Last Updated: 19 Mar 2024 16:31 by Indika Samarasekara (Manager - IT Infrastructure)
Created by: Indika Samarasekara (Manager - IT Infrastructure)
Comments: 0
Category: Diagram
Type: Bug Report

Bug report

On Zoom Some Connection lines become bolded

Reproduction of the problem
Dojo: https://dojo.telerik.com/uHOdOHOV/4

Zoom the chart randomly

Current behavior

Some Connection lines become bolded

Expected/desired behavior
Connection lines coordination shall be rounded so they render equally

Kendo UI version: [all]
Browser: [all]

Last Updated: 23 Feb 2024 22:02 by Roy
Created by: Roy
Comments: 0
Category: Diagram
Type: Feature Request

Hi Team,

I would like to request adding Swimlane Orientation for the Kendo UI Diagram. 

Thank you!

Last Updated: 12 Oct 2023 10:18 by SSLOman
Created by: SSLOman
Comments: 0
Category: Diagram
Type: Bug Report

Bug report

In a Diagram, if you have a lot of nested data, a "Maximum call stack size exceeded" error is thrown.

Reproduction of the problem

  1. Open this example - https://dojo.telerik.com/OcOBaFoq/3

Current behavior

A Maximum call stack size exceeded error is thrown

Expected/desired behavior

No errors should be thrown.


  • Kendo UI version: 2023.3.1010
  • Browser: [all]
Last Updated: 05 May 2022 09:05 by Divyesh


Expose renderAs property in Diagram as it is in Chart

TicketID: 1563168

Kendo UI version: ]all]
Browser: [all]

Last Updated: 02 May 2022 17:46 by Divyesh
Created by: Divyesh
Comments: 0
Category: Diagram
Type: Feature Request

Hi Team,

I'd like to request the functionality to inject HTML code using the Kendo UI Drawing API.  Specifically, being able to utilize a Node Container with the Drawing API would be great.  

Thank you!

Last Updated: 25 May 2021 10:45 by ADMIN
Created by: Les Baker
Comments: 0
Category: Diagram
Type: Feature Request
It would be great to have a "shadow" property and customization settings for shapes.  That would take the visual appeal of these controls clearly to the next level.  Same request for "corners" as in rounding/settings. 
Last Updated: 07 Jan 2021 18:33 by ADMIN
Created by: Joel
Comments: 0
Category: Diagram
Type: Feature Request

Hi Team,

I'd like to request the Kendo UI Diagram to include a double click event in future releases similar to the click event.  

Thank you

Last Updated: 18 Nov 2020 12:03 by ADMIN
Created by: Bogdan
Comments: 1
Category: Diagram
Type: Bug Report

I disable the zoom on a diagram by setting the zoom property to 0 and it works.

Unfortunately it crashes the pdf export with the following error:

This is a dojo where the issue reproduces: https://dojo.telerik.com/EveCAnAq

I did a quick investigation in the library and the culprit seems to be the first line of the below function. _zoom is either zero or undefined resulting in NAN. 

Last Updated: 01 Apr 2020 09:37 by ADMIN
Created by: Diego
Comments: 0
Category: Diagram
Type: Feature Request

Add ability to define connection visual template option for the whole connection path. In this way the user can define custom connection types (like 'polyspline' ).

Someting like:


Last Updated: 22 Jan 2020 06:01 by ADMIN
Created by: Hans
Comments: 7
Category: Diagram
Type: Feature Request



Your documentation mentions the rotation-thumb and also allows for some styling:


The only problem is, I cannot get it to display.

See: https://jsfiddle.net/6qmgj521/

Beware: I do NOT mean the 90 degree rotation buttons in the toolbar, but the rotation-thumb adorner!


I expect to see:


Afbeeldingsresultaat voor 'telerik diagram rotation


Kind regards, 


Hans van Essen





Last Updated: 22 Nov 2019 10:45 by ADMIN

The data item is available to the event arguments of the function handler for shapeDefaults.content.visual function but it is not available to connectionDefaults.content.visual Function. Here is an example illustrating the issue: https://dojo.telerik.com/EMAzeruG

Can it be added?


Last Updated: 24 Jan 2020 09:47 by ADMIN
Created by: Velusamy
Comments: 2
Category: Diagram
Type: Feature Request

Fish Bone diagram is a nice feature which is very useful for the applications to provide the root cause analysis in any vertical.

Syncfusion is having a nice in built control to do the same.


A similar feature from Kendo UI is needed to include it in our existing applications.

Last Updated: 12 Feb 2020 11:34 by ADMIN
Created by: Michał
Comments: 0
Category: Diagram
Type: Feature Request
It should be allowed to extend the Diagram plot area to more than 20000px and/or to calculate the max scroll width based on the Diagram content.
Last Updated: 25 Mar 2024 11:22 by ADMIN
SVG Example:

                    <pattern id="Occupied"
                            width="4" height="10"
                            patternTransform="rotate(45 50 50)">
                        <line stroke="#ffb29d" stroke-width="2" y2="10"/>
                <rect x="5" y="5"
                      width="40" height="100"
                      stroke-width="1" />

Last Updated: 12 Feb 2020 11:07 by ADMIN
Created by: Imported User
Comments: 0
Category: Diagram
Type: Feature Request
I find the documentation is critically lacking with regards to the available options for a feature.

Here is an example of what I mean...


The diagram Layout > alignContent feature "Specifies the alignment of the content."

Ok, but the documentation does not even say what the allowed values are. Instead, it just has "alignContent String (default: "start")".

Now, I guess the allowed values here are the same values allowed for an SVG text-anchor.

How about adding those possible values to the api documentation, or including a link to the relevant area of the SVG specification?

Hope this makes sense.

Last Updated: 12 Feb 2020 11:35 by ADMIN
Created by: Martin
Comments: 0
Category: Diagram
Type: Feature Request
It would love to have an export feature for Diagram which will give the possibilty to make an export to Microsoft Visio.
Last Updated: 14 Jul 2023 11:58 by ADMIN
Expand/Collapse feature on click of the diagram nodes. 
Load data on demand during enpansion of the node.
Last Updated: 12 Aug 2021 13:18 by ADMIN
I want the content to be divide into two lines. So I tried setting `connectionDefaults.content.visual` with the below function:

            var getConnection = function (data) {
            var g = new kendo.dataviz.diagram.Group({
                autoSize: true
            var text1 = new kendo.dataviz.diagram.TextBlock({
                text: data.label.name,
                fontSize: 16


            var text2 = new kendo.dataviz.diagram.TextBlock({
                text: data.label.value,
                fontSize: 16

            return g;
But the problem here is that the `data` field does not populate the connection data due to which assigning values is not possible.

A solution for this is much appreciated.
Last Updated: 12 Aug 2021 13:16 by ADMIN
Currently, a shape that is a group of inner shapes is selected by clicking anywhere inside its bounding box. 
However, when there's a gap between the inner shapes through which you see another shapes, clicking that other shape will not select it due to the bounding box.
If instead the selection was based on the inner shapes, that wouldn't be a problem.
Last Updated: 12 Feb 2020 11:16 by ADMIN
Created by: Pankaj
Comments: 0
Category: Diagram
Type: Feature Request
Its good to have minimize and maximize the shapes drawn with kendo diagram as seen in this example

it will very useful when we are drawing with a huge data. we can clearly see the actual flow as required
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