Expose resources in the Gantt tasks and a dedicated Resource View.
For reference: https://demos.telerik.com/kendo-ui/gantt/resources.
I would like to customize Tooltips appearing over tasks, but I can't add all the information I want.
From the context of the Tooltip Template I'm able to get the Title, Percentage and Start\End of the tasks, but I can't get extra information from my model.
Please expose the model in the context of the Tooltip Template.
For the time being, there are several options to display additional information from your model in the Tooltip. See details and examples here: Access Model Fields in the Gantt Timeline Tooltip.
I want to be able to create custom views for the Gantt Timeline, for example - minutes view.
The post is marked with "Need more info" label, so we can gather feedback from the community on how this feature is expected to be exposed for configuration and what the desired behavior is. An important point to consider regarding this enhancement is that, depending on its implementation, it might override the built-in Gantt Timeline functionalities, so it will be up to the application logic to handle the tasks features (for example editing, dependencies etc). Please share your comments and ideas.
I want to be able to export the Gantt Chart to PDF similar to the jQuery Gantt Export to PDF.
A possible option in the meantime is to use a custom approach to export the Gantt similar to the one shown here: PDF and JPG Export in the Browser with JS.
Please allow the Gantt TimeLine to be read-only and prohibit task editing, resizing, dragging and dependency changes.
Possible workaround: Read-only Gantt TimeLine (forum thread)
The Planned vs Actual functionality of the Gantt allows you to compare actual start and end dates to originally planned dates.
In Telerik UI for AJAX, you can see the Actual vs Planned feature at work.
How to get only the year and date in the Gantt Chart Tooltip template? The DataAttribute is not a valid date string.
<h5>Start: @(((TooltipTemplateContext)context).DataAttributes["start"])</h5>
<h5>End: @(((TooltipTemplateContext)context).DataAttributes["end"])</h5>
Hello, It should be possible to rearrange the order of the Gantt elements using drag and drop. This function already exists in the TreeList component and is also necessary for us in gantt.
Zooming levels would be great
GanttCommandButton Command="ZoomIn|ZoomOut|ZoomToFit"...>
The current Views (Day/Week/Month/Year) are nice, but custom zooming is needed sometimes.