Last Updated: 07 Jan 2019 12:39 by ADMIN

Dear Support Team,

Please try the following scenario. Create a weekly recurring event for the 4rth of April that has no end. 
Go at the next week (9/4 - 13/4) and move the event (11/4) 1 hour forward. At the confirmation popup please select 'Edit the series'.
Go back to the previous week (2/4 - 6/4). The event of 4/4 has disappeared!!

The specific dates are used as an example. Feel free to use any date your want.

Thank you in advance,

Last Updated: 21 May 2021 07:07 by ADMIN

Device : Windows 10 tablet

Browser : Latest Chrome and Edge


When trying to move an event vertically inside the scheduler, the entire web page is scrolling. This cause the event to not move has supposed to.

The problem can be exprienced on the demo page of the scheduler : https://demos.telerik.com/kendo-ui/scheduler/move-resize

Thank you

Last Updated: 26 Jan 2022 16:02 by ADMIN
Release 2022.R1.SP.next
Created by: Richard
Comments: 4
Category: Scheduler
Type: Bug Report

Bug report

Reproduction of the problem

Dojo example: https://dojo.telerik.com/aGidAkuP/2

  1. Double click an event to edit it.
  2. Enter and invalid hour (e.g., 25:00) or some text in the Start or the End DateTimePicker.
  3. Click the "Save" button.

Current behavior

The validation message appears for a fraction of a second and then disappears. No indication of which field is invalid remains. If a SASS theme is used, there is some indication - a red border around the invalid field appears.

Expected/desired behavior

The validation message remains until a valid date is entered in the DateTimePicker.


  • Kendo UI version: 2021.1.224
  • jQuery version: x.y
  • Browser: [all]
Last Updated: 21 Jun 2021 09:58 by ADMIN
Created by: Howard
Comments: 1
Category: Scheduler
Type: Feature Request
Prevent the page from scrolling the Scheduler into view if the widget is focused through keyboard navigation or selection.
Last Updated: 15 Apr 2019 15:01 by ADMIN
Created by: Brodie
Comments: 1
Category: Scheduler
Type: Feature Request

Hi there,


I would like to know if there is a way to add aggregates to a kendo scheduler?


There is a particular value that I'd like to apply an aggregate.sum to, then have that sum appear in a header. Is this possible with the scheduler? or is there some work around?


Thank you,



Last Updated: 17 May 2021 12:31 by ADMIN
Release 2021.R2.SP.next
Created by: Karl
Comments: 1
Category: Scheduler
Type: Bug Report

jQuery.Deferred exception: $ is undefined tt@https://.../sites/pmo/SiteAssets/js/kendo.all.min.js:57:25403

undefined on $

jQuery alias does not exist with the noConflict()

Cannot use Export to PDF.

Last Updated: 02 Mar 2021 14:44 by ADMIN
Release 2021.R1.SP.next
Created by: Thor Ludvig
Comments: 0
Category: Scheduler
Type: Bug Report

Bug report

search textbox can't be localized in scheduler

Reproduction of the problem


Current behavior

search textbox placeholder and title are not localized

Expected/desired behavior

search textbox placeholder and title should be localized

We should also improve the localization settings on the server side as suggested in ticket: 1501795


  • **Kendo UI version: 2020.3.1118
Last Updated: 05 Jun 2019 08:58 by ADMIN

Dear Telerik team.

Currently you use hard coded formats to display dates and times.

majorTimeHeaderTemplate: '<span class=\'k-time-text\'>#=kendo.toString(date, \'h:mm\')#</span> ' + '<span class=\'k-time-period\'>#=kendo.toString(date, \'tt\')#</span>'

It would be nice if you would respect the culture settings and at least I would not have to change the templates every time I use a scheduler.

I didn't check all your widgets, but I guess the scheduler is not the only one ignoring the culture settings.

Please make use of the current culture settings/patterns

Thanks in advance


Last Updated: 03 Jun 2019 13:50 by ADMIN
Release 2019.R2.SP.Next
Created by: Konstantin
Comments: 0
Category: Scheduler
Type: Bug Report

Bug report

The create button should be available only when editable is enabled.

Reproduction of the problem




Last Updated: 21 Jun 2021 10:08 by ADMIN

Dear Telerik,

My problem is behind the "timelineMonth" view of the Scheduler. In the documentation it is written that "showWorkHours" has a support only behind "day" and "week" views. But it is not really like that. In fact, it is included also in "timeline" and "timelineWeek" views and it works fine. Even more, this feature works also in "timelineMonth", but with a small exception that I want to focus on your attention. 

Here is an example showing the problem. It's only about selecting the "today" (in my example the "date" property is showing "today". The same behavior could be achieved if you change it to another date and click the "today" button).

I can show you another particular example describing why this feature is very useful. Here, if the user press on "show business hours" button and then select the "Timeline Month", he will break the logic behind. And it makes somehow the "Show Business Hours" button problematic. And let say I should make some workaround to avoid this thing happens, but not sure why.

Hope this is valuable.

Best Regards, Boyan.

Last Updated: 16 Nov 2020 13:10 by Thomas

Bug report

When using the resize method the Scheduler's current time marker is not resized

Reproduction of the problem

  1. Run this dojo from this KB
  2. Note the horizontal scrollbar in the scheduler. For better representation collapse the Scheduler pane

Current behavior

The current time marker is not resized, screenshot for better representation:

Expected/desired behavior

The current time marker should be resized when using the resize() method


  • Kendo UI version: 2020.2.1023
  • Browser: [all]
Last Updated: 31 Jan 2024 14:58 by ADMIN

Bug report

When the mobile option of the Scheduler is set to true and the user double click/double-tap the Edit dialog is opened, but when saving the event, the following error is thrown in the console:

'Cannot read property 'isOccurrence' of undefined'

Reproduction of the problem

  1. Open the Dojo example in the emulator.
  2. Double click fast to edit or create an event
  3. Try to save the event

Current behavior

An error is thrown in the console (screencast)

Expected/desired behavior

There should be no error in the console


  • Kendo UI version: 2020.3.1021
  • Browser: [all ]
Last Updated: 28 Jun 2019 08:16 by ADMIN


I'm looking to be able to modify agenda view, so that it is like the group headers in grid - having the date as the group header and then the events that occur on that date shown underneath (also collapsible). Is this possible?

I also tried to do this in the grid but it doesn't seem to work due to the fact that it using a start and an end, not a single date column.




Last Updated: 09 Feb 2021 09:15 by ADMIN

See https://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/controls/scheduling/scheduler/how-to/appearance/set-event-color-in-the-template

The example shows how to style the content of the event, but borders stay in the old color.

Additionally, images are broken.


Last Updated: 04 Dec 2023 13:08 by Sisi


I'm having some erratic behavior when displaying recurring events in the scheduler when the browser is Safari and in other browsers when the device is an ipad.

The recurring events don't show on the presentation table, but if I force several clicks in the presentation table with the intention of creating a new event and then canceling, they sometimes are rendered in the right slots. After they are rendered if I click the presentation table they disappear again.

If I check the scheduler dataSource data the events are there to be shown.

I tried to replicate the same behavior with the scheduler demo that you have available and I couldn't replicate it. But then I realized  that in my case only recurring events won't show up. My hint was that the problem was with the recurrence rule. I created a dojo sample with my recurrence rule and then the bug appeared.

Concluding it seems that for some recurrence rules the recurring events may have problems to be rendered in the presentation table.

Here is a dojo sample replicating the problem that I describe:



How can I resolve this problem or have a potential fix?

Kind regards,

Marco Miranda. 


Last Updated: 19 Jan 2023 13:11 by ADMIN

Bug report

When the Scheduler is grouped, selecting a cell from the last row does not mark it as selected in IE 11 in TimelineView.

Reproduction of the problem

You will notice that the same cell in the previous row is marked as selected.

Current behavior

Selection does not mark the correct cell as selected in TimeLine View with grouping.

Expected/desired behavior

Selection should mark the correct cell as selected in TimeLine View with grouping.


  • Kendo UI version: 2019.2.516
  • Browser: [all]
Last Updated: 12 Oct 2020 09:39 by ADMIN

Feature in scheduler to display multiple vertical lines at configurable date/times like the below red lines in the screenshot.

We would like to use these lines to make it clear the period between two date/times to the user when viewing the Scheduler.

Styling of the line could be similar to the current time marker.

Last Updated: 13 Oct 2020 10:24 by ADMIN
Created by: Pallavi
Comments: 3
Category: Scheduler
Type: Feature Request


   I  wanted achieve some Changes in Agenda view of scheduler  Is it Possible

1. Want to drag and drop the event of Agenda page Up and Down

2. Calculate the total time of Event

3. After drag and drop the Event up and down the starting and Ending time of Event Change According to Total time

I am new in kendo UI so I don`t have any idea Is it possible to reflect this changes in Agenda page

attached SS please look forward It.

Thank You

Last Updated: 09 Oct 2020 06:55 by ADMIN
Release 2020.R3.SP.next
Created by: Marlon
Comments: 2
Category: Scheduler
Type: Bug Report

Hi all,

The following occurs to me when I have culture enabled. It seems a bug in the Scheduler end-date datepicker (editor popup, recurrence end-date) for at least in Firefox & Kendo 2020.2.617 (and higher versions).

When I want to end a recurrence by filling the end-date... the dates are missing. As you can see in the screenshot and link: https://dojo.telerik.com/OfIVozUY/2

How to fix this?

Thx in advance!

With kind regards,



Last Updated: 11 Dec 2020 10:26 by ADMIN

Bug report

In Scheduler event, if the eventTemplate has a table, the add event is triggered when editing an existing task, resulting that both popups open and close instantly.

Reproduction of the problem

Open this dojo example. Choose an event and click the span containing the text "I have some icons here".

Current behavior

The add event popup shows together with the edit event popup.

Expected/desired behavior

Only the edit event popup should be displayed.


  • Kendo UI version: 2019.3.917
  • Browser: [all]