Hello, from our development I could collect some suggestions for improvement, which we would be pleased about in the future: MVC -> Grid -> Export to Excel - Do not show columns in export - currently only possible with Javascript - Display additional columns in the export that are only displayed in the export and not in the interface
Viewing the grid columns and arranging data based on respective media queries
jquery grid widget 1) filter should be excel kind of filter 2).should be sort and 3). remove duplicates in filter options
It would be nice to have the progress when exporting the grid to excel so that the user knows that something is happening.
When grouping one column on a large table, all rows (groups) are expanded by default which consumes CPU/memory. Render time grows. Please add bool property defaultCollapsed. In this case grid would not expand all rows(groups) by default. Current work around is to call collapseGroup, but performance would be a lot better if rows could be collapsed by default.
It would be nice to have the option for a single filter input that searches all columns on the Grid. I was able to implement my own custom solution but having to apply that to every grid in my app is cumbersome. I understand the importance for the flexibility side of having each column with its own filter box, but for simpler apps this is overkill and a single filter box is enough. The column component already has the [filterable] flag so this can possibly be used to exclude any columns if necessary. I was thinking of something similar to what is an out of the box feature for the Datatables JS plugin https://datatables.net/ Default search box that searches everything. Very simple to use and understand for basic users or when your application only calls for something that simplistic.
The two grid tables are created for locked columns work. The .k-grid-content-locked element is used for columns which are locked, while the .k-grid-content element holds the scrollable content. Due to this behaviours functionalities like Tabbing become complex task to achieve.
In the kendo grid, on setting the focus on the groupable button and pressing the enter key to change the sorting order, the focus moves to the start of the page. This is a accessibility concern for users who rely only on keyboard for navigation. They need to begin 'TAB'ing from the start again after selecting an option on the grid groupable button.
The grid does not have a auto generated Serial Number or Row number column built in. Although this functionality can be custom built, but I feel this is a basic thing and when you have to use the grid in different places in your program, then duplicating the same code for a simple functinoality sounds over killing and maintenance overhead.
In a Kendo grid, Angular/MVC/JS/Whatever; When using multi check filter. ---- Only show those values that are still useful to filter on!!! --- When filtering is done(one to many columns) - ONLY the remaining options should be seen when setting the NEXT filter (not all possible values in the database) of course distinct and sorted (the grid could have an option of doing it this way or the old way) example: let's say we have 5 numbers of categories, each category have 20 different details. when filtering is set on one category, then when filtering on details - only the 20 remaining details should be seen, not 100(5*20) and vice verse, if filtering one detail - only one category should be seen when filtering on category.
Make Kendo Pivot Grid Editable so You can use for transactions
Would be nice to have the checkbox selection and multiselect enabled to use the Multiselect for check the checkboxes. https://demos.telerik.com/aspnet-mvc/grid/selection
For performance reasons, we would like to only show the group headers collapsed when first grouping, and only add its child rows when expanded. This is done for hierarchical grids and minimizes unnecessarily large DOMs for data the user will never look at.
Add "matches" operator (Regular Expression) both on FilterCell as well as on Filter Menu for strings. Implementation should take into account Javascript rules for Regular Expressions.
Only two specific things that I've found lacking: 1) There doesn't appear to be any functionality for Kendo UI (jQuery) that allows for easily adding new values to a multi-select, which the Telerik RadComboBox appears to have. (E.g., for an email "to" field, selecting from existing contacts or adding a new address.) 2) The responsiveness (cell-phone-friendliness) of the Kendo UI Grid is extremely lacking, specifically if allowing for multiple rows selection. (Namely, trying to scroll down the grid instead selects the rows you swipe over, so you're unable to scroll down to see rows off screen.)
In the spreadsheet there is a way to delay repainting til bulk editing is complete. Grid does not have such a mechanism easily accessed, however with a grid with a large number of rows, inserting multiple rows takes a long time as each row insert triggers the change event. It can be worked around but would be better if it was supported like spreadsheet.
Hi, I am having a requirement to get sum and average of selected items of a grid Such as in the below example I want to get the average and Sum of selected Frieght columns eg: https://demos.telerik.com/aspnet-mvc/grid/selection
Using filterable: { ui: "slider" }, allow us to also pass a min and max value for the slider. And automatically build the filter to be something like this: { logic: "and", filters: [ { field: fieldName, operator: "neq", value: null }, { field: fieldName, operator: "gte", value: s.values[0] }, { field: fieldName, operator: "lte", value: s.values[1] } ] }
Enable kendo grid to export excel with subscript/superscript and other options using Excel export API via configuration options. Right now it supports background, bold, color, fontName, fontSize, hAlign, italic, underline, and vAlign. Adding superscript/subscript would be great and it should not be difficult.