Last Updated: 02 Mar 2021 16:29 by ADMIN
Created by: Kjartan Valur
Comments: 4
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
Please impliment a simple way to display errors in tooltips for every control to prevent form cluttering.
Last Updated: 02 Mar 2021 16:28 by ADMIN
Created by: Imported User
Comments: 7
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
Currently a bar linear gauge can only be drawn from minimum to maximum, but a start position (center) to draw left/right or up/down would be welcome.
Last Updated: 02 Mar 2021 16:21 by ADMIN
Created by: Les
Comments: 2
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
This would be helpful as I deal with smaller map features
Last Updated: 02 Mar 2021 16:09 by ADMIN
It would be really easy if we can directly load parameters from Web Api calls and load into ButtonGroup dynamically. The idea is to genarate ButtonGroup according to the number of parameters in web response. There should be option to assign index for each button based on the value in the Web API call.

Last Updated: 02 Mar 2021 15:51 by ADMIN
there should be a way to connect 'kendoDraggable' and 'kendoSortable'
like the jquery ui example here:
Last Updated: 02 Mar 2021 15:34 by ADMIN
Created by: Albert
Comments: 2
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Bug Report


open new window using the button, and close all window one by one, then see that k-overlay is still stay in page

Last Updated: 02 Mar 2021 15:31 by ADMIN

I am currently experiencing an issue between the Kendo ContextMenu and the Kendo EditorFor. When I open the ContextMenu inside of the EditorFor it display offset relative to the cursor, both the left and top values are completely incorrect relative to the editor.

Attached you will find a solution where this issue has been replicated, I removed the scripts folder in order to keep the file size small. I hope this can be fixed soon.

Last Updated: 02 Mar 2021 15:25 by ADMIN
Created by: Jack
Comments: 1
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request

I've setup a new ASP.NET Core project with Kendo UI Core. One of the requirements for this site is to load the scripts/styles from CDN except when the internet is down, in which case it should load from local files. I downloaded a copy of Kendo UI Core 2019.3.1023 and extracted it into the project. I have an ASP.NET Core Tag Helper which handles hashing the local file and using that SRI to load the CDN version.

Here's an example of that generated tag and the fallback:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-tr4PSEV2CnVkku/o7s0ApjrlIpaxzBOMQTYc8SsPFXXh6ITUZ/SS7t8k8PVUa1Tk" crossorigin="anonymous">
<meta name="x-stylesheet-fallback-test" content="" class="k-widget"><script>!function(a,b,c,d){var e,f=document,g=f.getElementsByTagName("SCRIPT"),h=g[g.length-1].previousElementSibling,i=f.defaultView&&f.defaultView.getComputedStyle?f.defaultView.getComputedStyle(h):h.currentStyle;if(i&&i[a]!==b)for(e=0;e<c.length;e++)f.write('<link href="'+c[e]+'" '+d+"/>")}("box-sizing","content-box",["/lib/kendo-ui-core/styles/kendo.common.min.css"], "rel=\u0022stylesheet\u0022 integrity=\u0022sha384-tr4PSEV2CnVkku/o7s0ApjrlIpaxzBOMQTYc8SsPFXXh6ITUZ/SS7t8k8PVUa1Tk\u0022 crossorigin=\u0022anonymous\u0022 ");</script>

When the hash is calculated from the local file, the CDN copy does not match. So far I have only had an issue with two files: kendo.common.min.css and kendo.bootstrap-v4.min.css: both of these files have different headers from the download and CDN versions and appear to be minified differently. It would be great if future versions could be the same so that the hash for a local file matches the hash for the CDN version.

As a side note, it would be really great if you could work with Libman (the Visual Studio CDN downloader tool) to be able to download Kendo UI Core. The only version that exists currently on that system is very old.

Last Updated: 01 Mar 2021 08:56 by ADMIN
Created by: Imported User
Comments: 2
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
These guys have very good toolking for nework diagrams visualization. Could you make something similiar? It would be great for many uses network, antifraud, etc
Last Updated: 15 Feb 2021 09:57 by ADMIN
Created by: Saby
Comments: 3
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Bug Report

Hi Neli, I have an even bigger problem. Could you tell me how to configure the "enter" to be a "<br>" and not a "<p>". I am having a lot of problems. In the editor I press enter but since a <p> is inserted, my report shows it all together, without line breaks. I need an urgent answer please.

Attached images of the insertion problem of <p>


Last Updated: 30 Dec 2020 13:25 by ADMIN
Created by: Holyhehe
Comments: 3
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request

Hi all,

I would like to request a feature by enabling sorting of grouped headers only by the sum of values in a specified column.

Thank you.

Last Updated: 10 Dec 2020 10:20 by ADMIN
Last Updated: 18 Nov 2020 11:26 by ADMIN

Bug report

Reproduction of the problem

Dojo example.

Current behavior

Data is exported incorrectly.

Expected/desired behavior

Data is exported correctly (see the Spreadsheet export)


  • Kendo UI version: 2020.3.1021
  • jQuery version: x.y
  • Browser: [all]
Last Updated: 05 Nov 2020 16:37 by ADMIN

Hi Keno Team,

I am getting this CORS error when trying to open a pdf file from an Azure blob using kendoPDFViewer. (Error: ' has been blocked by CORS policy: Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. )

I have an SSL token included to pdf/image URLs and work fine for image viewing with kendoImageEditor.


My code is simple as follows

                            this.viewer = $("#pdfViewer").kendoPDFViewer({

                                pdfjsProcessing: {

                                    file: pdfUrl,


                                width: "100%",


Could you please let me know how to fix  this issue

Last Updated: 30 Jun 2020 08:30 by ADMIN
Created by: Imported User
Comments: 26
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
I'm resurrecting this on the suggestion of Todd Anglin.  An earlier request for this feature was declined because modern browsers include spell check.

However, there are many use cases where this is no use.  In my particular case I need:

   - Spell Check to work in IE8
   - Custom (and programmatically accessible) dictionaries
   - The ability to programmatically turn spell check on/off on a field by field basis
Last Updated: 22 Jun 2020 15:57 by ADMIN


Every widget that supports control of visibility configuration uses "VISIBLE", but when using MVVM to control HTML objects it is: data-bind = "invisible: someThing" .  This IMHO is inconsistent, counterintuitive, and adds complication.  If you are controlling the visibility of a mix of Kendo and HTML objects on the same bit of data, you need to duplicate it with a negated version or resort needlessly to templating logic.  Maybe I'm missing something but this seems like a no-brainer.


Will Dougherty 

Last Updated: 17 Jun 2020 08:37 by ADMIN
Created by: Finvent
Comments: 1
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
In my page I have a grid and also a chartjs. I would like to export chartjs in excel as well not only grid.
Last Updated: 09 Jun 2020 10:36 by soroush

Please add this feature (Persian Calendar) into a valuable package

Thanks to the team
Last Updated: 21 May 2020 11:40 by ADMIN

Step by step instructions on how to reproduce the problem:

  1. Create a kendo tab strip
  2. Using the append method, add a "tab1"- do not specify any content in this new tab
  3. Using the insertBefore method, add a "tab2", this time specify some content
  4. Attempt to navigate the tabs and note what is showing in the content of each tab

Code snippets:

            var tabStrip = $("#contentlessAppend").kendoTabStrip({}).data('kendoTabStrip');
              text: "noContentAppend",
              //content: "With content" //Uncomment this line for normal functionality
              text: "contentInsertBefore",
              encode: false,
              content: `<div id="WhereAmI">I am not where I should be</div>`
            }, tabStrip.tabGroup.children().eq(0) );

Screenshots of the problem:


Stack trace, if applicable: N/A

Project and its dependencies which illustrates the problem (stripped, in zip format):

(see attached)

Last Updated: 03 Mar 2020 15:50 by ADMIN
Created by: Sam Bronchetti
Comments: 1
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
It would be beneficial to add additional support for tooltips natively on the Bubble Layer in RadMap