Last Updated: 08 Jul 2021 11:17 by ADMIN
Created by: Giuseppe Porcelli
Comments: 1
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request
It would be useful to add resize to content support for a grid column.
Also, resizing has the following issues:
1) The last column is difficult to resize as the right resize cursor is not visible after you reduce its size the first time
2) If you reduce the size of the last column, the background of the grid area is displayed. This is not ideal, it would be better if the row style (e.g. alternating) fills the empty space (add an empty column?)

Last Updated: 22 Oct 2021 12:26 by ADMIN
Created by: Marco
Comments: 0
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request
It would be great to have a couple of CSS classes to do customization of the style of scrollbars in Kendo UI Web controls (multi-browser) because otherwise its really complicated to integrate javascript plugins to do this in the Kendo UI structure.
Under Review
Last Updated: 15 Sep 2021 13:13 by ADMIN
Created by: David
Comments: 1
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request
Add a Title tag to grid headers so that if the user mouseouvers they can see the column title/filed name if it has been clipped by the ellipsis
Last Updated: 10 Jan 2022 14:58 by ADMIN
Created by: Tom Daria
Comments: 1
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request
see for more details
Last Updated: 28 Oct 2021 11:13 by ADMIN
I believe drag-drop, resize and reorder functionalities should be accessible using keyboard for people with very poor eyesight.
Last Updated: 11 Nov 2021 12:05 by ADMIN
Created by: Daniel
Comments: 0
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request
I'm working on a project that contains a Grid.
Some of the column names contain special tags (like: minus, space, dot etc.)

My request is that you please add functionality that supports special tags.

By the way, there is already a possible partial workaround this problem:

HOWEVER, if I add filterable property, the grid crushes and shows an error message:
Uncaught TypeError: e.charAt is not a function
Please see example:

Kindly add this functionality that supports special tags also WITH FILTER.

Last Updated: 23 Jan 2020 15:15 by ADMIN
Created by: Pier-Luc
Comments: 0
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request
When multi-select and batch editing is enabled, it would be nice to have a built-in feature to edit those rows all at once. Something like a popup with an editor for each column selected.

The basic idea:

- Selection mode has to be multiple. Both row and cell should be fine.
- Edit mode: Batch preferably for performance reason (but allow other?).

- [Grid widget] New multiEdit() method. Accepts an optional rowIndexes[], rowGuids[] or cellGuids[] parameter. If parameter array > 1 or parameter is null and selection > 1, open edit popup for specified or selected cells accordingly.
- [Toolbar] Built-in Edit button. Disabled if selection <= 1.
- [Popup] A popup with an editor for each selected (or passed into argument) columns.

The popup could potentially be template based but I don't know how this would work out with the editors not always available. I leave that up to you :)

Instead of a popup, it could also be (or as an extra optional feature maybe?) a fixed row right under the header that appears when you try to edit multiple rows. Sorta like the filter row but for editing.

Perhaps you could even give this feature it's own edit mode. That mode would display the fixed row permanently and would disable individual editing. Upon selection, that fixed row would take up the value of the selected row (or display "Multiple" when the values differ) and changing that value would set all the selected cells of the column to that value. 

PS. I saw the other multi-row editing suggestion. It was mainly about having mutliple rows opened for edit at once. I understand the technicalities behind why it's a bit of a mess to do. This is not what I'm asking for here. My suggestion involves having only a single editor per column
Last Updated: 03 Jun 2022 13:36 by omti
Created by: omti
Comments: 0
Category: Grid
Type: Bug Report

Bug report

When the Kendo UI Grid is initialized with the bind method utilizing MVVM, the columns.template is correctly bound based on the data-role, but the columns.headerTemplate does not render like the template.

Reproduction of the problem

Please take a look at the following Progress Kendo UI Dojo.

Current behavior

The column.headerTemplate does not render the elements containing a data-role.

Expected/desired behavior

The elements which contain a data-role should become widgets upon binding.


Last Updated: 12 Oct 2021 15:55 by ADMIN
Created by: Jason
Comments: 0
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request

Hi Team,

I would like to ask for the functionality to access the worksheet tabs to be able to format/change the contents of them.  I understand the title can be set, but I would like to be able to change the background color.

Thank you!

Need More Info
Last Updated: 08 Feb 2022 09:31 by ADMIN

We are using the functionality included with the grid (mvc and .net core) to save and set filters, sorts and groupbys.  Where the functionality fails is if the grid or columns change in any way (including toolbars).  the getoptions() and setoptions() is a snapshot in time and is not very adaptive.  Our users had 1000's of saved grids and was really not allowing us to change the grid data or columns or even change the default order of the columns.  What we ended up doing to allow the saved grids to work and the developers to have the freedom to change the grids was:

1.  Getting the grid that is passed down to the screen and saving it for a clear functionality (and knowing what the default was supposed to be).

2.  Looking at the sort, groupby and filter subcomponents of the saved grid objects by column and looking for a column match in the grid that was passed to the screen.

3.  If a column in the saved grid does not exist, do not apply those filters, sorts and groupby's and alert the user

4.  Only apply/change the filters, sorts and groupbys via a setOptions() on the grid that is passed down as opposed to a set of the entire object.

6.  If a column is added to the grid alert the user that the column is added

7.  If the grid has changed, use a getOptions() to resave the users selections with the modifications above

8.  Load the data 


We have javascript that does the column compare, with differences in the grid if your developers would like to see how we solved this issue. 

Last Updated: 18 Oct 2021 15:36 by ADMIN
Created by: Matthew
Comments: 0
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request

Hi Team,

I would like to request to set the Grid's toolbar overflow to visible or a way to modify it's configuration within the API rather than it's current configuration to allow Kendo UI Menu items and other dropdown components from hiding behind the Grid body. 

For now, I'm using the following:

          .k-grid-toolbar {

Thank you!

Last Updated: 01 Jun 2022 20:20 by omti
Created by: omti
Comments: 0
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request

Hi Team,

I'd like to request when the Kendo UI Grid contains a checkbox within the HeaderTemplate to allow it to render with the k-checkbox class like within a column.template.  Please take a look at this example which shows the current behavior.

Thank you!

Last Updated: 04 Nov 2021 21:27 by ADMIN
Created by: SturmA
Comments: 0
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request

Hi Team,

I would like to request the Kendo UI Grid to allow virtual scrolling with smaller pagesizes.  I understand right now it is a limitation, but I would like to see this functionality in the future if possible.

Thank you!

Last Updated: 10 Nov 2021 15:19 by ADMIN
Created by: Michael
Comments: 0
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request

Hi Team,

I would like to request the functionality to easily modify group and sub group headers with specific templates for aggregation, and have it built-in to the API.  For example, the group header could contain the total within the large group, and the sub group would contain each individual section.  Additionally, it would be nice to be able to reference each to better select each section.

Thank you!

Last Updated: 23 May 2022 18:36 by Brandon

Hi Team,

I have some feedback regarding the Kendo UI Grid live demo pertaining to localStorage and the columns.  I would like to request some built-in defensive approaches to help if columns are removed or added.  For example, a way to detect if a column is missing from a previously saved state.  

Thank you!

Last Updated: 31 Jan 2022 10:46 by ADMIN
Release 2022.R1
Created by: Ilia
Comments: 0
Category: Grid
Type: Bug Report

Bug report

When using specific themes for a scrollable Kendo UI Grid which have long titles within the column header, the sort icon are partially shown or not shown.

Reproduction of the problem

  1. Please check out this Progress Kendo UI Dojo
  2. Sort the first column

Current behavior

The sort icon is not shown upon sorting.

Expected/desired behavior

The sort icon should be shown as expected with every theme.


  • Kendo UI version: 2021.3.1109
  • jQuery version: 3.6
  • Browser: all
Last Updated: 04 Aug 2021 07:42 by ADMIN
Created by: Pavel
Comments: 0
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request
Would be nice to have a simple grouping without collapse and additional column for expand/collapse icon (just a grouping row with colspan attribute)
Last Updated: 27 Dec 2021 09:01 by ADMIN

We are using kendo Datagrid where we wanted to apply pagination.

We are using pageSizes property of pageable object to set the no of items per page to render. We are also using buttonCount property to control the number of buttons.

Problem : For example I have 200 records , if I set pagesSizes=1 so technically I will have 200 paging button and if i set buttonCount to 60 than UI gets distorted. Find below is stackblitz URL where I have set pagesSizes=1 and if you set Maximum number of buttons = 70 UI will break.

URL : 

Last Updated: 23 Mar 2022 11:11 by Asela

Bug report
Selecting a row on a parent grid with selectable enabled unticks checkboxes from the selectable column in child grids

Reproduction of the problem


1. Select rows in a child Grid

2. Select a row in the parent Grid

Expected/desired behavior
The checkbox ticks shall be persisted when the user selects a row in the parent grid

**Kendo UI version: [all]
**jQuery version: [all]
**Browser: [all]

Last Updated: 04 Jun 2024 06:27 by ADMIN
Release 2024 Q1

Bug report

Reproduction of the problem

1. Drag and drop Company Name to the group area, to make the grid group by Company Name

2. Reorder Contact Info next to Company Name by drag and drop the column header (from unlocked to locked)

3. Reorder Contact Info back to original place (from locked to unlocked)

Current behavior

The header of Contact title is showing at the left side of Company Name

Expected/desired behavior

The header of Contact title is showing under Contact Info