Last Updated: 23 May 2023 14:20 by ADMIN
The new AdaptiveMode property on several components, like DropdownList and DatePicker, is a nice feature, but there is no way to configure the animation. Mainly the speed or just disabling it at all. Would be nice if there was a way to globally change the settings of the animation.
Last Updated: 23 May 2023 09:07 by Eric
Created by: Kendo UI
Comments: 1
Category: Kendo UI for Angular
Type: Feature Request

When adding a filter to a grid, there is no way to define "case insensitivity" for the oData filter query.
There is a property in the Data Query library (toLower) but it seems only to work for the value and not accessible from grid.

This Feature Request is to have the ability to do case insensitive queries via the query string and not in the API.

Last Updated: 12 Jun 2023 09:11 by Vishal
Created by: Vishal
Comments: 0
Category: Kendo UI for Angular
Type: Feature Request


The condition is that we need a homepage with multiple dynamic tabs. Only one component is active at any given time in this feature. However, if we want to view the data from two or more tabs simultaneously, we can drag and position them next to each other, similar to how we see tabs in Chrome and other browsers. This functionality is controlled by docking managers.

Thank you in advance for your consideration.

Last Updated: 23 Sep 2022 08:12 by ADMIN
Created by: Babu
Comments: 1
Category: Kendo UI for Angular
Type: Feature Request

Tab Key: When you press the TAB key, the editor loses control of the focus. It is intended to give tab space rather than leave editor control. The indent space actually differs greatly from the tab space.



Last Updated: 26 Apr 2022 08:07 by ADMIN

Add selectOnFocus option for AutoComplete, ComboBox and MultiColumnComboBox.

The same is available for the TextBox component:


Last Updated: 26 Apr 2024 05:38 by ADMIN
Created by: Kendo UI
Comments: 0
Category: Kendo UI for Angular
Type: Feature Request

Typing a decimal number in a grid filter menu input for number type removes dot sometimes.
Can be reproduced in this Grid: 


Last Updated: 03 Feb 2022 10:46 by ADMIN
Created by: Kendo UI
Comments: 0
Category: Kendo UI for Angular
Type: Feature Request

Please allow setting the pager type to "Select" so that the Select element, currently only visible in responsive numeric pagers when there is not enough space for rendering the numeric buttons, can be displayed as a result of developer configuration instead.

Also, provide an option for displaying the numeric input element instead of the Select element when the pager responsive behavior kicks in.

Last Updated: 01 Dec 2023 14:00 by Debanjana
Created by: Debanjana
Comments: 0
Category: Kendo UI for Angular
Type: Feature Request

Reorder the tiles once the dragged tile goes to the new location.

If it closes up immediately (as it does now) that means things are shuffling around while the user is actually dragging which can be stressful – they’ve immediately hit the point of no return Ideally the original location stays ‘open’ until the user lets go in the new locations. Then it all shifts around.

    Last Updated: 29 Jan 2024 08:17 by ADMIN

    The feature request affects built-in filter cell components for primitive types such as StringFilterCellComponent, NumericFilterCellComponent, etc.


    The built-in filter cell components currently allow to hide operators, but doesn't allow to hide clear button, which is being shown when a user provides some input to these filters. The workarounds are in the current moment possible, but seems to be not very maintainable, as the most obvious workaround is to control with the CSS the internal stylings of the components, which can change with any patch. I would hope for some toggle, which can control hide/display of the clear button.


    The use-case in which someone might want to achieve this, is when the filtering is being cleared only globally for the whole grid. and local clearing is not necessarily desired.


    The behavior can be tested on an example or provided example in official docs.

    Last Updated: 28 Feb 2024 10:01 by ADMIN

    Dear Kendo-Supportteam,

    We are experiencing an issue with the Editor component.

    It turns out that setting the iframe input to false causes the paste event to be triggered twice.
    Once as documented before the valueChange event and once seemingly as the native paste event after valueChange.

    There are multiple issues resulting from this.

    1. Calling preventDefault on the initial event also does NOT prevent the native event from triggering directly after. Only the following events from the Editor itself are prevented.
    2. As the next event is the actual native event of type ClipboardEvent, the interface is different from what the type definitions suggest. Leading to errors, if the attached method tries to just call isDefaultPrevented on the event.

    It is quite easy to reproduce this from your event demonstration examples by just setting the iframe input to false and maybe also trying to call isDefaultPrevented in the respective paste event handler.

    Kind Regards,

    Last Updated: 02 Aug 2023 10:55 by Rajesh
    Provide an option to clear the value of the DropDownTree and MultiSelectTree with a keyboard shortcut (like Esc key for the Combobox).
    Last Updated: 12 Aug 2024 08:21 by ADMIN
    Created by: Dimiter
    Comments: 0
    Category: Kendo UI for Angular
    Type: Feature Request
    Please add custom/translatable messages for the ListView component similar to other Kendo UI for Angular components. Primarily needed for translating the Pager messages.
    Last Updated: 13 Nov 2023 13:46 by ADMIN
    Created by: Mauro
    Comments: 9
    Category: Kendo UI for Angular
    Type: Bug Report


    When using kendoTooltip directive on the upload component - tooltips are positioned in invalid position somewhere on the app.

    cancel, delete, retry tooltips.

    Last Updated: 22 Feb 2024 12:13 by Iulian
    Created by: Iulian
    Comments: 0
    Category: Kendo UI for Angular
    Type: Feature Request
    Last Updated: 22 Apr 2024 10:54 by Sergey
    Created by: Sergey
    Comments: 0
    Category: Kendo UI for Angular
    Type: Feature Request

    Implement a MediaPlayer component like the jQuery one:


    Last Updated: 26 Oct 2023 11:16 by Krishnan
    Created by: Krishnan
    Comments: 0
    Category: Kendo UI for Angular
    Type: Feature Request

    These are the numeric symbols returned for a locale and so far the decimal, group and percentSign are the only properties that can be overwritten:

    numbers: {
            symbols: {
                decimal: ",",
                group: " ",
                list: ";",
                percentSign: "%",
                plusSign: "+",
                minusSign: "-",
                exponential: "E",
                superscriptingExponent: "×",
                perMille: "‰",
                infinity: "∞",
                nan: "NaN",
                timeSeparator: ":"

    Please allow customizing the rest of the properties (minusSign, nan, timeSeparator, etc). There are certain projects, where those symbols need to be customized.

    Last Updated: 15 Aug 2024 08:08 by ADMIN

    In a line chart where markers are set to be not visible.
    There is no way to increase the hit box of a marker (or line) to be hit if I want to trigger the tooltip of the marker.

    The mouse hover obviously works better from it's inherent logic (a click not beeing involved), but triggering the tool tip with a touch gesture seems quite fumbly. One has to hit the line very exactly. Up to a point where one has to try several times to make it happen, which makes it very impractical for new users who might not even know that there are tooltips to be displayed.

    For further infos here is my forum thread with more details:


    As described there, increasing the marker size does only work when markers are visible.
    Making the line thicker might help a little but comes with unwanted optical changes which are impractical for most usecases.

    Best Regards,

    Leo Härdle

    Last Updated: 03 Jul 2023 07:31 by Diego
    Created by: Diego
    Comments: 0
    Category: Kendo UI for Angular
    Type: Feature Request

    Basically, we have just a limitation that we could not use host directives if the directive is not standalone:

    see for example :


    and about cdk (they are not ready as well):




    Last Updated: 09 Jun 2023 10:01 by ADMIN
    Created by: Gibran
    Comments: 1
    Category: Kendo UI for Angular
    Type: Feature Request


    The feature applies mainly to scatter plots and is as follows:

    * The user has the ability to select individual data points by clicking on them after which they are highlighted.

    * The user has the ability to select regions of points by clicking and dragging. These regions can be a lasso, rectangle, oval, free form, or any other shape.

    * The user has the ability to select multiple points or regions of points simultaneously (i.e. previously selected points/regions don't "unselect" when the user selects new ones).

    An example of this is this Lightning Charts example: https://lightningchart.com/lightningchart-js-interactive-examples/edit/lcjs-example-0040-customLassoInteraction.html?isList=true

    I'm also attaching a script that you can copy and paste into the example above which shows the ability to select rectangular regions and individual data points.


    Last Updated: 13 Sep 2024 10:27 by Kendo UI
    Created by: Kendo UI
    Comments: 0
    Category: Kendo UI for Angular
    Type: Feature Request

    Currently, the supported approach for setting values for the input properties of the Kendo UI for Angular components is by binding them to a DOM property. 

    Please provide support for the ability to set values for the input properties programmatically.