Currently, the moveEnd handler contains e.slot and e.resources objects to provide information about the slot where the event was dropped. Please add the corresponding fields to the moveStart handler to identify where the move began.
my dea is Timeline Month ,but no need to time phasing
To select multiple events from different groups in kendo ui scheduler with angular js, but currently it only allows multiple events selection in same group.
In date pickers in scheduler and occurence editor to easily be configured to show week numbers.
When using the Scheduler with multiple resources, the day, week and work week views become unresponsive as a result of the view loading all of the resources. The following dojo demonstrates this It would be good if the Scheduler could be configured to allow virtual scrolling so that resources can be loaded at the point of scrolling down the view. An example of why this might be required is: - You have two lists of resources, one for projects and one for staff - You would like to group the events by resource and see which member of staff they are assigned to and to which job they belong to. - This would allow you to easily re-assign events to different members of staff or to different projects by dragging and dropping.
Currently events >24h are automatically shown in the all day area. This is confusing if the event starts or ends somewhere during the day. E.g. it starts at 5 p.m. on tuesday and ends on 11 a.m. on thursday. Noone knows when the resource is really available if the event is shown as all day from tuesday to thursday. There should be an option to turn that behaviour off and show such events as regular events. Maybe the only thing needing change is this line in _renderEvents: var isMultiDayEvent = event.isAllDay || event.end.getTime() - event.start.getTime() >= MS_PER_DAY;
The user might cancel moving an element by pressing the ESC key, but there is currently no event raised by the scheduler when this happens.
The user should be able to select multiple events at the same time by pressing the control key. At the moment this can not be done. The following example shows the issue: -> It is not possible to select events from Meeting Room 101 and Meeting Room 201 at the same time. This feature would make it possible to swap events from different groups. For example, swap the meeting rooms of two events.
Scheduler events with long duration tries to refresh view area in IE and jumps to start position of event, However it works ok in chrome, it will be great if IE also behave smoothly as we see experience in Chrome. It will make dragging events by their last edge more smoothly.
The RFC for iCal supports up to a recurrence at the second level. While I think that is too much, you should be supporting recurrence at the minute level. The Windows Task Scheduler supports this, as well as Linux/Unix Cron. If you are using the Scheduler Widget as a UI for a job/task scheduling system, then having the ability to schedule at the minute level is important. This is related to the feedback request to "Add hourly recurrence editor to Scheduler".
Refer to : To allow multiple language support it should be possible to define the recurrenceeditor messages in the template to use an external source rather than having to hard code 1 set of messages.
The cursor jumps on the screen (and takes no action) when you try to right click on the screen and modify an event. See the video:
Being able to highlight a specific date in the Scheduler (not necessarily today) that will be visible regardless of the view the user is using.
Scheduler should support template directives for the group header template option.
Currently you have to map every required property manually. Like this: model.Field("start", typeof(DateTime)).From("Start"); model.Field("end", typeof(DateTime)).From("End"); model.Field("title", typeof(string)).From("Title"); model.Field("description", typeof(string)).From("Description"); model.Field("recurrenceID", typeof(int)).From("RecurrenceID"); model.Field("recurrenceRule", typeof(string)).From("RecurrenceRule"); model.Field("recurrenceException", typeof(string)).From("RecurrenceException"); model.Field("isAllDay", typeof(bool)).From("IsAllDay"); model.Field("startTimezone", typeof(string)).From("StartTimezone"); model.Field("endTimezone", typeof(string)).From("EndTimezone"); It would be nice to be able to use the short form: model.Field("Start"); ... The problem is not the "huge" amount of typing. What did cost me time was finding out that the SignalR version isn't working like the others.
The Scheduler allows you to add resources to the default event form. It would be nice to be able to bind these resources to objects within a custom edit template. See this forum post for more details where Alex has given a workaround....
please provide us the scheduler with group by date not by resource
Now sorting array is hardcoded (for example in kendo.scheduler.timelineview.js) in render method: [ { field: 'start', dir: 'asc' }, { field: 'end', dir: 'desc' } ] it will be very good if you will implement this sorting inside scheduler cell (data/group field) as parameter.
Resources could be working for an organization or multiple organizations (i.e. doctor rounding multiple hospitals). It would help to have another level or multiple levels on top of Resources so they can be filtered. i.e. I can select Hospital A and then select all the doctors (resources) under Hospital A and look at all schedules for that resource.
Proposal: Add a property/function that specifies the resource group to take the task's background color from.