One of key areas for enterprises is data security. If we can add the capability of encrypting data via kendo datasource, it would be awesome. This encryption should automatically happen when data is received from a service using the encryption algorithm specified as an attribute of kendo datasource. Similarly, decryption should also happen when the datasource receives the encrypted data.
There are several undocumented methods on the data source which provide some really nice functionality. The DataSource is able to store multiple 'pages' of data in an internal collections of ranges that can be accessed and populated by the range() and prefetch() methods. It looks like this is used mostly to support virtual grid scrolling, but I have found it very useful for other applications where a data source uses server operations. This is a really great feature and I'd like to see it officially supported in the future!
We have a MVVM object with a change handler. One of the public properties on this MVVM object is a datasource. This datasource has some default aggregate configuration, but some aggregate configuration is added later. (see first screenshot) However, when the dataSource.aggregate(..) method is called the MVVM's change handler fires (see second screenshot). This is ok, but there is nothing to distinguish that the change handler has been fired ONLY because the aggregate configuration has changed. When run some code when the datasource is defined or loaded, but we don't want to run the same code when the aggregates changes. Vice-versa someone might want to run just a smaller piece of code when the aggregate config changes. Can the event that gets fired to the mvvm change binding have an e.action = 'aggregate' or similar?
For controls like ListView (web and mobile). We have features like server filtering. I feel there should be a configuration to perform filter operation mixing both client side and server side filtering. Scenario 1: Lets say I have 20 results to be populated based on the filter criteria and I have 2 results already present on the client side and rest 18 are present on the server rather than fetching all 20 results from server freshly this way data transfer can be optimized up to certain extent. Scenario 2: filtering should results based on the client side results and list out 2 results and there should be option load more from server similar to outlook mail search feature.
I would like to be able to dynamically update the text in my button by binding to a viewmodel. Thanks
I was using DataSource.Read with additional parameters to get data from server to load grid. It was working fine with Q1. But after upgrading libraries to Q3 it is not working. It passes "null" parameter value to controller.
It would go great batch syncing. And controls would redraw(refresh) just once when array of items is added. Not refreshing control and manipulating DOM(very slow) each time the item is added to datasource. Example use case: scheduler month events copying...
Create a datasource with a schema that has number fields. Try to filter by one of these fields using a "contains" and an ignorecase and kendoui creates an expression like (function(d, __f, __o) { return ((d.MyNumber || '').toLowerCase().indexOf('12') >= 0) }) this errors because the number does not have a toLowerCase() method. Our code is generic and we do not want to have to change ignorecase depending on the data-type, as sometime the filter will be on a string and sometimes on a number. Can a fix be put in place to allow this combination to run without error. Thanks.
Add sort/filter events or add an extra parameter in the 'change' event object so that we can detect if a data source was filtered or it was sorted.(Mostly needed when working with grids)
CRUD operation with data source without using grid
I'd like the formatted "text" property of the DatePicker widget to be bindable to a model. The DatePicker widget currently supports the value binding. This way the model would contain the same string value entered by a user and not a javascript date object.
Please consider creating a node.js middleware for mongoose so we can easily implement server side paging, filtering, etc for data source requests using node.js and mongoose (mongodb). Although mongodb itself is schema-less, mongoose does use schemas and is the most popular choice for working with mongodb and node.js. Currently, there is no other solution (that I am aware of) that offers similar functionality. The only thing that currently comes close to providing such functionality is JayData which includes support for mongodb only in their pro edition and forces you to use it in place of mongoose and one would need to use oData to make everything work, essentially making it an undesirable solution for most.
Add functionality that will allow adding shared datasource to multiple components with individual filters. This way we will be able to have one data source and multiple grids showing different part od data.
We need an option to make the datasource immediately drop the current in-flight data fetch request if another one comes in. Currently, if the user clicks around several times in a row changing grid datasource parameters too quickly, several requests get fired off, but the grid waits for the very first request to complete before issuing the next one. This makes the user's wait time twice as long and also makes the grid content appear to switch back and forth as requests complete one after another. Very unpleasant effect.
I would like to propose that GET handlers return values that can be returned to their callers. This would allow for things like proxy objects that can return values from other objects, without having to override the get function. It would also allow for modification, augmentation, or replacement of values. For examples you might find this interesting:
Currently the grid fires the change event if the user clicks on a row. I can use this event to do something, for example, update controls in a detail part of the page below the grid. If the user groups or sorts the grid, the grid rebinds. It does fire an event for that, but since the grid also removes any selection, to be consistent, it should also fire the same event it fires when the user selects a row. After all...the selection is changing (to nothing).
The success() function in the DataSource should check the response status. If the status is 304 "Not Modified", that indicates that the data has not changed and so the DataSource should not modify its internal data structures nor fire the "change" event.
As it stands only during a read the aggregate are fetched from the server via the dataSource. This is incomplete behavior. A grid should, if requested by the programmer, fetch the aggregates on each update of a row in the grid. That way the aggregates will always reflect the sum(), etc.. correctly.
There has been many scenarios where I've needed to know when a DataSource finishes a "read" or "sync" operation. I know there's the global "sync" event that I can bind to, but a lot of the time I only care about the result of one specific sync call. I can use the "one" method to only listen to it once, but this complicates things when I also care about errors. Since I need to register callbacks for both the "sync" and "error" events, and then unregister either one or the other, depending on which event fired. It's even harder hooking into a "read" event because the DataSource doesn't expose one. I know I can hook into the "change" event of the DataSource, but I still have to guess whether the change event was fired because of read, or because of some other change. If these methods returned a deferred it would be a lot easier to handle the circumstances where an app needs to do additional things after a "read" or "sync" is completed.
I need way to revert all changes for observable view model