Hide a column in a grid with a detail template
It would be great if there was a kendoUI atmosphere package library for Meteor js
Telerik is pushing their support for Angular pretty hard now, and I think that is wonderful. But with it, you're still leaving the documentation on the matter pretty sparse and kind of obscure. Right now, it is kind of tucked away out of sight here: http://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/getting-started/introduction Though to your credit, you __have__ updated all of the demos with an _Angular_ example, which is __very appreciated__ and I thank you much for it. I think it would make me, and many others I know, a lot more comfortable if the support for Angular were treated a bit more first class. As long as it continues to be put in out of the way places, it still feels very 'unofficial' or 'tentative'. Could we possibly get a more expansive documentation right on the demos page, perhaps under "tools", or a new actual "Angular" folder on the primary API documentation?
When changing visibility of tabs within tabstrip, active tab may become invisible and tabstrip moves to a state when no tab is selected. I think it should be optional to set that I want it to go to the first tab available.
when the mobile view uses a header, containing a toolbar as header it would be nice to be able to have a view title like in the navbar.
Box Plot (Box and Whisker) works great but would like to have Vertical instead of horizontal.
In columns array if you set field attr with a number you'll get an error
It would be nice to have a widget to display network map of all connected node and links.
The kendo core would benefit from having integration packaging systems other than npm, especially jamjs. Kendo already implements AMD which is what jam specializes in. http://jamjs.org/ http://bower.io/ http://volojs.org/
If there has two or more gantt chart on the screen. some of the value should be able to move by dragging from one to another rather than defining again.
ListView selectable feature could be done better. One thing has been bothering me. Here's an example: http://demos.telerik.com/kendo-ui/listview/selection Go to the last page and try to select outside of list items. Problem is that it isn't possible. Maybe Telerik has thought that user also has to be able to select text normally. But for instance in Windows Explorer you can begin selection anywhere inside the window and I think the user expects that behavior.
Extend "filterable" to match the datasource's "filter" (singular, not "filters") configuration option.
Currently, hashBang (#!) is supported in mobile but it can only contain view_id, it can't be configured as path although it is available in SPA. It is limiting the SEO capabilities. Support for the following url scheme will be big boost to SEO optimized urls. /view_id/:category/:item/
I'd love it if you would consider making a real office document editor for the web. Take a look at this editor from OnlyOffice which they use in their CRM system: https://personal.teamlab.com It's built on HTML5 and the canvas element. The way you get complete control of every pixel and can make a desktop-like editor is simply stunning! This must surely be something Telerik also considers? There simply is no comparison to a normal HTML 4 editor which fails at such basic features as header/footer.
For WorkFlow Design
the scheduler options available now are limited, we cannot for example to define the occupied rooms vs days, horizontal axes are the days and list of rooms will be vertically instead of the hours, and also the data could be employees and to define the employees schedules for example, i think this will enrich your scheduler control.
Columns that do not have a width setting become invisible when one or more columns are frozen. Our grids have widths for all columns except one column which expands the amount necessary to fill all space in a grid when grid is set to 100% width of the page. Once frozen columns are turned on, the main column then disappears until a width is added, then there is unused column space in the grid.
Lets say I invoke a view like /view.html?id=123 On the "show" event of "view" I pull the data from the server based on "id", and some loading and layout stuff. On this "view" I have a button that navigates to another view that is a "picklist", or "settings" or "help". Upon going to this second view and then going back, then the "show" event of "view" is fired again, pulling data from server and re-running all that was inside the show event again. On some situations it is important to conserve the visual state of the view after coming back to it. For example, if user is filling a form. The same problem is faced when you want to implement a wizard (step by step) form: pressing back will wipe out all data and reload, loosing previous screen state. There must be a way to prevent this. I have tried the e.view._back flag of the show(e) event, but it is not always reliable. By having such flag, all the scenarios mentioned can be handled by code, by knowing when it's a fresh-show or a back-show.
I want to use typescript with the free core edition, but there is no definition file in the package.