Be able to edit an spreadsheet by several users at the same time, reflecting the changes from one user to the others and viceversa.
like this:
Allow additional control over what a user can undo/redo, or a clearer way to control the undo/redo stack. Right now, users cannot undo more complex custom logic - i.e. a user deletes the content of a single cell which triggers code for us to clear the content of every cell in that row. When a user then attempts a single undo via keyboard shortcut, it cannot undo this more complex chain of events.
In percent-formatted cells, Excel will place a '%' as the user types. This allows 50% to be entered as '50'. Steps (excel and kendo): 1. Format a cell as percent 2. Enter 50 Excel shows "50.00%". The actual value is .5 Kendo widget shows "5000.00%". The actual value is 50
Show/Hide Column & Row Header
1. Save Excel workbook to folder on server (the Excel file can be re-purposed in many ways) 2. Better ways to send sheet data back to controller ... more JSON serialization options, csv, etc.
Ability to hide a sheet in kendo spreadsheet
Right now, a List based validation is strict on case, it'd be nice to have a toggle for when it is appropriate.
Can the Spreadsheet widget be updated to initialize a sheet that is bound to a datasource when the datasource is an empty object? Generally, when a sheet is bound to a datasource, it is for the purpose of editing data, creating new rows and updating/deleting existing rows. If a datasource comes back empty, the sheet isn't initialized. So there are no column headers, which can be confusing to users when they don't know what data to enter in which columns. The other thing is that the sheet itself is not fully initialize so that even if we assign column headers programmatically, when users start entering data, the UI becomes unresponsive and generates a javascript error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'indexOf' of undefined at r.set (kendo.all.js:4586) at r.set (kendo.all.js:4760) at kendo.all.js:127702
I checked out the feature request provisions on your site. Since I'd like to include photos with my description, I'm hoping that it is okay that I send this to you for forwarding on to the appropriate audience. My feature request involves the spreadsheet control in Kendo's JQuery controls The request is for an attribute to be added to a cell of a spreadsheet which can be used by JQuery to associate the HTML dom element with the spreadsheet's javascript model. Here is why: In needing to place things in the cells of spreadsheets (such as images and my own custom controls) as can be seen in my images 1 and 2, it is necessary to know which div.k-spreadsheet-cell corresponds with a kendo javascript spreadsheet cell. As a work around, I have given my custom controls an index number. In the kendo javascript object, I set the cell's background color to the same value as that index. This gave me two benefits: 1) it put a characteristic on the cell's div object that could identify the cell; 2) it rendered the cell even if it had no content--this is particularly important. In my image 4, you can see the background color attribute of a cell div. In image 3, you can see my collection of custom controls. Each of my div.custom-control has a control_index property. I have a routine that runs periodically to reckon the location and size of each control whose background color is set to a value matching one of my cell's control indices. Once located, the controls are laid down onto their respective cells at their appropriate size (or made invisible if the target cell is scrolled off of the container). This work around contains a lot of painful overhead. For instance, when a spreadsheet is first rendered, I have to traverse the div.k-spreadsheet-cell elements to check their background color attributes. If they qualify, a css class must be placed on the cell so that a black cell isn't presented in the time that it takes to reckon and position my custom controls. If there were a 'tag' attribute that could be added to a cell's javascript model and that tag was ascribed to the div.k-spreadsheet-cell element (AND make the element render even if it is otherwise trivial), this operation would be a lot easier. I think that I'm not the only one who would like to take some control over the dom objects of the spreadsheet control. I would be happy to discuss this further with anybody who is interested. Thanks, Doug
Hi Support Team,
When select multiple cells continuously and right click, it will have more options. But when select multiple cells without continuously and right click, there is only 1 option
Would like to have a feature to have more options when select multiple cells without continuously and right click and also to able to detect which cells are selected if multiple cells are selected without continuously.
Select multiple cells continuously: Select multiple cells without continuously:
The Spreadsheet widget is a good start, here are some additional ideas: 1) Ability to assign specific data columns to a spreadsheet column in DataSource data binding and format them. 2) Control tools that can be visible in the toolbar as well as add custom toolbar items/tabs 3) Enabled/Disable or Show/Hide tabs in tool bar. Alternatively, be able to add custom tabs and toolbar items as well. 4) Events! need more events. Cell selected, Range selected, column selected, etc... 5) Disable/Enable certain commands (such as Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete) based on #4 or other criteria. Useful if I do not want specific cell or column data copied or deleted.
Add a watermark in each worksheet.
I know it seems like a small thing, but I work with complex spreadsheets, and supporting coloured sheet tabs would really help Love this control.
We are using the Kendo UI spreadsheet in a real-world website. We have a design team who are providing a visual design which fits in with our company's corporate standards. HTML5 aims at separating styling from the layout design, which enables different teams to build the syle, with very little development experience, but more artistic experience. For some reason, the Spreadsheet control can only be styled via the API (javascript code)! This means our design team needs to write their style in javascript, which is completely unrealistic. It should be a fairly simple change to allow a range object to have a CSS class associated, and let HTML work like it should.
Presently in Spreadsheet tooltip is not working for filter applied range so tooltip should display for each cell in which the range of filter is applied
Currently if you access cells range programmatically, you can set background color, text color etc. It would be good to have the way to set classes or to get the DOM of the range. Another option would be to get DOM or set a class to individual cells (e.g. via range.forEachCell).
Custom editors are great! But often when you have a custom editor, you want to restrict data entry to only use that editor, and not free-form typing in the cell. You can prevent free-form typing in the cell by disabling the cell, but then the custom editor button is no longer available. Suggestion is to still show custom editor button even if cell is disabled, perhaps with an additional setting; so that you could optionally not show the custom editor if the cell is disabled, since often a disabled cell should prevent any kind of modification.
I have a first example using the Kendo Toolbar widget and I was able to get an Angular button rendered in the toolbar: When I tried to do the same thing in the Kendo Spreadsheet widget toolbar, it failed to compile my template: In general Angular directives are not compiled properly when specified in the template of a Spreadsheet Toolbar item. I am aware of a workaround for the kendo-button specific case, but I would like the template to work for custom Angular directives as well.