Last Updated: 07 Jun 2022 13:26 by Jose

Bug report

When a border is applied and there are frozen rows/columns the border appears splitted with a white lin in the middle.

Reproduction of the problem

  1. Open the Dojo example.

Current behavior

The bottom border and the right border are split with a white line in the middle.

Expected/desired behavior

The border should appear entirely filled with the selected color.


  • Kendo UI version: 2022.2.510
  • Browser: [all ]
Last Updated: 19 May 2022 10:05 by George

Bug report

Hyperlinks in a Spreadsheet cell do not work mobile devices.

Reproduction of the problem

  1. Open this example on a mobile device - https://dojo.telerik.com/ahixOKep
  2. Try to click on the links in the Product column.

Current behavior

The link in the cell does not work.

Expected/desired behavior

The link should work


  • Kendo UI version: 2022.2.510
  • Browser: [all]
Last Updated: 06 May 2022 20:29 by Jocelyn

Reproduction of the problem

Open this web site:

And follow the steps provided here:

Current behavior

The first added cell value (or row) is removed when the user deletes an empty row.
If the ID is entered, the result is even stranger:

Expected/desired behavior

It should behave and function like Excel. I think with local/static binding there are no issues.

Last Updated: 05 Jan 2022 01:17 by ADMIN
Scheduled for 2022.1

Describe the bug
When the Spreadsheet has locked columns and columnWidth is set, but the width of the locked exceed the width of the Spreadsheet, the widget is not rendered correctly.

To reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Run the Dojo - https://dojo.telerik.com/@NeliKondova/aXUvAKeB

The columns of the Spreadsheet are visible even outside of the component.

Expected behavior
The columns should be limited to the Spreadsheet width

Affected package (please remove the unneeded items)

  • theme-default
  • theme-bootstrap
  • theme-material

Affected suites (please remove the unneeded items)

  • Kendo UI for jQuery

Affected browsers (please remove the unneeded items)

  • All
Last Updated: 02 Sep 2021 18:34 by Darin

Bug report

In Spreadsheet, the cell format is lost when you change its value.

Reproduction of the problem

  1. Open this Dojo example - https://dojo.telerik.com/@martin.tabakov@progress.com/EWUdUDUp/2
  2. Change the value of cell C3 to 5.5678

Current behavior

The new value is not rounded as per the preset format.

Expected/desired behavior

The new value should respect the format set for the cell.


  • Kendo UI version: 2021.2.616
  • Browser: [all]
Last Updated: 13 Jul 2021 09:50 by ADMIN

When values in the sheet are updated using the batch method the DataSource does not update according to changes.

Dojo: https://dojo.telerik.com/@iankodj/IRUdufOx

1. Run the example

2. Check the console showing "no data" and an empty array.


Expected: https://dojo.telerik.com/@iankodj/EKoziCic 

Last Updated: 01 Jul 2021 05:18 by ADMIN

When there is formatting and decimals are rounded negative numbers that round to zero show a negative sign. In Excel those are shown without the negative sign. 

Dojo example: https://dojo.telerik.com/@iankodj/azEMIRUv/21

Last Updated: 17 Jun 2021 15:15 by ADMIN

Hi there,


When a spreadsheet is linked to a datasource, if you leave a gap between previously entered rows and your new data, each cell edit creates a new item in the datasource with only the cell modified.


Here is the record after adding one cell.


and after adding another cell:


This is the state of the spreadsheet:


I managed to replicate this in dojo here: https://dojo.telerik.com/eRiHocar

Last Updated: 27 May 2021 09:10 by ADMIN
Created by: Sandeep
Comments: 8
Category: Spreadsheet
Type: Bug Report

Hi Team,

I have getting warning message when open down loaded excel file . This warning is coming if we apply conditional formatting in kendo spreadsheet .Please 

check the URL


Last Updated: 17 May 2021 06:25 by serge

Bug report

When the Sheetsbar is hidden the horizontal scrollbar is not adjusted to the bottom of the widget

Reproduction of the problem

  1. Run this dojo
  2. Note the space below the horizontal scrollbar:

Expected/desired behavior

The horizontal scrollbar should be adjusted to the bottom of the widget.

As a possible workaround, when hiding the Sheetsbar add the following styling:

    .k-spreadsheet-sheets-bar {
      padding: 0;
      border-style: none;


  • Kendo UI version: 2021.2.511
  • Browser: [all]
Last Updated: 12 Apr 2021 13:24 by Sandeep

Describe the bug

To reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to https://dojo.telerik.com/avuXEJUV/2
  2. Scroll the Spreadsheet horizontally to the "J" column.
  3. Click the header of the "J" column to select it.
  4. Activate the "Freeze Panes" tool from the toolbar.
  5. The Spreadsheet re-renders. The scroll bar does not scroll the columns past "G". A browser scrollbar appears. Use it to scroll horizontally beyond the right border of the Spreadsheet. Some of the columns are displayed outside the Spreadsheet. Once they are visible, scroll horizontally to the far right using the Spreadsheet scrollbar. Column A is duplicated after column AX.

Expected behavior
The panes are frozen without breaking the layout of the Spreadsheet and without cells/column duplication.

Affected package (please remove the unneeded items)

  • theme-default
  • theme-bootstrap
  • theme-material

Affected suites (please remove the unneeded items)

  • Kendo UI for jQuery

Affected browsers (please remove the unneeded items)

  • All

Build system information (please remove the unneeded items)

  • Not Applicable

Additional context
Add any other context about the bug.

Last Updated: 12 Apr 2021 09:53 by ADMIN
Created by: Sandeep
Comments: 1
Category: Spreadsheet
Type: Bug Report

Hi Team,


When I add comments to enabled columns(product)it is allowing me to add and after reopening the comments it is retained. But when I add comments to disabled columns(ID) it is not adding to it and no messages are added like it is disabled and comments are not allowed.

demo: https://dojo.telerik.com/ISIvATiN


Last Updated: 11 Jan 2021 16:10 by pradeep

Bug report

The Spreadsheet SLOPE and INTERCEPT functions do not calculate if arrays passed as parameters contain blank or string cells

Reproduction of the problem

  1. Run this dojo

Current behavior

  1. Note that cell B3, B4, and B5 return errors as a result of the calculation
  2. Same data passed to the SLOPE and INTERCEPT functions in Excel returns a valid result

Expected/desired behavior

Calculation of the SLOPE and INTERCEPT functions should be consistent with Excel


  • Kendo UI version: 2020.3.118
  • Browser: [all]
Last Updated: 23 Nov 2020 14:13 by Marketing

Bug report

When importing from Excel in Spreadsheet if a date is entered, but the date format is not set explicitly, the imported date always has the following format: "mm-dd-yy". The issue is observed even if a culture is set.

Reproduction of the problem

  1. Open the Dojo example
  2. Import the following file

Current behavior

The value in Excel is "15.6.2020" , but the imported date in the Spreadsheet is "05-15-20" screencast

Expected/desired behavior

The format of the dates should be the same as in the imported file.


  • Kendo UI version: 2020.3.1118
  • Browser: [all ]
Last Updated: 11 Nov 2020 15:49 by ADMIN

Bug report

Reproduction of the problem

Dojo example.

  1. Click column "B"'s header to select the column.
  2. Use the "Wrap text" tool from the toolbar. The text in B2 is wrapped.
  3. While the column is still selected, use the "Wrap text" tool again.

Current behavior

The text in B2 is not unwrapped.

The merged cell prevents the unwrap. If there is no merged cell, or if the tool is used over the cell itself, wrapping/unwrapping works as expected.

Expected/desired behavior

The text in B2 is unwrapped.


  • Kendo UI version: 2020.3.1021
  • jQuery version: x.y
  • Browser: [all]
Last Updated: 06 Aug 2020 08:18 by Naveen
Created by: Naveen
Comments: 0
Category: Spreadsheet
Type: Bug Report

Bug report

Memory usage is increased if the DevTools is open. Navigation between sheets is also slower.

Reproduction of the problem

  1. Open our Spreadsheet demo in Chrome.
  2. Import the attached Spreadsheet.
  3. Open the Task Manager to check Chrome memory usage, and switch sheets to see the navigation speed.
  4. Open DevTools and check memory usage again. Note that switching sheets is also significantly slower.

Current behavior

Memory usage increased and slower sheet change.

Expected/desired behavior

Memory usage should not be increased and sheet navigation should not be slow.


  • Kendo UI version: 2020.2.619
  • Browser: [all]
Last Updated: 14 Jul 2020 07:25 by Naveen

Bug report

The AND formula, when used as part of an array formula, does not evaluate the whole array.

{=AND(A1:D1="")} would return TRUE if a value is entered in the range B1:D1 and FALSE only if value is entered in A1
=IF(AND(A1="",B1="",C1="",D1=""),TRUE,FALSE) would return FALSE if value is entered in any cell in range A1:D1

Reproduction of the problem

  1. Run this dojo
  2. Select cell E1, press F2 to edit formula and press Ctrl+Shift+Enter to enter as an array formula

Current behavior

  1. Enter a value in cell B1 - Array formula evaluates as TRUE, Non-array formula as FALSE
  2. Only if a value is entered in A1 the Array formula will evaluate as FALSE

Expected/desired behavior

Array formula should be evaluated correctly and return FALSE when a value is entered in any cell in range A1:D1.


  • Kendo UI version: 2020.2.617
  • Browser: [all]
Last Updated: 22 Jun 2020 18:18 by Vamsi
Created by: Vamsi
Comments: 0
Category: Spreadsheet
Type: Bug Report

Bug report

Reproduction of the problem

Reproducible in this demo: https://demos.telerik.com/kendo-ui/spreadsheet/datasource

  1. Scroll down to row 78
  2. Focus A78 and drag to E78. Copy the data
  3. Paste over the empty 79 row's first cell
  4. Press Ctrl + Z to undo the changes.
  5. Open the browser's dev tools network tab and press the "Save" button above the Spreadsheet.

Current behavior

The data cleared by the "undo" shortcut is saved and sent to the server

A different behavior is exhibited if the data is pasted over the row header instead of the row's first cell. Follow the same steps, but on step 3. instead of pasting over the first cell, paste the data over the row 79 header. After undo and then clicking "Save", the fields have null values.

Expected/desired behavior

No data is sent with the request


  • Kendo UI version: 2020.2.617
  • jQuery version: x.y
  • Browser: [all]
Last Updated: 10 Mar 2020 09:51 by Naveen

Bug report

The Spreadsheet doesn't' load correctly Excel files which definition of the tag is a single cell, instead of a cell range.

Test files: test-2.zip

Reproduction of the problem

  1. Download the test-2.zip file and load the "test.xlsx" file in the Spreadsheet here.
  2. The file has data in the “AZ” and “BA” columns and once it is imported in the Spreadsheet the data from the “BA” column is imported in the “AX” column and the values in the AZ column are missing.
  • If the above file is saved in Excel it is correctly loading in the Spreadsheet. In the attached archive there is the “test-copy.xlsx” file which is the saved and correctly working one. Below is the structure of the two files. The one in red is from the "test.xlsx" file and the code in green is from the "test-copy.xlsx" file.


Current behavior

The The "test.xlsx" file is not loading correctly in the Spreadsheet and loses data

Expected/desired behavior

The "test.xlsx" file should load correctly in the Spreadsheet without losing data


  • Kendo UI version: 2020.1.219
  • jQuery version: x.y
  • Browser: [all]
Last Updated: 26 Feb 2020 15:07 by ADMIN
Created by: Sandeep
Comments: 3
Category: Spreadsheet
Type: Bug Report

Hi team,

In kendo spreadsheet if you disable any row by adding enable property to false and apply sort from data tab, then the disable row is changing based on the sort. instead of applying to particular row  it is applying to perticular range and while sorting the row items are changing. The cell properties are not applying there while sorting.


link for example: https://dojo.telerik.com/IkoJeMIz


please let me know if I am doing anything wrong here.

