Elements for trivial 2 choice radio buttons like show/hide, Yes/No, etc... Of course i can use radiobuttons but for this trivial task somethong like iPhone on/off button would be more intuitive.
Or more flexible: Allow developers to handle user's click on a DataViz legend item. And provide the possibility to set/reset the visibility of a DataViz serie not only his opacity.
Please ensure when altering the treeview (adding checkable items) that it supports multi level and tri state parent nodes (shows as partially selected when not all child nodes are selected)
Support for spline chart type
Development of a Kendo IDE Has Telerik/Kendo plans to develop its own IDE? A Wakanda-like IDE, with both design and source mode possibilities, would be very welcome and will give Kendo a real (commercial) boost!
You should contact me or another lead community expert on ColdFusion to add examples for that platform.
Unit tests are usually a part of the complete solution. If I pay for the code, I'd like to be able to make minor changes and verify they work.
some time we need to looking up in folder On telerik ASP.NET is call FileManager We just need function like :http://elfinder.org/ Thanks
I suggest that you implement a Waterfall/flying bricks Chart type.
powerful visual app builder Like Sencha Architect for Ext JS
Implement Excel-like functionality of selecting a cell, selecting the bottom right corner and then dragging down to either copy the value (string) or increment (number). This feature saves a lot of time and is the main reason we use custom Excel apps as database data entry tools. Implementing this in Kendo would allow us to migrate to the web
Telerik is pushing their support for Angular pretty hard now, and I think that is wonderful. But with it, you're still leaving the documentation on the matter pretty sparse and kind of obscure. Right now, it is kind of tucked away out of sight here: http://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/getting-started/introduction Though to your credit, you __have__ updated all of the demos with an _Angular_ example, which is __very appreciated__ and I thank you much for it. I think it would make me, and many others I know, a lot more comfortable if the support for Angular were treated a bit more first class. As long as it continues to be put in out of the way places, it still feels very 'unofficial' or 'tentative'. Could we possibly get a more expansive documentation right on the demos page, perhaps under "tools", or a new actual "Angular" folder on the primary API documentation?
Many other libraries provide responsive widget like charts, graphs, Gantt charts, Tables and so on. For the widgets in Kendo that are not responsive, when will that happen?
Reduce use of the 'any' type in kendo.all.d.ts and use Union types implemented in TypeScript 1.4 Example: - Before: interface GridColumnFilterable { ... ui?: any; ... } - After: interface GridColumnFilterable { ... ui?: string | GridColumnFilterableUIEvent; ... }
I'm using drawing.drawDOM to create a PDF. I have to make a table of contents (TOC) in the beginning of the PDF. It would be great if I had the ability to link to the correct section directly from the TOC. So <a href="#conclusion">Conclusion</a> and then later <a name="conclusion"></a> would make a link in the PDF so the reader could click on the Conclusion-link in the TOC and jump directly to the conclusion-section.
The step style for lines in a chart is very useful for logging digital data changes however in Kendo it only can be applied to line charts and not scatter lines where it would be very useful for telemetry displays. A choice of step first or step last where the visual change appears attached to the previous point on on the new point would be especially useful.
Currently, you can enter a time in the DatePicker and date in the TimePicker. The expected validation should not allow this. A DatePicker should only allow a date and the TimePicker should only allow a time.
There only seems to be support for assigning a display timezone to the Scheduler component. This means that other date/time components/formats are forced to use either the browser's timezone (default) or require various event hacks to allow for manual conversion of values from the browser timezone to the preferred timezone used to display date/time values. It would be very nice if the following were supported: 1. Ability to set a default timezone across all date/time widgets (not just the scheduler). This could be similar to how cultures are set to localize messages and formats. If left unset, it would use the browser's timezone. 2. Ability to set a display timezone (different from the default) on all date/time components similar to what's available on the Scheduler. Those features should yield the following benefits: - allow end-users of applications using Kendo to select/store a preferred display timezone, which could be applied to all components. - reduce the additional effort and workarounds required to apply a particular timezone consistently across all/some widgets - If #2 allowed for functions (at least on some components like the Grid), it should make it possible to display date/times based on timezone values from records
Currently Kendo only supports TrueType fonts for embedding in PDF files. OpenType support would be great since it's a more modern format overall, and there are many fonts that are only available as OpenType (for example Google's Noto fonts).
I'd like to have the ability for icons to be displayed in Internet Explorer even when web font downloads are disabled. It seems the best way to support this scenario is to use inline SVG in order to support changing the icon colors. See https://www.telerik.com/forums/is-there-a-fallback-from-webfont-icons Thank you.