Last Updated: 02 Feb 2021 07:17 by Steve

Bug report

When uploading a file through the Editor's FileBrowser, the file's name is not updated with the name coming generated on the server. The file's name is updated in the ImageBrowser using the same server code.

Editor configuration:

                fileBrowser: {
                    schema: {
                        model: {
                            id: "name",
                            fields: {
                                name: { field: "name" },
                                type: { field: "type" },
                                size: { field: "size" }
                    transport: {
                        read: "@Url.HttpRouteUrl("ActionApi", new {controller = "MessageTemplates", action = "Read"})",
                        destroy: "",
                        create: "",
                        uploadUrl: "@Url.HttpRouteUrl("ActionApi", new {action = "UploadMp3", controller = "MessageTemplates" })",
                        fileUrl: function (name) {
                            var url = "/files/" + name + "/";
                            return url;

                    fileTypes: "*.mp3, *.pdf"
                tools: ['insertImage', 'insertFile']


        public object Read()
                string path = HttpContext.Current.Request.Params["path"];

                var fullPath = System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.MapPath(@"~/Files/" + path);

                DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(fullPath);
                var result = dir.GetFiles("*.*").Select(f => new
                    name = f.Name,
                    type = "f",
                    size = (long)0,

                return result;
            catch (Exception e)
                return null;
                //throw new HttpException(404, "File Not Found");

        public HttpResponseMessage UploadMp3()
            var file = HttpContext.Current.Request.Files[0];
                return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Created, new
                    size = file.ContentLength,
                    name = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                    type = "f"
            catch (Exception e)
                return new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);

Reproduction of the problem

  1. Open the Editor's FileBrowser.
  2. Upload a file.

Current behavior

The file name is not updated whereas it is being updated in the ImageBrowser.

Expected/desired behavior

The file name should be updated as in the ImageBrowser.


Last Updated: 01 Dec 2020 16:57 by Rohit

Bug report

Reproducible with inline and classic Editor.

Reproduction of the problem

Dojo example.

  1. Type in some text in the Editor.
  2. Press Ctrl + A keys.
  3. Press Backspace key.
  4. Press Ctrl + Z keys.

Current behavior

Undo does not work the first time Ctrl + Z keys are pressed. It works, if you press them a second time.
If the keydown event handler is not attached, it works as expected.

Expected/desired behavior

Undo works on the first press of Ctrl + Z keys.


  • Kendo UI version: 2020.3.1118
  • jQuery version: x.y
  • Browser: [all]
Last Updated: 19 May 2020 14:03 by Bob

Bug report

Reproduction of the problem

Dojo example.

  1. Click the cell with name John
  2. Open the table wizard and select the Cell tab (Select All Cells is NOT checked)
  3. Chang the border color of the cell and hit OK

Current behavior

The border color of all cells is changed. If you re-open the table wizard and follow the same steps only the selected cell border color is set (expected). This behavior is not reproducible with tables added through the createTable tool.

Expected/desired behavior

The border color of the selected cell is changed.


  • Kendo UI version: 2020.2.513
  • jQuery version: x.y
  • Browser: [all]
Last Updated: 05 Aug 2019 08:13 by ADMIN
When loading string that contains carriage return characters (\r), automatically replace them with <br/>
Last Updated: 20 Dec 2019 11:56 by ADMIN
Provide syntax highlighting in the Editor widget for the most popular programming languages (C#, JavaScript, Java, PHP, Python, PowerShell)
Last Updated: 20 Jan 2020 09:43 by ADMIN
Created by: Archy
Comments: 5
Category: Editor
Type: Feature Request

Hi, our project consists from two almost independent parts. First uses most of kendo things and the second uses only editor with pretty basic tools.

Kendo Editor and it's plugins depend on most things of lib so custom build with only editor option almost has no sense. Would be nice to have ability to switch off plugins/tools from editor during building. Also would be nice to add custom build options to less.


Last Updated: 28 Feb 2020 07:07 by ADMIN
Created by: Katherine
Comments: 1
Category: Editor
Type: Feature Request
IT would be nice for the Kendo Editor "Snippet" feature to read its list for a datasource. and also provide events to system when the Snippet selection is changed. 
Last Updated: 21 Mar 2019 11:08 by ADMIN
Created by: Marcello
Comments: 1
Category: Editor
Type: Feature Request

What's a Widget?

Witget is simple a not editable div that can contains some html and that we can put into the editor, look this sample:


The sample is pretty ready to use but something is missing.

- User must be able to resize the widget in a better way

- User must be able to drag widget around in the editor

Widgets Support allow to move kendo editor to a new level where user can use it creating amazing reports, I hope you can accept this request.


Last Updated: 21 Mar 2019 11:07 by ADMIN
Created by: Marcello
Comments: 1
Category: Editor
Type: Feature Request

Editor using editable Div container is really better, for various reasons, that editor using iframe.

Inline Editor can be the solution, but I want also a nice standard editor as the standard mode.

A simple and good solution can be add a new parameter as "toolbarContainer" that is a dom element where editor put the toolbar.

If noset in standard mode, editor apply standard strategy and put it in a div on top of iframe.

If noset in inline mode, editor apply standard strategy and put it in a flying popup.

if set, toolbar editor put toolbar in the selected area.



Last Updated: 20 Dec 2019 12:18 by ADMIN
Created by: Jamil
Comments: 0
Category: Editor
Type: Feature Request

The div-based (inline) editor changes the size of the editor container as the text in the editor changes - it both increases and decreases in height as the user changes content.

We'd like to have the same capabilities in the iframe-based editor so that the DOM around it can flow according to the current content size.

Last Updated: 22 Nov 2023 12:52 by Monica

Bug report

When an existing table is wrapped in a <div> and there is a </br> tag in the content, then when a table is inserted through the insertTable tool, the rows from the previous table dissapear.

Reproduction of the problem

  1. Open the Dojo - https://dojo.telerik.com/@NeliKondova/ICAvOQOj
  2. Copy the following content:
  <table name="content" >
  <span >First </span> 
  <span >Second</span>

  1. Click on the 'View HTML' tool in the Editor and paste the content from step 2. Click on the 'Update' button in the ViewHtml popup
  2. In the Editor click between the First and Second
  3. Insert a table through the insertTable tool

Current behavior

The rows from the initial table dissapear.
Note. The issue can be reproduced when both - the dic and the br tag from the example above are present.
screencast - https://somup.com/c0X3lEgyi3

Expected/desired behavior

The extisting tables should not be changed when a new table is inserted


  • Kendo UI version: 2023.3.1114
  • Browser: [all ]
Last Updated: 04 Jan 2024 09:17 by Adam
Created by: Adam
Comments: 0
Category: Editor
Type: Bug Report

Bug report

When you resize an image in the Editor, the image occasionally flickers. Also, if you decrease the size of the image, you cannot smoothly increase it back

Reproduction of the problem

Flickering issue:

  1. Open this Dojo example - https://dojo.telerik.com/EMeTaBOw/5
  2. Grab the top right resize handle
  3. Decrease the size of the image several times

Increase width issue

  1. Open this Dojo example - https://dojo.telerik.com/EMeTaBOw/5
  2. Grab the top right resize handle
  3. Decrease the size of the image and let go of the resize handler
  4. Grab the top right handler again and try to increase its width.

Current behavior

The image flickers upon resizing, and you cannot increase its width

Expected/desired behavior

The image shouldn't be flickering, and you should be able to smoothly increase its width


  • Kendo UI version: 2023.3.1114
  • Browser: [all]
Last Updated: 20 Oct 2023 05:40 by Christopher

Bug report

When a link is added to the Inline Editor content and the user clicks outside the Editor, the toolbar does not always hide.

Reproduction of the problem

  1. Open the Demo - https://demos.telerik.com/kendo-ui/editor/inline-editing
  2. Add a link
  3. Click outside the Editor

Note: the issue does not always appear, so you may need to test multiple times.

Current behavior

The Toolbar does not hide. - screencast - https://screenpal.com/watch/c06q2DVE2Zi

Expected/desired behavior

The toolbar should hide once the user clicks outside the Editor.


  • Kendo UI version: 2023.3.1010
  • Browser: [all ]
Last Updated: 20 Oct 2023 08:11 by Samantha
Created by: Samantha
Comments: 0
Category: Editor
Type: Bug Report

Bug report

The options in the Format Tool dropdown are displayed differently in Safari.


Regression introduced with 2023.1.314

Reproduction of the problem

  1. Open this Dojo example on Mac in Safari - https://dojo.telerik.com/OmEpaJOF/5
  2. Open the Format tool.

Current behavior

The options in the Tool are displayed with different styles compared to Chrome

Expected/desired behavior

The options should be displayed as in Chrome.


  • Kendo UI version: 2023.3.1010
  • Browser: [Safari]
Last Updated: 28 Mar 2024 13:14 by Tom

Bug report

The Editor doesn't allow multiple separators through the tools configuration.

Reproduction of the problem

  1. Open this Dojo example - https://dojo.telerik.com/eSESEheW/19

Current behavior

Only the first separator is rendered.

Expected/desired behavior

All the separators should be rendered


  • Kendo UI version: 2024.1.319
  • Browser: [all]
Last Updated: 11 May 2022 16:45 by FA
Created by: FA
Comments: 0
Category: Editor
Type: Bug Report

Bug report

When text is hihlighet in Rwad-Only Editor and the user tries to paste a text, the highlighted text dissapears.

Reproduction of the problem

  1. Open the Dojo
  2. Copy some text
  3. Highlight part of the text in the Editor and try to paste using Ctrl + V

Current behavior

Currently, the highlighted text dissapers

Expected/desired behavior

The highlighted text should not dissapear and the content of the Editor should remain unchanged.


kendo.ui.editor.Clipboard.fn.onpaste = function(){
        if (this.editor.body.contentEditable === "false" || this.editor.body.contentEditable === "inherit" ) {



  • Kendo UI version: 2022.1.412
  • Browser: [all ]
Last Updated: 28 Jul 2023 11:06 by ashutosh
Created by: ashutosh
Comments: 0
Category: Editor
Type: Feature Request

When the Kendo Editor is utilized within a Bootstrap modal popup and the tools configuration includes tools such as fontName, fontSize, fontColor, backColor, formatting that are not moved to the overflow popup, the toolbar is wider and does not display the overflow button. 

- https://dojo.telerik.com/OhiJaSOV/3

I would like to be able to display all tools when the toolbar of the Editor is set to resizable.

Last Updated: 20 Jul 2023 09:43 by TESI

Bug report

In an Editor that has a visible scrollbar, the selection event fires if you click on the scrollbar.

Reproduction of the problem

  1. Open the Editor events demo - https://demos.telerik.com/kendo-ui/editor/events
  2. Type some content until the scrollbar appears
  3. Click on the scrollbar

Current behavior

The selection event triggers when you click the scrollbar

Expected/desired behavior

The selection event shouldn't trigger when you click the scrollbar


  • Kendo UI version: 2023.2.718
  • Browser: [all]
Last Updated: 18 Apr 2024 09:05 by BOARD LAB

Bug report

If you have several Inline Editors and a Slider, switching focus from Slider and typing in the Editors result in an error in the console.

Reproduction of the problem

  1. Open this Dojo example - https://dojo.telerik.com/EhiKaJAw/2
  2. Change the Slider value
  3. Go to the Editor right below the slider and type some text - it appears that the focus is stolen here as the text cursor is not shown
  4. Go to the second Editor and type some text
  5. Repeat steps 2-4 several times

Current behavior

An error is thrown in the console

Expected/desired behavior

No error should be thrown on the console


  • Kendo UI version: 2024.1.319
  • Browser: [all]
Last Updated: 27 May 2024 07:13 by Bob

Bug report

If you toggle the formatting marks in an Inline Editor, the marks are toggled for every Editor on the page. Additionally, if the content is scrollable, the marks remain stationary when you scroll through the content.

Reproduction of the problem

  1. Open this Dojo example - https://dojo.telerik.com/@martin.tabakov@progress.com/AFiTuKif/2
  2. Open the top inline Editor
  3. Toggle the formatting marks
  4. Scroll the Top Inline Editor

Current behavior

The formatting marks are toggled for each Editor on the page, and the arrow formatting mark remains stationary if you scroll through the content.

Expected/desired behavior

The formatting marks should be toggled for the target Editor only, and the formatting mark shouldn't scroll.


  • Kendo UI version: 2024.2.519
  • Browser: [all]