Hello Team;
This is a question;
I was just looking Blazor Docs and noticed they have several Input Tags that cover most cases. I then check Telerik list that I don't see the following in Telerik offering:
I also checked the roadmap for next year and didn't see them either.
My question is, are plans to cover these any time soon? If yes, what's the approximate time-frame?
Secondly, for the time being, should we use the ones that come with Blazor?
Lastly, is there plan to have a mini editor like TinyMCE that we can let user to enter rich text stored in DB?
Thanks in advance!
I try to make sure that the user don't need to click the TextBox to gain focus and begin typing.
I have only one TextBox on the page, and it's does not atomatically have focus, - nor can I find a property on the component.
Any ideas :-)
In the demo page of textbox if I type my name Milind (I have good typing speed), it doesn't show the complete word in textbox. Some of the chars are dropped.(Milind - Miind, Soham - soam, Shevade - Shvae) etc. Even the backspace key on keyboard doesnt seem to work properly. If I type the name at very slow speed I am able to retain all typed chars. It seems to be a bug
Attaching video for reference
Milind Shevade
It would be nice if the Telerik Blazor team could add "Icon" and "IconClass" parameters to the TextBox control, similar to how the TreeListSearchBox control works, which would allow displaying an icon inside the TextBox control:
The kludge specified in this article does not seem to work anymore, and is also not maintainable, since it requires hacking into the implementation details of the TextBox control: How to add icon to the textbox | Telerik UI for Blazor. This should be abstracted by the TextBox control by adding "Icon" and "IconClass" parameters, like many other Telerik Blazor controls have (e.g., buttons: Blazor Button - Icon | Telerik UI for Blazor).
When I set the width to any value it has no effect.
I am using the boostrap theme:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/@@progress/kendo-theme-bootstrap@@latest/dist/all.css" />
The textbox currently does not use the value attribute for value binding. This translates to a delay in setting the value upon initialization of the component, compared to a standard Blazor InputText.
The same extends to the NumericTextBox
Starting with Telerik Blazor version 2.13 the focus rectangle is not resetting after the Telerik TextBox loses focus.
Attached project reproduces problem.
I kind of expect to be able to do something like this:
<TelerikTextBox @bind-Value="@CurrentComment" Label="Comment" Wrap="true" Multiline="true" Resizable="true" Height="200px" Width="100%"></TelerikTextBox>
@code {
string CurrentComment { get; set; };
<TelerikTextBox Width="20rem" Placeholder="Pallet" DebounceDelay="1000" @bind-Value="@_textInput" OnChange="@(async (input) => await OnInputChanged(input))" />
@code {
private string? _textInput;
private async Task OnInputChanged(object input)
Console.WriteLine($"Immediate: function parameter: {input}, bound variable: {_textInput}");
await Task.Delay(1000);
Console.WriteLine($"Delayed: function parameter: {input}, bound variable: {_textInput}");
//Make the OnChange event receive the immediate value when the DebounceDelay is set
The DebounceDelay is set to 1 second to highlight the behavior, although we have observed it with delays less than 100 milliseconds when the input is from a barcode scanner and the Enter is part of the scan. Start the sample, type "123" in the input, and hit enter within 1 second.
The output in the console is:
Immediate: function parameter: , bound variable:
Delayed: function parameter: , bound variable: 123
Good morning,
we are using `OnChange` event to catch user input updates when pressing Enter key. Sometimes the event attached valued is not updated.
Here the example: https://blazorrepl.telerik.com/ccaPRPFn26VA0HjW14 , I've attached also a video.