Last Updated: 07 Jun 2013 22:21 by Patrick
It would be good if you could enable the KendoUI for MVC buttons to have an "image + text" look and feel in the same way that the Telerik MVC Extensions did.

Last Updated: 10 May 2013 19:33 by ADMIN
I shouldn't be penalized in having to write more code to get kendo validation working with kendo controls.  You guys should know I'm validating a KendoNumericTextBox and auto-place the span in the appropriate spot outside of the control.
Last Updated: 20 Nov 2014 18:41 by ADMIN
Created by: Yrjo
Comments: 4
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
It would be like navbar but separately stylable (by default black) and one that can be placed into a footer. Like navbar it could hold buttons, only title would be omitted
Last Updated: 06 Jun 2013 18:31 by ADMIN
Created by: Imported User
Comments: 2
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
if you compare the rad editor with the Kendo wysiwyg editor, the Kendo one lacks the wide range of functionality. It would be nice if they were the same.
Last Updated: 27 Feb 2015 21:22 by ADMIN
When the destroy operation fails for some reason (exception or ModelState error) the item on the client will be removed.
Don't remove the item from the grid if operation fails in the backend.
Last Updated: 26 Jul 2019 07:05 by ADMIN
Created by: Robert
Comments: 4
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
Often, working with the Kendo events is difficult, because the events lack any kind of context. For example, the Change event should also pass back OldValue and NewValue, in case you need to do any additional comparative work on your own, without having to figure out how to get back to the DataItem and figure it out for yourself.

Also, if you are handling a Grid row changed event, or cell changed event, at the very least you should be passing the Uid of the row that changed, so I can get it from the data source. 
Last Updated: 10 May 2013 19:34 by ADMIN
Created by: Michael Sogos
Comments: 1
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
We are using Metro theme, and many clients say us that is a little bit difficult to distinguish parent from child items in a panelbar because they are too similar. Is possible to introduce an left padding to recreate a fake tree?
Last Updated: 23 Sep 2021 10:58 by ADMIN
Created by: Bill
Comments: 1
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
I would like to see how you would integrate one of Kendo UI's more complex web demos (e.g. the detail template for the grid)  into a backbone view
Last Updated: 27 Feb 2015 21:22 by ADMIN
Created by: Elio Querze
Comments: 14
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
See for a good example of  Client-side Chart Export
Last Updated: 20 Nov 2014 18:40 by ADMIN
Created by: Imported User
Comments: 11
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
My number one suggestion for Kendo UI would be a Kendo UI kind of bootstrap / foundation. 

We all know Twitter Bootstrap and Zurb Foundation. The main advantage of these html frameworks are in my opinion:

#1. Rapid development of layouts
#2. html elements are supported (forms, tables, buttons)
#3. Reponsive (and in some cases fluid) grid. 
#4. Usuable threwout the internet (ie, firefox, chrome, safari etc).
#5. User Friendly to start and work with.

In the first place I am not suggesting to integrate one of those (that would be my second..) My first suggestion is, make one of your own (fork it or what ever? to start) So that we have not only a html foundation of the project, the elements are also fully integrated with each other. So you can have one uniform theme threw out the whole website / project.

So.. That is my first suggestion, and ofcourse the second one related to this one is, when you guys dont want to create your own, integrate a (lets call it css/html framework) that is fluid (because in my opinion, kendo ui is really for business software, and with fluid width you can have more information on your screen..) 

Hopefully you take this suggestion in consideration. It would really make a different!

Last Updated: 03 Jun 2015 12:08 by ADMIN
Last Updated: 03 Mar 2020 09:49 by ADMIN
Created by: Jonathan
Comments: 1
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
Last Updated: 20 Nov 2014 18:40 by ADMIN
Created by: Imported User
Comments: 3
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
With the Silverlight controls, one can make the charts scrollable. This is a great feature for adding tons of data without making the bars in a chart so small you can't click on them, and would make an excellent addition to an already great product.
Last Updated: 20 Nov 2014 18:40 by ADMIN
Created by: Imported User
Comments: 2
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
I'd really appreciate some kind of action bar on Android devices. For now the android theme is mostly just black and white and not really appealing (the navigaion and title).
Furthermore Navigation would be much more intuitive when using the new 4.1 ActionBar with back(icon) and view-title. 
A little makeover of the buttons would also be nice ;)
Last Updated: 05 Jun 2013 22:33 by ADMIN
Created by: Jim
Comments: 1
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
We have built some really cool stuff with Kendo UI Mobile.  We want to present or Apps on regular web pages with non-HTML5 browsers.  Maybe in an IFRAME like Facebook.  We need graceful degradation functionality.  Any interest?
Last Updated: 22 Jan 2020 07:25 by ADMIN
Created by: Cody
Comments: 1
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
Wouldn't it be nice to be able to filter a field as a property of a series? You could populate stacked and grouped column charts with a single datasource, without having to parse through it manually with js.
Last Updated: 07 Jun 2013 19:14 by ADMIN
Created by: Danny
Comments: 1
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
The possibility to have both edit modes in a grid. I want to (for example) instant edit my columns in the grid, but also have a (custom) popup window wich will allow me to edit more fields not included in the grid (but still in the datasource ofcourse).
Last Updated: 27 Feb 2015 21:29 by ADMIN
Created by: Dan
Comments: 1
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
This causes Kendo grid's javascript dataItem method to fail since it is trying to access a blank array.  The wrapper is useless to me without this.
Last Updated: 27 Feb 2015 21:23 by ADMIN
Adobe AIR imposes some security restrictions on Javascript code written in certain ways/styles (e.g., use of "eval" and "Function" declaration inside code, which are used in KendoUI), but offers a fairly complex implementation facility (called the "sandbox bridge") so developers can work around these security restrictions... Please provide Adobe AIR/Javascript developers "BEST PRACTICES" articles/tutorials on how to code the KendoUI widgets that are incompatible with the Adobe AIR security restrictions.
Last Updated: 23 Sep 2021 10:56 by ADMIN
Created by: Imported User
Comments: 1
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
Kendo UI is great but it does not work with the integrated webkit in Qt.