Diagram shapes get converted into SVG elements such as Path, Text, Image, or group (g) tags. These tags support the primary HTML event handlers (such as on click) and other attributes. It becomes essential to add a hiddle sibling with identification to work around this limitation.
var fooText = new KD.TextBlock({
x: fooX,
y: fooY,
text: textFromDb,
id: uniqueIdBasedOnDataFromDb, // This ID (or another property "domId") should become the Id in the HTML
onclick: someMethod,
customAttributeA: valueAFromDb,
customAttributeB: valueBFromDb});
Exporting to excel cells with empty values and zeros is not correct
A Problem is that if there is an item with the real value "0" in the data source, the item would also be exported with an empty string.
We have use cases where the value "0" has a different meaning than an empty value.
no difference between the empty value and the 0
there should be a difference between the empty value and the 0
ticket: 1598649
Error when trying to run npm run dev
X [ERROR] Unterminated string literal
download project from ticket : 1597960 01 Mar 2023
npm ci
npm run dev
an error is observer
the site runs without errors
use the following import
import '@progress/kendo-ui/esm/kendo.all.js'
Refresh the grid with a function. I now do a queryselector to find and click the refresh button that i only added so i can refresh the grid with javascript. I'm using an array (global scope) to store data.
The grid.refresh() didn't work, probably because i don't use transport. I have tried all the solutions on telerik and stackoverflow websites.
The data in the array gets manipulated outside of the kendo grid. document.queryselector(".k-pager-refresh").click() option works , but there has got to be a better way to do this.
P.s. deleting and rebuilding the grid with the new data gives bugs with grouping the data by column header, so that isn't an option.
I see this most often in the All Day slot of the Timeline view. I do not believe it is isolated to just that though. Here's using the native code:
Here's the same page with the code fixed:
Please note that two events are covered up: recur3 and an event that is NOT an all day event starting at 2pm. That's what the gap is. So yes, this gap is correct. Also note: In the first window I can press F12 to open the inspector, and manually delete the event elements which reveal the missing ones underneath. They are overlaid on top of each other.
After some debugging, here is the fix. The file, version, method, and line numbers are all here for you. The fix is highlighted on line 2855. The highlighted "start" should be "end".
Hi Support Team,
I try to apply VLOOKUP function in demo page.
VLOOKUP Function: =VLOOKUP(B8, 'Food Order #1'!B3:F11, 5, true) , the result showing in spreadsheet is $13.19, but when export to PDF the result show in PDF change to $52.16.
Can you please check on this issue.
Thank you
Would be important to export The Gantt List as an excel because the users that already use the datagrid understand all of that as being the same and do not understand why they cannot export the list as an excel.
When the browser is zoomed, the TabStrip scroll right arrow does not change to disabled when there are no more tabs to scroll into view.
It looks like the problem is in kendo.tabstrip.js _toggleScrollButtons function, the following line:
that._scrollNextButton.toggleClass('k-disabled', scrollLeft === ul[0].scrollWidth - ul[0].offsetWidth);
When the browser is zoomed, kendo.scrollLeft(ul) returns a decimal value. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/scrollLeft has the warning: "On systems using display scaling, scrollLeft may give you a decimal value."
scrollWidth and offsetWidth are rounded to integer.
My workaround is to override the _toggleScrollButtons function and do the following:
that._scrollNextButton.toggleClass('k-disabled', Math.abs(scrollLeft - (ul[0].scrollWidth - ul[0].offsetWidth)) <= 1);
When "filter" option is set for dropdown tree widget, "checkChildren" option doesn't take effect even if it is set to true.
Please, check example:
Thank you.
On this page Demo of core features in jQuery Circular Gauge widget | Kendo UI for jQuery (telerik.com) there is a link to the client side API documentation (big blue button "API Reference") but the link returns a 404 error.
This is the page it links to https://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/api/dataviz/circulargauge.
The following issue is only present in a Firefox browser:
Changing the value of a TimePicker input field through code can sometimes cause the entire browser to scroll to the top of the page.
Was tested in:
Firefox 114.0 (64bit)
(User Agent: "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/114.0")
Test in Dojo: https://dojo.telerik.com/UdoLAkat/4
Expected behaviour:
- After step 5. the value should just update in the TimePicker input field without causing any scrolling to happen.
I am assuming this behaviour happens because the TimeView component is attempting to scroll within its <ul> element to the option that has been selected by the .value(...) call, but since the entire TimeView component and all of its elements are hidden, Firefox somehow misinterprets the scrolling and scrolls the main viewport to the top of the page instead.
Hi team, please find the accessibility issue:
Component: https://demos.telerik.com/kendo-ui/datetimepicker/keyboard-navigation
Issue Name:
Missing keyboard support for image buttons
Actual Result
Keyboard support is missing for "Open the time view" and "Open the date view" image buttons. This made it difficult for keyboard-only and screen reader users to access the functionality associated with the image buttons.
Steps to Reproduce
1. Navigate to the mentioned image buttons in the modal dialog.
2. Observe that the image buttons do not receive the keyboard focus.
Expected Results
The image buttons must be keyboard accessible.
Ensure that all the page functionality is available for all users irrespective of the device being used.
Apply the following changes:
• Remove the tabindex="-1" attribute from the source code of the image buttons.
• Initially set the aria-expanded attribute to "false" for the image button. Ensure that the value of the aria-expanded attribute changes on user interaction via scripting.
<button unselectable="on" tabindex="-1" class="k-select k-input-button k-button k-button-md k-button-solid k-button-solid-base k-icon-button" aria-label="Open the time view" type="button">
<span class="k-icon k-i-clock k-button-icon"></span>
<button unselectable="on" class="k-select k-input-button k-button k-button-md k-button-solid k-button-solid-base k-icon-button" aria-label="Open the time view" type="button" aria-expanded="false">
<span class="k-icon k-i-clock k-button-icon"></span>
Also, the shortcut is there to open a date and time picker but relying on the shortcuts only to open it would not be feasible,
we are extensively using the Kendo Jquery Grid for our datasets. The pager can be positioned at either the top of the grid or the bottom of the Grid using the configuratioon within the Grid Pager definition. I find having two pagers better when the display grid take up more than a view port, then you can sometimes be closerto the top of the grid, sometimes closer to the bottom. If the Page is just at the top or the bottom then some cases you have to scroll throrough the entire grid to get to the pager. So when it present at both, you can have eaiser access to the Pager.
So I am requesting that the position configuration in the grid is Top, bottom, Both.
Mark D
This is only i minor issue, since the actual method seems to be working fine. I just thought i would bring to you attention that the demo page for the JQery method getOptions is havinf issues.
Steps to reproduce:
Below are some of the more noteworthy errors and warnings:
I would like the composite control "Change Theme:" that is used in the Kendo and ASP.NET Core Control demos to be delivered as part of the tool suites.
It is a control that I would like to leverage in several of my deliverables for my customers. And, although I can duplicate the basic feature, it does not look near as nice as the one found on the demo pages.
See attachment for screen shots of what I am talking about.
It is already built. Can it be packaged for delivery with the toolset(s)?
Thank you for the consideration!!!
Hi Team, we're using kendo heavily on our platform. But still there're many gaps in kendo accessibility. I'm working as a Accessibility advocate and i believe every individual can access the widgets irrespective of their barriers. One of the issue is:
Keyboard Support is missing in the input fields buttons like:
1. Clear Button
2. Dropdown "arrow" Button
3. Date and Time Button
Current Behavior:
Focus is going to input field and you can write inside the combobox or textbox or multiselect but you can't interact with other icon buttons like dropdown , date & time, clear "x" button using tab key.
Expected Behavior: As per accessibility , every interactive elements needs to be keyboard focusable using tab key irrespective of shortcut.
I've created a feature request long ago and suggested solution for this: please check in the feature, it's declined by the team:
Date time picker Keyboard Support is missing for date and time button because of (tabindex=-1)
The localization with zh-TW culture throws a JavaScript error.
The following error appears in the browser console:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'options')
The localization should not produce any errors.
Hello Team ,
we are using .net mvc + angular js
i am unable to upload the image from the my desktop, please find the code below