Last Updated: 14 Feb 2023 14:25 by ADMIN
Created by: Mauro
Comments: 1
Category: Kendo UI for Angular
Type: Bug Report

Due to recent changes to kendoButton directive behaving like a component, this directive is no longer compatible.

This was important for buttons used in grid editing to extend the themes and styles of the kendoButton. 

Now this however leads to

ERROR Error: NG0300: Multiple components match node with tagname button: ButtonComponent and AddCommandDirective. Find more at



Last Updated: 13 Jan 2023 11:52 by ADMIN

Issue description: While navigating through page number buttons Screen reader does not identify which page number is selected. Issue is observed with “Narrator” and “NVDA” as well

Test Environment:

Narrator (Windows 11), NVDA (Version: 2022.1)

Repro steps:

  1. Hit on the link Overview - Grid - Kendo UI for Angular (
  2. Tab navigate to table under “Angular Data Grid Overview”
  3. Run Screen reader
  4. Tab Navigate to page navigation buttons
  5. Observe that Screen reader does not identify which page number is selected

Actual results: While navigating through page number buttons Screen reader does not identify which page number is selected. Issue is observed with “Narrator” and “NVDA” as well

Expected results: While navigating through page number buttons screen reader should identify which page number is selected

Attachments:  Attachments

Last Updated: 23 Dec 2022 08:04 by ADMIN
Created by: Mauro
Comments: 3
Category: Kendo UI for Angular
Type: Bug Report

This happens if the TimePicker is visible on the page and you change your system timezone (like from +2 to +12) and try to open the timepicker.

Last Updated: 17 Nov 2022 08:40 by ADMIN
Need new Video, Audio, Thumbnail features under Kendo UI for Angular > MEDIA for Video & Audio playing, including loading/buffering, with control buttons and animations. Right now there is almost nothing for Audio, Thumbnail or Video.
Last Updated: 21 Oct 2022 08:21 by ADMIN

When the user enters each character into the combobox, the system should validate that the resulting value is valid. If not, the system should not display the character

Step to produce:

  1. Give focus to combobox

  2. Type res

  3. System should select Residential

  4. Type z

  5. System should not accept z character (both values in list that start with res do not have a z as the next character)

  6. Type t

  7. System should select Restaurant

  8. Type y

  9. Tap Tab

Expected Result: Restaurant should be selected

<kendo-combobox class="kendo-combobox" [ngClass]="{'inactive-color' : custColor}"
         #comboboxComponent [openOnKendoFocus]="comboboxComponent"
          formControlName="CustType" [data]="custTypes" textField="Description" valueField="CustTypeID"
          [suggest]="true" [valuePrimitive]="true" [allowCustom]="false" (selectionChange)="onCusttypechange($event)">
          <ng-template kendoComboBoxItemTemplate let-dataItem>
            <span class="template_lbl" [ngClass]="{'inactive-color' : dataItem.QInactive}">
              {{ dataItem.Description }}</span>


Last Updated: 23 Sep 2022 07:14 by ADMIN
Created by: Babu
Comments: 1
Category: Kendo UI for Angular
Type: Feature Request

We are using placeholder like <span id="P_Name" name="P_Name">{P_Name}</span> . this would replace with the patient name on loading the editor. 

we used the ContentEditable = false is not working for the span. Some important content such as patient information should be read-only.

attached the sample editor content , the below content are loading dynamically , so we should restrict user should not edit the conent.


Last Updated: 15 Sep 2022 12:25 by ADMIN
Created by: Guy
Comments: 1
Category: Kendo UI for Angular
Type: Feature Request

Hi there,

we'd like to raise a change request in relation to column widths on grids: 

Currently, we can either set a fixed width on a column, or not set a width at all and leave it dynamic. Our problem is, that we have some columns that would benefit from additional space if it is available (e.g. on a larger screen), yet really suffer if they do not receive enough space. 

When we give such a column a fixed size, we have to choose an amount that will still leave other columns enough space on smaller screens, and since it is fixed, is does not increase in size with larger screens. 

If we don't set a fixed width, (or give all columns a fixed width), the available space will be distributed evenly/proportionally among the columns. So here, the columns do benefit from extra space, but the problem is that on smaller screens, they also can become too small to display the content.

We would like to be able to set a minimum width on columns. We imagine the behavior to be as follows:

If there are some columns with a fixed width and some with a min. width, and

  • the available space is less than the sum of the fixed and min. widths -> a horizontal scrollbar is added
  • the available space is more than the sum of the fixed and min. widths -> the additional space is distributed among the columns with a min. width (evenly or proportionately, either option is fine)
Last Updated: 02 Sep 2022 08:28 by ADMIN
Created by: Stephen
Comments: 1
Category: Kendo UI for Angular
Type: Feature Request

Hi there,

It would be extremely useful to have some sort of global configuration for component settings / inputs.

For example: I want to remove animation from all of my dropdown lists.

This should be easier. The default workflow is to configure each and every instance of DropDownList using the component's input properties.

Less than ideal workarounds

  • Create an angular directive that auto configures a given Kendo component and apply that directive to each instance of your component.
  • Wrap a given Kendo component in a custom component, and configure it there. This will break the Kendo component's form integration, and you must implement the wrapper component to account for this.

Thank you.

Last Updated: 23 Aug 2022 09:39 by ADMIN
Last Updated: 26 Jul 2022 07:31 by ADMIN

I have installed kendo-angular-layout package and after running the command npm start Im receiving the errors represented in the pictures. 


Im not sure how to fix this?


Im not sure how to check my Kendo package version as well /

Last Updated: 21 Jul 2022 10:08 by ADMIN
Created by: Julien
Comments: 1
Category: Kendo UI for Angular
Type: Feature Request


Currently, it seems impossible to have a global search field that look up into a given number of columns.

The idea would be to: either have a bindable property (like "searchString"), either having just an option to activate a "global search"(and you would add the search component).

It would also be required to be able to provide a list of "fields" to search in.

Obviously, when the search string change, it should reset the paging.


It's something we have to implement again every time we use your Grid(and it's quite hard to make a wrapping component because there is a lot of things to customize. You can check how the global filter is implemented: PrimeNG (

Last Updated: 21 Jul 2022 08:22 by ADMIN
Created by: Deepali
Comments: 1
Category: Kendo UI for Angular
Type: Feature Request


On click of a label, I want my kendo numeric textbox to have focus, but it is not working. Following is my code.


<label for="kid">Currency</label>


Issue is because, at the run time kendo generates a random ID, and appends that ID to the input box(.k-input) , instead of appending the id given by the user as above. This is causing the issue and focus is not set on input box when clicking in label. Could you please check it and suggest a solution.

"@progress/kendo-angular-inputs": "^9.0.0",


I know to associate any Kendo UI component with the Label, template reference variable is the way to go.

<label [for]="numerictextbox">NumericTextBox: </label>
<kendo-numerictextbox #numerictextbox>


But what if my label and input box are coming from different components, then this template ref variable approach would not work. So i would suggest kendo to use traditional ID approach to set the focus on input element.


Kendo can use HostBinding property from Angular , to remove ID from kendo-numerictextbox level, and adding the user supplied ID directly to inner input element.

@HostBinding('') _id = null;

  @Input() id?: string;


Thank You

Last Updated: 21 Jul 2022 08:10 by ADMIN
Created by: Wai Kit
Comments: 0
Category: Kendo UI for Angular
Type: Bug Report

Select all checkbox provided in tree list module is not working as expected. Below are the detailed step to reproduce

To Reproduce

Scenario 1 :

  1. Checked on select all checkbox
  2. Unchecked any of the row, the select all checkbox still checked.

Scenario 2 with pagination:

  1. Checked on select all checkbox
  2. Move to next page
  3. Select all checkbox is checked, but the rows is not selected

Scenario 3:

  1. Checked on select all checkbox
  2. Expand the parent node, the child node is not checked

Expected behavior
Scenario 1:
The select all checkbox should be unchecked. Same as what provided in Grid module
Scenario 2:
The select all checkbox should be unchecked
Scenario 3:
The child node need to be checked

Last Updated: 06 Jul 2022 12:00 by ADMIN
Created by: Jignesh
Comments: 1
Category: Kendo UI for Angular
Type: Feature Request
It will be nice to use Kendo UI Angular components with other Web components without Angular framework like this Lit example.
Last Updated: 06 Jul 2022 09:56 by ADMIN

The kendo scheduler when opened in the mobile view the events tittle inside the month view texts are broken and hide in responsive design.

The user did not see the full event tittle texts in month view in responsive Design. 

please refer below  attachments here.


Last Updated: 05 Jul 2022 13:41 by ADMIN

The Scheduler recurrence editor numeric inputs automatically change leading 0 inputs via keydown or pasting to 1's or empty values. 


Extend the ability to disable the mandatory autocorrection for all recurrence editor inputs so any numeric value can be entered.



Last Updated: 30 Jun 2022 08:07 by ADMIN
Created by: Briony
Comments: 2
Category: Kendo UI for Angular
Type: Feature Request
Provide a TagCloud control for Kendo UI for Angular. It currently exists in Kendo UI for ASP.NET.
Last Updated: 06 Jun 2022 05:58 by ADMIN
Created by: cuong
Comments: 1
Category: Kendo UI for Angular
Type: Feature Request

When I create a widget and design widget with image field.

Step 1: I use this widget in CMS=> click edit content => select data for the image field.

Step 2: Click advanced to see the id of image 

Step 3: I select simple to view image agian =>  the image has clear item

I don't know how it happen.

Please help me about this issue

Last Updated: 01 Jun 2022 23:45 by ADMIN
Last Updated: 19 May 2022 07:29 by ADMIN
Created by: Team Booking
Comments: 5
Category: Kendo UI for Angular
Type: Bug Report

There seems to be a styling bug in the Kendo theme for Bootstrap.

Default Bootstrap buttons has this strange shadow or border issue