I think the treeview is not as good as possible. It can not refresh one of the node alone.
I am facing a problem in the Kendo grid, I want to apply default filter criteria on the data source. To achieve this functionality, I am filling the filtered data on the first initialization of the data source and then adding the filter criteria on the JavaScript side by using the code. masterFilters.filters.push(eventTypeFilters); masterFilters.filters.push(roleTypeFilters); dateviewGrid.dataSource.filter(masterFilters); But due to this, Http request of the AJAX call is being repeated on the code statement dateviewGrid.dataSource.filter(masterFilters); To resolve this problem, I have tried following options, 1) I have returned the zero records at the time of initialization of the data source, but it is giving another hit on the virtualization method. 2) But when I am returning at least one row at the time of initialization of the data source, It is not throwing extra hit on the virtualization method. It is showing strange behaviour. Is there any bug in the Kendo grid?. Please suggest a right approach to achieve this functionality, If you want some more clarification on this problem, let me know.
I really like the new TreeList component of the recent release, however it would be great if you can add the ability to drag and drop a record and move it around the hierarchy.
In Chrome, you can type into the Editor's fontName tool to select a font. In IE, however, you can't type in a font, but rather can only select one using the dropdown. It would be good to be able to give the user a consistent experience across browsers. Ideally that would mean allowing them to type in a font in IE, but if that is not possible it would be good to be able to configure/turn off the ability to type in the control in Chrome and other browsers.
Inserting a new table in the editor in IE ignores the current cursor position and adds the table as the first element. If you add a new table, this will be added in the first cell of the first table.
I believe a kanban board for managing tasks woudl be a great new control. I see that you have something like this in TeamPulse already. In the new control it would be nice to set the number of columns, custom template for an item (but providing a template that resembles sticky pad note would be cool) and allow drag/drop between the columns. The D&D would need to be customizable so that the programmer could restrict which columns an item can move to & from. This would be needed in case they did not want to allow the user to move an item to a previous state or may only allow to move forward 1 step. The reason I put this under bootstrap is because the control should reposition columns below based on screen size. So it may start as a 4 column board but because of the size of the window it is a 2x2.
The .value() function on the Editor control strips out some elements from the Editor HTML. For instance, tables created in the Editor have a BR tag inside the table cells, but those BR tags are removed from the string returned by .value(). In order to display HTML exactly the same as it appears in the Editor, it would be useful to have an additional function, perhaps call it .rawValue(), that does not strip out these elements. For instance, with the BR example, if a row does not have any content the row will collapse without the BRs, so it would be nice to have an additional function that leaves them in.
If Kendo tooltip configured closeToHide: true, then the kendo tooltip only hide when the close (x) icon clicked. The tooltip will still appear if user scroll mouse or click at another area on browser. Currently kendo tooltip will be hide when user scroll mouse or click at another area on browser even if it was already configured autoHide: false
Do not auto hide the notification when notification is hovered.
the *.map files in the js directory are excluded by Eclipse. I have yet to figure out why this is. At any rate - they are not yet being returned to the browser
Taking the example grid in index.html and adapting it so it uses a local data source, I get "Nan - Nan of 3 items" for this source: var movies = [ { title: "Star Wars: A New Hope", year: 1977 }, { title: "Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back", year: 1980 }, { title: "Star Wars: Return of the Jedi", year: 1983 } ]; var localDataSource = new kendo.data.DataSource({ data: movies }); $("#grid").kendoGrid({ dataSource: localDataSource,
I am trying to build a dashboard using telerik kendo with at least 3 template and a drop down panel from where i need to drag and drop to those template ... am using <div kendo-sortable class="col-sm-4 placeholder" id="side" k-connect-with="'#main'" k-placeholder="placeholder" k-hint="hint" k-filter="'.widget'" k-on-change="dropped(kendoEvent)" style="width: 180px">...</div> AND <div kendo-sortable class="col-sm-8 placeholder" id="main" k-connect-with="'#side'" k-placeholder="placeholder" k-hint="hint" k-filter="'.widget'" k-on-change="dropped(kendoEvent)">....</Div> but by using this i can create only one template how to create rest.
/*** Kendo UI Beta v2014.3.1029 ***/ We've tested the brand new TreeList today. The new TreeList needs... > checkboxes > columns should be resizeable > column reordering > frozen columns events > collapsed > expanded Take a look at the "famous" Grid / TreeList... Regards Stefan Wolf
Support for the angular 1.3 version
The mobile application exposes an 'init' event when the application has initialised. This would be useful on all UI widgets, especially in circumstances when MVVM is not being used, for example to check whether other widgets are also initialised and perform actions accordingly.
When setting the 'useNativeScrolling' to true in 'app.js', the rendering of a drawer is effected. Additionally, trying to scroll on the drawer actually scrolls the view (which will be partially off the screen). Some views will not need native scrolling so it would be beneficial to have the option to choose which views use native scrolling and which do not. I am aware there is the data-use-native-scrolling attribute but this seems to have the same problem as 'useNavtiveScrolling' in 'app.js'.
When trying to swipe up/down a form or left and right for the drawer menus when there are several textboxes/labels it doesn't always work. This happens when the user starts the swipe action over a textbox/label. If the user starts to swipe over a grey area (background) it works perfectly every time.
Mobile Date & Time Pickers would allow much easier use for inputting dates and times into a mobile ui. The web date & time pickers use a drop down that is not the best solution for mobile use.
Bug in KendoUI ContextMenu sample See: http://demos.telerik.com/kendo-ui/menu/context-menu There is a line of code in this sample: menu.getKendoContextMenu().destroy(); Which seems to use a "getKendoContextMenu()" method which is nowhere to be seen in the sample or the docs. Was it omitted from the sample? "menu" here is: var menu = $("#menu") so it is a jQuery object, so further reason to doubt menu.getKendoContextMenu() is valid.
Regarding KendoUI ContextMenu close() method- I believe there is a flaw in the API docs and in the TypeScript typings file. See below: See API docs at: http://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/api/javascript/ui/contextmenu In the sample for the close method on this page, it has this portion: // get a reference to the ContextMenu widget var contextMenu = $("#context-menu").data("kendoContextMenu"); // close the ContextMenu contextMenu.close(100, 100); The "100, 100" params passed here are not needed and looks to be a copy paste from the open() method sample in the api docs. The open() sample passes (100, 100) as x/y coordinates. Regarding the TypeScript kendo.all.d.ts file the ContextMenu class has this definition for close: close(element: Element): kendo.ui.ContextMenu; close(element: JQuery): kendo.ui.ContextMenu; But again, I believe it should take no params. Please let me know if you confirm this to be the case and if you fix the typings file. Thanks!