Last Updated: 19 Aug 2015 16:35 by ADMIN
Created by: Andreas
Comments: 1
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
please add touch support for tablets/phones to the scheduler and gantt widget, for moving events or tasks
Last Updated: 19 Aug 2015 08:18 by ADMIN
Created by: Brian
Comments: 2
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
When exporting data to pdf using the Kendo pdf toolbar please can all data be exported instead of only the data contained within the html viewable page (eg. when height is set using kendoGrid.height).
Last Updated: 14 Aug 2015 09:18 by ADMIN
Created by: Joydeep
Comments: 1
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
You should option to convert UTC time from database to specific Timezone with DST checking in telerik Reports. The problem is as below: We are taking user date time from aplication UI in CST and converting in to UTC in C# and saving it to SQL and for displaying also we are Converting From UTC to CST with DST checking in C# and showing in to Razor view. Its working perfectly. We have stored application wise timezone settings in our SQL. But to display any datetime in Telerik Report we need to convert from UTC to CST with DST checking. Currently there is no option available to convert it in Report. To resolve this issue we need some feature in reports.
Last Updated: 11 Aug 2015 14:36 by ADMIN
Created by: Sean
Comments: 8
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
I really like the new TreeList component of the recent release, however it would be great if you can add the ability to drag and drop a record and move it around the hierarchy.
Last Updated: 10 Aug 2015 16:39 by ADMIN
Created by: Rajeev
Comments: 1
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
I am able to generate PDF file from Org Chart.  I am using Arabic word in Org Chart. My Arabic word is getting split in individual character and all characters are appearing left to right in PDF instead of right to left. My Arabic word is loosing actual meaning because of this reason. 

We are not facing this type of issues in your other reports where you have provided Save PDF option in drop down. 

Thanks & Regards,
Last Updated: 10 Aug 2015 16:32 by ADMIN
Created by: Hugo
Comments: 2
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
Currently the component is very limited to OLAP. Please implement PivotGrid with features like filtering and sorting to flat data, as well as is done in normal grids.
Last Updated: 10 Aug 2015 16:27 by ADMIN
Created by: Vasim
Comments: 2
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
Currently to use the native mobile Date Picker I have to add if statement like so:

@if (Request.Browser.IsMobileDevice)
	@Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.DateTime, new {type = "date", @class = "k-textbox k-input", @onchange = "dataChanged()" })
                                  .Events(e => e.Change("dataChanged"))
                                  .HtmlAttributes(new {style = "width: 120px;"})

What's worse is now the data() method cannot be used to reference the Date Picker in JavaScript, thus, another if statement has to be used:

if ($("#isMobile").val() = 1) {
    var dateTime = $("#DateTime").val();
} else {
    var dateTime = $("#DateTime").data("kendoTimePicker").value();

It would be great if something like UseNative(true) could be used keeping the Kendo Date Picker API:

    .Events(e => e.Change("dataChanged"))
    .HtmlAttributes(new {style = "width: 120px;"})
Last Updated: 10 Aug 2015 16:22 by ADMIN
Created by: michael
Comments: 1
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
kendo tree list drag and drop function has only ui's good if it will be customable.
Last Updated: 10 Aug 2015 16:02 by ADMIN
Last Updated: 10 Aug 2015 14:00 by ADMIN
Created by: Anthony
Comments: 1
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
If you add a context menu to a textbox it disables the box. I've asked about this previously in a support call but was told it's not likely to be supported as there's no demand for it. 
  It would allow for excel like interaction where you can select a number of textboxs on mobile and right click/long click to get a menu, 
Last Updated: 10 Aug 2015 13:21 by ADMIN
Created by: Nivas
Comments: 1
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
Since Kendo grid is not a responsive widget, provide a option for users to hide lesser significant columns on smaller screens.

Let user specify the property "HideWhenLessThan" for a column in the grid, which represents the width of the screen below which the column is hidden in the grid. 

 columns: [{
                            field: "ContactName",
                            title: "Contact Name",
                           HideWhenLessThan: 600
Here the column would be hidden when the width of  the grid's parent div or the width of the browser is lesser than 600px.
Last Updated: 22 Jul 2015 15:09 by Vino
Created by: Vino
Comments: 2
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
Need combo with single selection return more than one values. Like country, city, street selection in single control.
Last Updated: 21 Jul 2015 15:49 by ADMIN
Created by: Garry
Comments: 1
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
Your demos use a very old 1.9.1 version of JQuery.
When we update to later JQuery, this breaks much functionality in KendoUI.
Please make KendoUI work with all versions of JQuery rather than focus on new features. You have versionitis.
Last Updated: 21 Jul 2015 14:36 by ADMIN
Created by: Imported User
Comments: 1
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
It'd be nice if I could this:

<kendo-combo-box k-data-source="flight.airport">
  <span class="k-state-default" k-template>
    <h3>#: #</h3>
    <p>#: data.location #</p>
Last Updated: 15 Jul 2015 08:19 by ADMIN
We have the need to show master and detail rows in an aligned, tabular format, similar to how the TreeList displays them. Currently, in our grids, we use some "hack" jQuery to achieve this after Kendo renders its child table. (We remove the child rows which kendo rendered in a sub table, place them in the main table right after the parent, and clean up the debris). This is the only way to ensure column alignment, and have re-sizable columns work, etc.

Using the TreeList isn't an option currently, because we want to use some other features of the grid, such as paging and batch editing. There are obviously several more features supported by the grid which don't exist currently in the TreeList.

It would be great if I could simply configure the grid to render detail rows this way.
Last Updated: 08 Jul 2015 09:28 by ADMIN
Created by: Andreas
Comments: 1
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
When the user open with pc or ipad (or bigger screens) then the TabStrip is fine. But when he opens the page with mobile phone its better to have no Tabstrip at all and just have the content pages one after the other with some heading.
Last Updated: 03 Jul 2015 08:19 by ADMIN
Created by: Amir Shaikh
Comments: 1
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
Please consider adding feature which implement times series graph similar to "Google Finance stock view".

This will give user multiple zoom options like 10 day, 1 month, 3 month, 6 month, 1 Year and All period.

Then user can see line chart that will reflect user's zoom selection. User can scroll through to see historical data. 
Last Updated: 02 Jul 2015 14:57 by ADMIN
Created by: Imported User
Comments: 13
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
It would be convenient if you could specify the output format using a data attribute such as the following rather than having to write a new viewmodel function:
<span data-format="{0:C}" data-bind="text: amount"></span>

Currently you have to bind the element to a new viewmodel function which doesn't lend itself to the observable concept with remote data sources.
Last Updated: 01 Jul 2015 15:26 by ADMIN
Created by: Imported User
Comments: 3
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
I miss being able to preview the mobile widgets in the different themes, could we get a theme switcher for the Hybrid UI demo?