We're providing a month by month summary of some information and would like to allow navigation and high level event occurrence using the Calendar. Currently the Calendar doesn't provide an event on visible date changes to figure out when we should change the summary information.
When manually entering dates, typing '0' in month or day section resets the text to the placeholder. Normally when entering a number, the focus shifts to the next field when the required digits are entered. For example, entering '10' for the day section, moves focus to the month. When we need a date where day < 10 however, we need to tab or enter the date separator to switch to the next part. Allowing 0 in the dates should improve the users speed for entering dates and create a more unform behaviour. Currently situation: Date: 10/12/2017 => user input: 10122017 Date: 01/01/2017 => user input: 1/1/2017 When allowing 0 the last date can be entered as 01012017
The new calendar and date picker input components are great, but they are missing a significant functionality which has been available for a long time with the jquery calendar date picker - The navigation is very basic and does not allow high level of years navigation - it requires monthly scrolling. This is very limiting for users who need to select a date between wide ranges.
Input Switch grows with On/Off Labels length. Longer labels dont render correctly.
PDF Export customization similar to the existing example: https://demos.telerik.com/kendo-ui/pdf-export/page-layout
my company will use it for product, release 1.0 version soon, please ,about form component and dataviz first,please
You serriosly? where you button on example? http://www.telerik.com/kendo-angular-ui/getting-started/#toc-project-setup please add it