendo UI Dojo.
When a cell is copied to another cell by using the 'auto-fill' option, the format and validation from the initial cell is applied to the target as well, as described in the documentation.
- https://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/controls/spreadsheet/end-user/user-guide#other
I would like the possibility to persist the format and validation of the targeted cell and if for example non-valid data is dragged and dropped in a cell, the content to be rejected based on the targeted cell validation.
Hi Team,
I would like to request to include the Embed function for the Kendo UI Spreadsheet to include objects such as PDF files into the Spreadsheet.
Thank you!
Hi Team,
I would like to request the open button for the Kendo UI Spreadsheet's toolbar to fully utilize a Kendo UI Button rather than a native input button. One benefit would be to help provide a localization message with ease.
Thank you!
Bug report
Some date formats are lost when pasting from Excel and parsed as strings
Reproduction of the problem
Excel provided in Ticket ID: 1658266
copy and paste that into any Kendo Spreadsheet component.
Expected/desired behavior
Dates shall be parsed to dates
Kendo UI version: [all]
Browser: [all]
1. The top tab section (with the Home, Insert, Data, Undo, Redo) button of the toolbar should be configurable to be hidden, i.e. "single toolbar" configuration should be supported. Since it is possible to configure the toolbar to show custom items, it should also be possible to hide other tabs and the undo/redo button and only have a single toolbar as the configuration.
/* Style hack to hide the "Home/Insert/Data" tabstrip at the top of the spreadsheet. */
.k-spreadsheet-tabstrip.k-tabstrip {
& > ul {
display: none;
& .k-content {
border-top: 0px;
* Style hack to hide the undo/redo buttons in the quick-access toolbar.
.k-tabstrip-wrapper .k-spreadsheet-quick-access-toolbar {
display: none;
Set an indicator same way that grid already does but now in sheet cells when a record is 'dirty'.
Is it possible to only move between "open cells for input. " With fx. using tab or enter.
When you are input finance data. It would be nice, that with a tab, it only moves between open cell. Is this possible.
On all browser, but mainly edge, chrome ,
reg. jakob
Currently, there is a KB that demonstrates how only values can be pasted into the Spreadsheet. However, to achieve pasting values the cells are modified programmatically, which leads to an improper undoRedo stack. In the knowledge base article if the user presses 'Undo' then a single cell will be undone.
We can add the editing of the cell using commands as demonstrated below, but this will require the user to undo the changes cell by cell and not the entire range at once:
spread._workbook.execute({ command: "EditCommand", options: { value: value, operatingRange: range, editRange: range}});
I think that it will be a good improvement if the Spreadsheet can be configured or if it provides a method that will allow paste-only values that will be properly added to the undoRedo stack and without additional customizations.
Once I showed this control to a few people they loved it and are asking me to make a lot of interfaces with it.
All of these are databound.
They want some validation, like dropdown lists, datapicker, etc. And I found you can put controls in cells.
But what do I do with hundreds of rows? In the rows/cells there is validation and editors that can be setup.
For databound sheets, the columns would be a more logical place for validation and editors.
I did find this today, prepping for this request, https://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/controls/spreadsheet/custom-editors
But that is not intuitive.
I'd like for the same validation and editors that are available on rows.cells to be available at sheets.columns when the sheets.dataSource is used.
These would be applied to the columns on the data rows created from the datasource.
Structured references in MS Excel:
Example formulas that should work (Table1 is a named reference of a table):
1. =Table1[Column2] is not working in kendo
2. =Table1[#Header] -- Header, Data, All and all other specifiers.
3. =[@ColX] also not working .
Somtimes you just want to give the User a little Side Calc without a full blown Sheet, just the grid with some cells able to change.