What about adding dynamic scrollbars to the HTML5 Diagram widget? As developer I'm familiar with the pan and zoom concept, but customers and normal users are expected to see scroll bars to move around a diagram. In this demo http://demos.telerik.com/kendo-ui/html5-diagram-sample-app you can add objects that fall outside of the main view, but no scroll bars appears. Here http://kendoui-feedback.telerik.com/forums/127393-telerik-kendo-ui-feedback/suggestions/6552432-html5-diagram-control-allow-scrolling was posted a similar request, but the scrollbars Kenshin suggested are static. The scrollbars does't readapt if the work area changes. If you move objects around, apply a different zoom, add more elements, and so on.
Please provide a way to change the styling of lines used to connect shapes in the Diagram widget. Specifically, I would like to have smooth/spline style lines between points similar to http://bit.ly/1t3LU0j or http://bit.ly/1nxzWLB. Having labels on lines similar to the first picture above would also be quite useful.
Expand/Collapse feature on click of the diagram nodes. Load data on demand during enpansion of the node.
as demo'd here : https://gojs.net/latest/samples/sankey.html
Implement containers for the Kendo UI Diagram much like Telerik's RadDiagram for WPF and Silverlight. The containers need to be able to support connections within parent containers (essentially need to be able to create an entire child diagram within each container). These containers must also be able to be moved as a unit when the user drags and drops the containers around on the screen.
Its good to have minimize and maximize the shapes drawn with kendo diagram as seen in this example https://gojs.net/latest/samples/IVRtree.html it will very useful when we are drawing with a huge data. we can clearly see the actual flow as required
What we would like to do is to be able to disable the following in the Diagram: - Draggable objects - Dynamic connectors - Ctrl+Z effect
Large texts doesn't wrap inside a shape of a Diagrama
Please can you add support for Venn diagrams with drop and drop support for data items to allow dynamic generation.
At the moment, "resizing" shapes is merely a scale transformation. Proper resizing would be much better looking!
Problem: Currently when a Rectangle together with a large TextBlock is contained by a Shape where the Rectangle should enclose the TextBlock it is not resized by the size of the TextBlock, but the TextBlock is overflowing the Rectangle. Possible solution: Make the Rectangle a "visual group" so child elements like e.g. TextBlock or Image can be added to it and it will resize with the size of it's children. Related Forum post: http://www.telerik.com/forums/how-to-avoid-text-overflow-in-shape
When using the diagram control I have been told there is a bound and unbound mode. In bound mode all events are supposed to funnel through the dataSource. While in unbound mode the events should funnel through the diagram directly. I would like a way to combine this functionality. To prevent unnecessary code and logic I would like to be able to provide a dataItem and the shapeOptions that accompany it. Currently if I provide a dataItem then I am reliant on the shapeDefaults requiring logic in the visual function, the change function, and the editable.shapeTemplate function that I wish to provide. Instead I would like to be able to determine the options for any dataItem and provide them when the item is added to the dataSource. Thanks
Extend Dataviz Diagram to implement a BPMN Editor using
I want the content to be divide into two lines. So I tried setting `connectionDefaults.content.visual` with the below function: var getConnection = function (data) { var g = new kendo.dataviz.diagram.Group({ autoSize: true }); var text1 = new kendo.dataviz.diagram.TextBlock({ text: data.label.name, fontSize: 16 }); g.append(text1); var text2 = new kendo.dataviz.diagram.TextBlock({ text: data.label.value, fontSize: 16 }); g.append(text2); return g; } But the problem here is that the `data` field does not populate the connection data due to which assigning values is not possible. A solution for this is much appreciated.
Currently, the Diagram control does not register touch event as a click. Therefore, selecting and dragging nodes in the diagram does not work. It only pans the entire view. These show up as Pan events only and no other events seem to fire.
HTML5 Diagram Control - allow title editing on shapes and connectors
Tooltip for Shapes in Diagram
While the Diagram component is nice it is not explicitly constrained to OrgChart behavior with custom drill-up and built-in drill-down capability like the control for the ASP.NET AJAX suite has and thus trying to implement it as such would consume too much time. The Diagram component is amazing and certainly has valid use cases but to extend it for use as an OrgChart with all the behaviors that exist in the pure AJAX control would be a pain.
I find the documentation is critically lacking with regards to the available options for a feature. Here is an example of what I mean... http://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/api/javascript/dataviz/diagram/layout#configuration-alignContent The diagram Layout > alignContent feature "Specifies the alignment of the content." Ok, but the documentation does not even say what the allowed values are. Instead, it just has "alignContent String (default: "start")". Now, I guess the allowed values here are the same values allowed for an SVG text-anchor. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Attribute/text-anchor How about adding those possible values to the api documentation, or including a link to the relevant area of the SVG specification? Hope this makes sense.
In large Diagrams the connections will route trough the shapes itself what is very confusing. I would like to have an option to avoid this behaviour.