Last Updated: 24 Jan 2020 15:59 by ADMIN
Created by: Julia
Comments: 1
Category: Chart
Type: Feature Request
Add an option for AxisLabelHover (similar to LegendItemHover) on the Chart.  Because labels can be long, I truncate the text that is shown on the graph.  I need to make the full text available via the hover.
Last Updated: 24 Jan 2020 15:57 by ADMIN
Created by: Imported User
Comments: 1
Category: Chart
Type: Feature Request
The bar chart I got is drawn form the values which are normalized. I have 7 bar charts which are drawn by looping a csv file and all the values are normalized. When I hover mouse on the bar, I want to see actual values not the normalized. So I need to include a variable in tooltip object of CSS part. But it is not working, please make something regarding this.
Last Updated: 24 Jan 2020 15:52 by ADMIN
Created by: Jim
Comments: 1
Category: Chart
Type: Feature Request
I use it to upload a chart, I'd like to prevent showing the uploaded chart in the browser.  Prefer to just upload and then get control back and let my app decided what to do next.
Last Updated: 24 Jan 2020 15:45 by ADMIN
I would like to set dashtype, line color, line width and other line segment properties for individual line segments (between two points) of a line type series in kendo chart.

this functionality is available in Microsoft charts.

note, I can set the dashtype for the entire line no problem. I have a requirement to change the dashtype for different sections of the line. maybe starting dashed, then long dash, then solid to indicate different aspects of the data being charted.

it would be great to be able to use a function to return dashtype, line color, line width and other line segment properties based on a e.dataitem.?
Last Updated: 24 Jan 2020 15:42 by ADMIN
Created by: David Apelt
Comments: 2
Category: Chart
Type: Feature Request
As per  your ScatterLine really needs the ability to set the color of the lines between the points.  It seems like an oversight that just needs to be fixed.

Last Updated: 24 Jan 2020 15:38 by ADMIN
We need functionality to allow annotations to charts (e.g. free text).

We need to annotate our charts with text that is:

- not a series value or note
- not a category note
- has no relationship with the plot data
- not a title

An example is text outlining the source of the data, 

We have succeeded in annotating charts with Snap.svg.js but the annotations do not survive the imageDataUrl() function for download (or the svg() function).

Axis & series notes won't achieve what we want to do.

We need to place free text (for example) at the top-left, top-right, bottom-left or bottom-right of the SVG.  Most importantly, it would need to be incorporated in the imageDataUrl and svg methods.
Last Updated: 24 Jan 2020 15:25 by ADMIN
In the current version the legends for charts containing groups and series has a flat list of the series for each group. This is unreadable and toggling is not of any use.

The suggested improvement is a legend containing groups (e.g.) sex and series (e.g. age 0-19, 29-39 etc). Toggling of groups should be provided. Toggling of series would also be useful, but less important than toggling groups.
Last Updated: 24 Jan 2020 12:12 by ADMIN
Created by: Rajshree
Comments: 1
Category: Chart
Type: Feature Request
it would be good if there is a feature to export to excel the charts.
Last Updated: 23 Jan 2020 11:40 by ADMIN
The only way to wrap text in category axis labels on charts is to introduce the new line character ('\n'). This is fine on fixed-width charts where labels are known at design-time. However, when dynamically adding series to charts and resizing within a responsive site, it is impossible to know where and when to use '\n'. Can a feature be implemented whereby labels flow within the bounds of their corresponding group in the chart?
Last Updated: 23 Jan 2020 11:29 by ADMIN
Extend the chart notes functionality to accept an image or any styled element, or a new type of data annotation where an element can 
be placed on the chart at a specific X and Y value
Last Updated: 23 Jan 2020 10:17 by ADMIN
Created by: Imported User
Comments: 1
Category: Chart
Type: Feature Request
It would be very helpful if we could catch the click on a plotband to enable interaction or create clickable regions on the chart
Last Updated: 23 Jan 2020 10:08 by ADMIN
Created by: Aarón
Comments: 1
Category: Chart
Type: Feature Request
A way to show differences between the labels for example assigning color red to a negative value 
Last Updated: 23 Jan 2020 09:09 by ADMIN
Created by: OMER
Comments: 2
Category: Chart
Type: Feature Request
When hovering over a chart data item (e.g. circle), the jqeury "mouseleave" is activated almost immidiately - the "mouseleave" event is fired before I actually leave the circle.  This causes the tooltip to remain, the circle itself is shown as "onHover" (e.g. filled) - but the line is removed, since "mouseleave" is fired and this is where I remove the line.

here's an example based on kendoui example:
Note the "Status" at the bottom of the chart - it is "Hover" when you start the hover and "Left" after leaving the circle (according to the event).

I believe a "seriesLeave" event could solve this.
Last Updated: 23 Jan 2020 09:00 by ADMIN
Created by: Hichem
Comments: 1
Category: Chart
Type: Feature Request
Possibility to have half top, half bottom, half left, half right, quarter top left, quarter top right, quarter bottom left, quarter bottom right in additiont to circle and donut chart. Please add an option to be able to shape the Pie or Donut accordingly
Last Updated: 22 Jan 2020 15:48 by ADMIN
Created by: Hafiz
Comments: 1
Category: Chart
Type: Feature Request
Last Updated: 22 Jan 2020 15:22 by ADMIN
Created by: Michael
Comments: 7
Category: Chart
Type: Feature Request
It appears that label rotation on charts will rotate on the label's center point.  If you have long labels for a column chart, then a rotation of "35" would cause labels to start at the wrong spot, and it pretty much unusable in that state.  The start of the label should be directly below the chart point in this case.  Maybe there should be a way to specify the rotation point on the label...something similar to "start", "middle", "end".  In my example, if I could tell it to rotate 35 degrees from the beginning of the label, it would render correctly.
Last Updated: 22 Jan 2020 14:35 by ADMIN
Created by: David
Comments: 1
Category: Chart
Type: Feature Request
It would be very useful to have only some series of a kendo chart be stacked. For instance, to have series 1, 2, and 3 to be stacked with each other, but series 4 to not be stacked.
Last Updated: 22 Jan 2020 14:22 by ADMIN
Created by: Lee
Comments: 3
Category: Chart
Type: Feature Request
I would like a built in vertical scrollbar or other visual indicator on bar charts that can be panned or scrolled.
Last Updated: 22 Jan 2020 11:25 by ADMIN
Created by: Tieson
Comments: 1
Category: Chart
Type: Feature Request

Having the option of enabling automatic rotation of category-axis labels when they would otherwise overlay would be very useful.

If this is unfeasible, an acceptable compromise would be adding a client-side function that could be called to change the rotation of a rendered chart.
Last Updated: 22 Jan 2020 08:17 by ADMIN
Created by: Petko
Comments: 3
Category: Chart
Type: Feature Request
Hello, I am trying to implement scatter chart with multiple axes. How do I specify the series-data attribute to be [columnName, elementVal] Attached is a picture of the excel table I'm trying to reproduce.