Kendo UI for mobile looks really promising. However, when I tried your demo app on Safari Mobile on iOS, it seems that in the index, when I tap on a menu item, the first tap is almost never catched. It usually takes two taps for a menu item to catch the click event and load the demo. I am on iOS (6.1.3) and on Safari. A few friends of mine also noticed this problem on Android phones. Are we the only ones to notice this behavior ?
There really needs to be some manner of an event raised when 'validateInput' and 'validate' run, that can provide meaningful feedback to hook into. As it stands right now, it is very hard to do any kind of manipulation with the Kendo Validator. But adding even such simple lines as .. input.attr("aria-invalid", true); // existing kendo code input.trigger('invalid', [messageText, messageLabel]); to the "validateInput" function would make it more possible to have the validator communicate with third party tools (in my situation, qTip2). Having an event raised when validation is complete would also be very useful because it would allow other UI elements to effectively respond to it, without having to do very hokey ad-hoc manipulations.
Your grid so successful but it must have filter row llike devexpress.
The drawer widget can be opened either via a button click or the user swiping anywhere. Our users consider this unexpected behavior, and often wonder what they are looking at after an accidental swipe.
Please support the HTML5 History API and stop using URL fragments for both general use and SPAs. URL were, and always will be, a hack (although necessary previously) and there is enough support for the History API now to move to it. Even Facebook is using it, so there can be much concern for support. :-)
As per forum thread: The Listview should look for any parent scroller to determine endlessScroll rather then look at the View's scroller.
I use Durandal/Knockout and Breeze for my PhoneGap mobile App. Kendo Mobile is one of the best looking CSS libraries but cannot work with Durandal. This sums it up -
It would be great if Javascript Source Map files (details: were available for each of the minified Kendo UI files. These files allow a developer to publish their application using minified files, but have the browser (at least Chrome and Firefox) automatically load and link up with a non-minified version for debugging purposes. I'm not sure which minifier you use, but Closure supposedly can create them automatically. Thanks for considering this.
With TabStrip, it's only possible to programmatically switch to URLs instead of indexes of the tabs. In some cases you may not have an URL, but a click handler, and therefore it is impossible to switch to the tab it represents.
As you know, apple announced the new direction the iOS will be taking. this will no doubtedly have a huge effect on the developer guidelines and therefore the app store submission process. If kendo mobile doesn't match the new look, the apps might get rejected.
I will try to explain the functionality I am looking for a little better. Suppose I have a tabstrip with 3 pages. Page A, B and C. Page C is an info page and doesn't have sub pages, but Page A and B have a button (or listview) to navigate to a sub page (view) of page A (A-sub) and B (B-sub). Desired behaviour (IMHO): Example 1: When I start the App, it will always show page A. I can click on the Icon for page B to navigate to page B and then click page C to navigate to page C. Now (when I am still on page C) I click the back-button, the app navigates back to page B and when I click the back-button again, I will then navigate from page B to page A. In my example (and in the apps I so far have been working on), I consider the tabs (pages) on the tablist as a menu and when I click the back button I don't want to go to a previous visited page, but I want to exit (with or without warning) the app. Example 2: Now I start again, still on page A of course. On page A I have a button that navigates me to a sub page (A-sub). I click the button and the sub-page shows. When I click the back button I want me app to navigate back to page A from sub-A. When I click the back button on page A again, I want to leave the app. Example 3: Start the App and page A shows. I click the tab to navigate to page B. On page B there is a list with product categories. I click one of the categories which makes me go to B-sub where the products for that category are shown. Clicking the back button would bring me back to page B. Another back-click would allow me to exit the app. Example 4 (the last one): Start the App and page A shows. I click the tab to navigate to page B. On page B there is a list with product categories. I click one of the categories which makes me go to B-sub where the products for that category are shown. Now I click the tab for page A, which makes me navigate to page A. Clicking the back-button this time would ask me to exit the App. In short: I see the pages belonging to the pages on the tabstrip as parent pages. When one of these pages is currently shown, the back button should close the app. No matter what previous navigation you have done. When on a child page (navigated from a parent page) and clicking the back-button (either hardware or software) will make you go back to it's parent page.
I had a combo and grid on page. Combo has two values: value 1 with 372 items and value 2 with 21 items. grid has paging enabled with pagesize 20 and serveroperation false. Now when i select value 1 in combo then all 372 items are displayed in grid and then i go to 6th page of grids paging at this time in grids paging it is shown "101 - 120 items of 372 items"and then if i select value 2 in combo then no items are displayed in grid but paging shows "101 - 21 of 21 items" because it is yet on page 6 but this time there is no page 6 and in controller the request shows page 1. This is a bug. Regards,
Allow multiple header lines in the grid - eg two header lines first line contains four columns the next eight. The first col provides a visual grouping to the second header
For these tools to create ID's for all actionable items and allow them to be named(Telerik's Default)or by the developer as the developer creates them.
Take a look at DevExpress DXperience...
you can able to change background image in kendo ui slider.
Enable the user to show the icon in a different place than the default. like the right of the text and not juts to its left.
Today, the only way to change the date in kendoDatePicker is to show the calendar and select another date, but in scenarios where i want to allow my user to move one day at a time as defaule, a left arrow and rigt arrow will be great. same thing holds for the kendoNumericTextBox, althogh he has the up/dowun arrows, they are relitevly small and a Plus and Minus icons to the right and left of the widget will be easier for a fingure to tuch.
Big SPA projects need to have an architecture for the code, some structure. Current examples for SPA are suitable for small apps, so some docs/examples/guidelines for bigger projects would be useful.
We would like to write a UI using Kendo UI Mobile and be able to still use it with mouse scrolling on desktop browsers like Firefox / IE etc. This was also asked about here: