Currently the shared tooltip's position gets in the way of actually seeing the current category's series, as well as hindering any attempts to click on any series behind the tooltip.
Ideally, the tooltip should form off to the side of the current category's visible/clickable elements, either dynamically based on room available, or statically based on configuration (top, bottom, left, right).
Currently long text in chart notes makes them wide which usually results in overlapping notes. It would be great if note text is wrapped at some point. For example, if icon width can be specified and the text is wrapped to fit that width.
It would be nice to have a customization on drawing animations of data visualization charts. For example, draw directions, speed.
As per support ticket 806897 Telerik: "By design both seriesClick and plotAreaClick events of Kendo UI Chart don't contain information about the clicked button or mouse coordinates. We will appreciate it if you submit this idea as a feature request at our UserVoice portal - this way the community would be able to evaluate it and if the suggestion gains popularity we will consider its implementation for future releases." Original request: We are using mvvm binding to your Chart events seriesClick plotAreaClick both of these events I am unable to determine which mouse button caused the click. Is is possible or should I raise a user-voice for this? I want to run different code if the user right-clicked or if the user normal clicked on the chart. I would also like to know the x,y pixel position of the mouse (or tap, or tap-hold) event because depending if they interact with the top of a bar chart bar or the bottom I want to run different code... I cannot find any of this information in the event object. When I wrap the chart in a data-role touch widget and use the touch widgets event handling I can get this information, but it would be better that the chart events make this available.
It would be very helpful if we could catch the click on a plotband to enable interaction or create clickable regions on the chart
Extend the chart notes functionality to accept an image or any styled element, or a new type of data annotation where an element can be placed on the chart at a specific X and Y value
Well basically the idea is as in the topic. Sometimes we need to show something in hh:mm:ss format on y-axis and it's not possible.
A way to show differences between the labels for example assigning color red to a negative value
When hovering over a chart data item (e.g. circle), the jqeury "mouseleave" is activated almost immidiately - the "mouseleave" event is fired before I actually leave the circle. This causes the tooltip to remain, the circle itself is shown as "onHover" (e.g. filled) - but the line is removed, since "mouseleave" is fired and this is where I remove the line. here's an example based on kendoui example: Note the "Status" at the bottom of the chart - it is "Hover" when you start the hover and "Left" after leaving the circle (according to the event). I believe a "seriesLeave" event could solve this.
Add an option for AxisLabelHover (similar to LegendItemHover) on the Chart. Because labels can be long, I truncate the text that is shown on the graph. I need to make the full text available via the hover.
it would be good if there is a feature to export to excel the charts.
Would like to have automatic text wrapping enabled feature as was available in obsolete charts in the HtmlChart control as well.
It would be great if hierarchical chart types were available. Currently there's not a good way to represent hierarchical data outside of a TreeMap, but TreeMaps don't always work well (particularly for small datapoints). An ideal chart type would be the sunburst chart (nested pie/donut charts), as it can have multiple layers, hide a segment (and all children), and potentially zoom into child layers.
There are a variety of sunburst examples currently out there from other Javascript libraries:
d3 (one of many variations):
In the Kendo UI Chart Widget, if labels are too close to each other, they end up overlapping, making the labels unreadable (as visible in the attached screenshot), thus rendering the widget unusable.
It would be really useful to have implemented a feature similar to Smart Labels (included in the WPF version and also documented in the attached screenshot)
Hi Team,
I'd like to request the functionality to add positioning and alignment to the Kendo UI Chart's API for the Tooltip.
For example, I have a 100% stacked chart. Having the tooltip aligned all the way to the right instead of being able to anchor it to the middle of the data just feels weird for our purposes. I was hoping to inquire if there was another way that I may be missing to align the tooltip nicely.
Thank you!
We dynamically update our charts based off a polling period. If there was tooltip show/hide events, we could suspend polling while the tooltip is visible. Currently, we continue to poll and when the dataSource is updated, the tooltip goes away. This unfortunately leads to another problem that when that tooltip is displayed again, the displayed point no longer resides on the plot line. I'll file a defect report for that.
The bar chart should read the value for the first day or the week from the current culture set with kendo.culture.
Per Having the option of enabling automatic rotation of category-axis labels when they would otherwise overlay would be very useful. If this is unfeasible, an acceptable compromise would be adding a client-side function that could be called to change the rotation of a rendered chart.
In the current version the legends for charts containing groups and series has a flat list of the series for each group. This is unreadable and toggling is not of any use. The suggested improvement is a legend containing groups (e.g.) sex and series (e.g. age 0-19, 29-39 etc). Toggling of groups should be provided. Toggling of series would also be useful, but less important than toggling groups.