is there a way for undo or redo for scheduler event else how we can achieve those feature in kendo ui Angular
Please provide an option that allows to resize the Scheduler columns similarly to the columns resize functionality of the Grid.
Thank you
Hi, Team!
As of now, the slotFill property is available only for Day and Week views.
I would like to have a similar property that modifies the extra open space (whitespace) at the end of the slot for the rest of the views:
If you look at the 12pm "Dance Practice" event you can see the space on the end, I want the entire slot filled. I tried CSS forcing the .k-event to 100% width which works with the daily view but this breaks the weekly view.
I know I can add logic to the click event to check if an event already exists and just ignore the click, but that is not very efficient and it still leaves that space on the end which serves no purpose and kind of ugly. Any ideas?
Are you planning on implementing a feature to show a full year? same as the kendo-scheduler-month-view?
Can we expect this feature or do you can suggest a workaround using the existing functionality?
We need to group the scheduler by date before it is grouped by resource. This doesn't seem possible in the Kendo UI for Angular Scheduler component.
Our customers find the grouping by resource and then by date not workable in a real-life situation.
Group by date feature in jQuery Scheduler:
Currently, the Scheduler seems to be splitting out overnight shifts, sometimes across two separate weeks in the Agenda view.
Also, my end times are shown as 00:00. Both of these are a problem because we need to show overnight shifts as a single shift, and we need to show the end time along with the start time.
Hi there,
Currently the scheduler lacks built in capabilities to handle holidays or, disabling arbitrary days.
The idea is to provide an array of holidays (date and title for example) and have the scheduler automatically disable this dates and properly highlight them in all views so the user is aware he/she can't create events in those.
In the jQuery Scheduler, the event template was also used for the drag hint. This allowed me to change the appearance of the drag hint according to the drag hint's position.
In the Angular Scheduler, the drag hint seems to show a static transparent copy of the event being dragged.
It will be really useful to have the drag-hint use the event template and also provide a boolean stating whether the event using the template is a drag hint.
Here's an example:
<ng-template kendoSchedulerEventTemplate let-event="event.dataItem" let-resources="resources" let-dragHint="isDragHint">
<div [style.background-color]="calculateBackground(event, resources)" *ngIf="!dragHint; else: dragHintTemplate">>
Regular Event
<ng-template #dragHintTemplate>
<div [style.background-color]="calculateBackground(event, resources)">
Drag Hint
Like in the other scheduler components it would be very nice to highlight the hoverd timeslot and show the start time of the slot when hovering