The only thing holding us back from investing in Kendo UI is the lack of a styleable scrollbar. You have the most beautiful controls on the market, but they are marred by the mere built-in scrollbars (as rendered by the browser). When do you plan to address the scrollbar? Thank you.
Plotband functionality for RadHtmlCharts in UI for AJAX definitely needs the ability to add tooltips and labels, otherwise the plotband is meaningless.
Kendo UI Gantt should have a resource view, presenting tasks by resource (so possibly, many tasks on the same line with automatic or manual arrangement) and possibility of multiselection of tasks
When asking for support from Telerik any code examples use the framework specified in the support ticket. For example, not to give examples in php if you are using MVC etc.
I need to create this ... ''' <summary> ''' Gets all categories ''' </summary> ''' <param name="categoryName">Category name</param> ''' <param name="pageIndex">Page index</param> ''' <param name="pageSize">Page size</param> ''' <param name="showHidden">A value indicating whether to show hidden records</param> ''' <returns>Categories</returns> Public Overridable Function GetCategories(Optional categoryName As String = "", Optional pageIndex As Integer = 0, Optional pageSize As Integer = Integer.MaxValue, Optional showHidden As Boolean = False) As IPagedList(Of Category) Implements ICategoryService.GetCategories Dim query = _categoryRepository.SelectOne If Not showHidden Then query = query.Where(Function(c) c.Published) End If If Not [String].IsNullOrWhiteSpace(categoryName) Then query = query.Where(Function(c) c.Name.Contains(categoryName)) End If query = query.Where(Function(c) Not c.Deleted) query = query.OrderBy(Function(c) c.ParentCategoryId).ThenBy(Function(c) c.DisplayOrder) If Not showHidden Then 'ACL (access control list) Dim allowedRolesIds = Ctx.CurrentUser.Roles.Where(Function(cr) cr.Active).[Select](Function(cr) cr.EntityId).ToList() query = From c In query Join acl In _aclRepository.SelectOne On _ New With { _ .c1 = c.EntityId, _ .c2 = "Category" _ Equals acl Select Var = acl } = New With { _ .c1 = acl.EntityId, _ .c2 = acl.EntityName _ } Into c_acl From acl In c_acl.DefaultIfEmpty() Where Not c.SubjectToAcl OrElse allowedRolesIds.Contains(acl.RoleId) Select c 'Store mapping Dim currentStoreId = _storeContext.CurrentStore.EntityId query = From c In query Join sm In _storeMappingRepository.SelectOne On _ New With { _ .c1 = c.EntityId, _ .c2 = "Category" _ Equals sm Select Var2 = sm } = New With { _ .c1 = sm.EntityId, _ .c2 = sm.EntityName _ } Into c_sm From sm In c_sm.DefaultIfEmpty() Where Not c.LimitedToStores OrElse currentStoreId = sm.StoreId Select c 'only distinct categories (group by ID) query = From cGroup In From c In query Group c By c.EntityId Into cGroup.Key cGroup.FirstOrDefault() query = query.OrderBy(Function(c) c.ParentCategoryId).ThenBy(Function(c) c.DisplayOrder) End If Dim unsortedCategories = query.ToList() 'sort categories Dim sortedCategories = unsortedCategories.SortCategoriesForTree() 'paging Return New PagedList(Of Category)(sortedCategories, pageIndex, pageSize) End Function How do I get in
HI, I still wonder why there is no text input autocomplete widget for Kendo Mobile. I like kendo MVVM to structure an APP. but i really need to use Autocomplete for my proyect (around 5 in different forms). I guess i should go for ionic framework on AppBuilder (i really love the platform) if there is no way to implement autocomplete in a clear way. Regards
Dear Telerik, What are you waiting for to implement a exporting resources to KENDO UI DataViz? You are losing market share because Highcharts and FusionCharts already have this possibility. Please, let us know when it will be avaiable.
What I want to achieve is a dynamic Choropleth map of the World, whose data change according to a set of parameters. It is my understanding that the maps widget in Kendo UI can display data in a Shape layer using GeoJSON files that contain both the definition of the shapes of the countries and the data itself (e.g. the population). From your GeoJSON demo it is clear how to change the colour of the countries using the Chroma.scale method. But it also looks like I need the shape definitions to be duplicated over and over to show different data on the same map: let's say that I have about 400.000 possible combinations of the filters, it appears as if I'm going to need 400.000 GeoJSON files that contain both the shapes definitions and the the data and this means lots of network traffic. My point is that, since the shapes of the countries do not change because the map is always the same, wouldn't it be useful to split the shape definition from the data itself? In other words having a "shapeSource" property to which you link a GeoJSON that defines the shapes and the "dataSource" property bound to a JSON file that only has data: when the combination of filters changes I would only change the dataSource object. My current solution is to have the "shapes definition only" file set in the dataSource property of the shape layer and then to use a Kendo.dataSource "data-only" object that I would use in the shapeCreated method to set the colours of the countries. As a side note, the "data-only" Kendo.dataSource object will be shared between three widgets in the same page because the same data will be shown in a map, a chart and a grid.
Add rerender method to DropDownList, so that it could be dynamically refreshed after eintire select's HTML was changed. i have a page with several select lists, and their options can be added/removed/disabled/enabled again based on a quite complex logic, which is easier to implement with DOM maniulation than with calling DataSource methods. Would be nice to have such a possibility
Be able to show an empty marker when the value is 0 for the sparkline like in this demo: The demo use a hack to show the marker but it would good to have a real solution.
Your Kendo UI demos are useful, however they lack a basic overview to orientate new comers as to the specifics. More importantly I would find it useful, and it would be more thorough, to provide examples in both Razor and JavaScript Syntaxes.
Add an Year view in addition to the Day, Week and Month views.
Currently, DataViz charts allow you to set a valueAxis's tick mark increments (increments of 100 would give you 0, 100, 200, 300, etc). I suggest a way to set a specific amount of ticks that your chart will always load, and the data will use divisions to fit the tick amount you set. Example: I want my chart to always display 5 ticks. I have two users, one who has a max number of 100 and the other has a max of 500. For User 1, the chart would set a max of 100 divided by the 5 ticks (so increments of 20). User 2 would get increments of 100 to fit the 5 ticks.
Please provide "retina" support for Kendo Map. At this point its kinda "table stakes" for a mapping component - let alone one that you need to pay for.
Enable chart interactive features with Canvas rendering.
Currently it is only possible to display more than one measure on a pivot grid. This is a must have requirement for most pivot grids. Please consider removing this limitation soon.
I would like to the see a feature wherein I can set additional target lines for a bullet chart. This is helpful in scenarios where I need to indicate a target and benchmark. I was able to see similar questions in your forum and also one on stack overflow
Currently I am using v2014.1.416. I am binding mouseup event with below code. $('#' + mainId + ' div.k-splitbar').live('mouseup', function(e){ setTimeout(function () { if ((typeof ($fujicracommon) != "undefined") && ($fujicracommon != null)) { $fujicracommon.handleVesselResize(); } }, 200); });
Kendo Tabstrip reorder