Last Updated: 05 Apr 2023 13:54 by ADMIN

The problem is when filtering programmatically, the X that is normally used to clear the search box disappears.
I am following the Telerik guide here. https://docs.telerik.com/blazor-ui/components/grid/filter/searchbox

The problem is actually demonstrated in the example from that page.

Filtering by typing:

Filtering programatically:



Last Updated: 04 Apr 2023 12:09 by Adam
Created by: Adam
Comments: 0
Category: Grid
Type: Bug Report
The Grid throws ObjectDisposedExceptions
Last Updated: 22 Mar 2023 14:33 by Mark
Last Updated: 20 Mar 2023 10:54 by Michael

Imagine a Grid with two editable columns, which are separated by a few non-editable ones. In the standard use case, tabbing from the first editable column should jump over the non-editable columns, and the user should end up in the second editable column.

However, if the Grid uses virtual columns and the second editable column is not rendered, tab-to-edit will stop working.

Last Updated: 08 Mar 2023 16:51 by Anders

I have enabled the Column Menu and I am using a Filter Menu Template with only one TextBox. With this setup I am able to only type one letter before the Filter Context is reset.

Reproduction: https://blazorrepl.telerik.com/wnYxagGE14oxMFH659.

Last Updated: 23 Feb 2023 07:16 by Christian

When the user tries to edit a cell in the Grid an exception is thrown. This happens if the Model to which the Grid is bound has an indexer property.

Reproduction: https://blazorrepl.telerik.com/mdEcQxkr15PH4bip51


A possible workaround is to map the data to a collection of a different type that has no indexer property: https://blazorrepl.telerik.com/cxaGwcOC383PD8Jr24


Last Updated: 14 Feb 2023 10:55 by Tino

When I autofit all columns multiple times in a row, the Grid misbehaves and wraps longer column content in multiple lines. 


As a workaround, set the MinResizableWidth parameter of the Grid columns that wrap their content.


Last Updated: 09 Feb 2023 11:57 by Meindert
Created by: Meindert
Comments: 0
Category: Grid
Type: Bug Report


Imagine a Grid with in-cell editing and a cell X, which restricts editing via IsCancellable = true in the OnEdit event.

If the user clicks on cell X, then editing will be cancelled and the focus will be on this cell.

If the user tabs from the previous cell, then editing will be cancelled and the focus will be on the previous cell.

This looks like an inconsistency. Can the focus go to cell X when editing is cancelled from a tab?

Last Updated: 27 Jan 2023 11:57 by Miroslav

Page Down and Page Up buttons are not working until the user clicks on the scroll when virtual scrolling is enabled.

To reproduce the issue:

1. Open the following REPL example:


2. Focus on the Grid.

3. Try to scroll with the PageDown button.



Last Updated: 23 Jan 2023 12:14 by Miroslav


The filter row noticeably slows down the tabbing speed during Grid in-cell editing in WASM apps.

Last Updated: 06 Jan 2023 08:23 by ADMIN

Telerik input components inside EditorTemplate render the whole grid on each keystroke



As a workaround, you can use the standard Input components provided by the framework together with a CSS class that would visually make them like the Telerik Input Components. An example for the TextArea:

<InputTextArea class="k-textarea" @bind-Value="@myValue"></InputTextArea>


Last Updated: 25 Nov 2022 10:41 by Marc
I AutoFit all columns in the Grid but would like to be able to reset their width to the initial value at a later point. 
Last Updated: 04 Nov 2022 09:39 by Miroslav

I have a Grid with Navigable="true" and FilterRow. If I focus a string filter input and press the left/right arrow keys, the focus moves away from the cell. This behavior also occurs when I press up/down arrows in numeric filter inputs.

Reproduction: https://blazorrepl.telerik.com/GcvPkekt36Mxgygv07

Last Updated: 25 Oct 2022 11:08 by Hao
Created by: Hao
Comments: 0
Category: Grid
Type: Bug Report

The select-all functionality of the Grid is slow in WebAssembly apps, when SelectAllMode="GridSelectAllMode.All".

A possible workaround is to use a CheckBoxColumn HeaderTemplate.

Last Updated: 05 Oct 2022 08:20 by Rahul
When you click on the blank space under the rows inside a Grid with Incell editing, the OnUpdate does not fire.
Last Updated: 09 Sep 2022 13:47 by Susan


OnRead event is triggered multiple times when the page is different from the first one and the page size is changed.

Reproduction (if bug)

1. Create a grid and set the pageable and page sizes options

2. Navigate to a page different from the first one.

3. Change the page size.

4. The OnRead event is triggered twice.

Sample REPL for reproduction.

Browser (if bug)

Project type (if bug)

Last working version of Telerik UI for Blazor (if regression)

Last Updated: 08 Sep 2022 08:38 by Coops


When a Grid is using multi column headers, and I add one more column in the OnBeforeExport event, this new column has no title in the exported file.

A possible workaround might be to use a column with zero Width and change the width in OnBeforeExport.

@using Telerik.Blazor.Common.Export.Excel
@using Telerik.Blazor.Components.Grid

<TelerikGrid TItem="@FlowRun"

        <GridCommandButton Command="ExcelExport" Icon="file-excel">Export to Excel</GridCommandButton>
        <GridCommandButton Command="CsvExport" Icon="file-csv">Export to CSV</GridCommandButton>
        <label class="k-checkbox-label"><TelerikCheckBox @bind-Value="@ExportAllPages" />Export All Pages</label>

        <GridExcelExport FileName="telerik-grid-export" AllPages="@ExportAllPages" OnBeforeExport="@BeforeExcelExport" />
        <GridCsvExport FileName="telerik-grid-export" AllPages="@ExportAllPages" OnBeforeExport="@BeforeCsvExport" />

        <GridColumn Field="@nameof(FlowRun.FileName)" Title="File Name" Width="300px" />
        <GridColumn Field="@nameof(FlowRun.Type)" Title="Type" Width="100px" />
        <GridColumn Field="@nameof(FlowRun.FileSize)" Title="File Size" Width="200px" />
        <GridColumn Title="Source">
                <GridColumn Field="@(nameof(FlowRun.Source))" Title="MPID"/>
                <GridColumn Field="@(nameof(FlowRun.SourceFileProtocol))" Title="Type" />
        <GridColumn Field="@nameof(FlowRun.ErrorMessage)"
                    Title = "Error"
                    Width="0" />

@code {
    bool ExportAllPages { get; set; }

    private async Task GetData(GridReadEventArgs args)
        args.Data = Enumerable.Range(1, 10).Select(x => new FlowRun
                FileName = $"File {x}",
                Type = $"Type {x}",
                FileSize = x * 2,
                Source = $"Source {x}",
                SourceFileProtocol = FileProtocol.CIX,
                ErrorMessage = $"Error {x}"

        args.Total = 100;

    private void BeforeCsvExport(GridBeforeCsvExportEventArgs obj)

    private void BeforeExcelExport(GridBeforeExcelExportEventArgs obj)

    private void AddErrorMessageColumn(GridBeforeSpreadsheetExportEventArgs args)
        args.Columns.Find(x => x.Field == nameof(FlowRun.ErrorMessage)).Width = "100px";

        //args.Columns.Add(new ExcelExportableColumn
        //    Field = nameof(FlowRun.ErrorMessage),
        //    Title = "Error"

    public class FlowRun
        public string FileName { get; set; }
        public string Type { get; set; }
        public long? FileSize { get; set; }
        public string Source { get; set; }
        public FileProtocol SourceFileProtocol { get; set; }
        public string ErrorMessage { get; set; }

    public enum FileProtocol

Last Updated: 09 Aug 2022 13:07 by Software

The CheckBoxList filter does not work as expected when the Grid is bound to ExpandoObject


ADMIN EDIT: A possible workaround is to bind the Grid with OnRead event and populate the MemberType property of the filter descriptors manually:

@using System.Dynamic
@using Telerik.DataSource
@using Telerik.DataSource.Extensions

<TelerikGrid OnRead="@OnGridRead"
        <GridSearchBox />
            if (GridData != null && GridData.Any())
                <GridColumn Field="PropertyInt" FieldType="@GridPropertyTypes["PropertyInt"]" />
                <GridColumn Field="PropertyString" FieldType="@GridPropertyTypes["PropertyString"]" />
                <GridColumn Field="PropertyGroup" FieldType="@GridPropertyTypes["PropertyString"]" />
                <GridColumn Field="PropertyDate" FieldType="@GridPropertyTypes["PropertyDate"]" />
                <GridColumn Field="PropertyBool" FieldType="@GridPropertyTypes["PropertyBool"]" />

@code {
    private List<ExpandoObject> GridData { get; set; } = new List<ExpandoObject>();

    private Dictionary<string, Type> GridPropertyTypes { get; set; } = new Dictionary<string, Type>() {
        { "Id", typeof(int) },
        { "PropertyInt", typeof(int) },
        { "PropertyString", typeof(string) },
        { "PropertyGroup", typeof(string) },
        { "PropertyDate", typeof(DateTime) },
        { "PropertyBool", typeof(bool) }

    private async Task OnGridRead(GridReadEventArgs args)
        .Each(x =>
                .Each(y => y.MemberType = GridPropertyTypes[y.Member]);

        var result = GridData.ToDataSourceResult(args.Request);

        args.Data = result.Data;
        args.Total = result.Total;
        args.AggregateResults = result.AggregateResults;

    protected override void OnInitialized()
        for (int i = 1; i <= 18; i++)
            dynamic expando = new ExpandoObject();

            expando.Id = i;
            expando.PropertyGroup = $"Group {(i % 3 + 1)}";
            expando.PropertyInt = i;
            expando.PropertyString = $"String {(char)(64 + i)}{(char)(64 + i)}";
            expando.PropertyDate = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-i);
            expando.PropertyBool = i % 2 != 0;


Last Updated: 04 Aug 2022 14:47 by Spencer

I am resetting the Grid State by calling Grid.SetState(null). This doesn't reset ColumnState<T>.Locked boolean to false and the columns remain locked.




A possible workaround for the time being is to additionally loop through the ColumnStates collection of the State and set the Locked property to false for each column.

Example: https://blazorrepl.telerik.com/QQECkIlf13jZm52m04.

Last Updated: 18 May 2022 14:03 by ADMIN

When filtering using a GridSearchBox - to filter across all columns, we have an issue where if you change a GridColumns Visible attribute to false that row will still be visible in the grid results even though it no longer matches the filter.

Take this snippet for example: Telerik REPL for Blazor - The best place to play, experiment, share & learn using Blazor.

1. Use Search box and search for a Name. e.g "Chang"

2. Click "Toggle Name Visibility" button

Expected: Since Name column is now hidden, the column should no longer be used in filter and the row should no longer be displayed. In reference to the GridSearchBox: https://docs.telerik.com/blazor-ui/components/grid/filter/searchbox#filter-from-code where it's mentioned that the search box will filter only on columns that are visible. It doesnt seem to refresh the filter.

Actual: Row still displayed even though it no longer matches filter

Just wanting to raise this as an issue and also hoping you may know a potential work-around for this?

A potential work-around I have tried is re-applying the existing filter in the search box by following documentation here in the "Filter From Code" section: https://docs.telerik.com/blazor-ui/components/grid/filter/searchbox#filter-from-code

While I am able to apply a filter from code I cannot seem to retrieve the value that is currently in the search box as I want to reuse it. How can I achieve this with a GridSearchBox? There doesnt seem to be a property available on the GridSearchBox component for binding it's value. Would I need to create a custom filter input to achieve this?