Last Updated: 11 Jan 2023 14:35 by ADMIN
Release 4.0.0 (18 Jan 2023) (R1 2023)
Created by: Werner
Comments: 11
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request

A Blazor Grid column having a boolean data type field should display as checkbox instead of the text True/False.

A checkbox is a fine representation for the end user, True/False may be ok for a developer ;-)

Editing the boolean value by a checkbox is already fine.

Last Updated: 10 Jan 2023 12:13 by ADMIN
Release 4.0.0 (18 Jan 2023) (R1 2023)

The Custom Filter Menu in the Grid is not working as I would expect.


I am trying to do two things

  1. Apply filters programmatically through the Grid State
  2. Populate a custom Filter Menu with values that exist in that column

I am doing something very similar to the demo for the custom filter menu:

I have observed that if I set a filter programatically through the grid state, those filters are applied to the grid but are not being passed through the FilterMenuTemplateContext object in the FilterMenuTemplate when I open the Filter Menu for that column.  Therefore, I cannot update my custom filter to show which values are currently being filtered on.

Is it by design that the FilterMenuTemplateContext does not contain Filters applied through the grid state or a bug?



As of Dec 2020, there is one outstanding issue - using complex filters (having a CompositeFilterDescriptor) for the FilterRow filter template gets saved in the grid state, but is not loaded as expected - the filter row uses a "regular" FilterDescriptor and cuts off additional descriptors. Thus, the context of the template does not provide all the data from the grid state and you need to extract it manually. I have attached a sample that shows one way of doing that in the StateInit handler.

The FilterMenu already provides all the data in its context and you can bind inputs in the template directly to the filter descriptors. Once the filter row can work with more complex filter descriptors as well, you would be able to create the extra descriptors (if they are not already there) and directly bind the inputs to their value, as opposed to the current approach where view-model fields are used.


Last Updated: 09 Jan 2023 09:29 by ADMIN
Release 4.0.0 (18 Jan 2023) (R1 2023)
Created by: Joeri
Comments: 7
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request


First of all: thank you for implementing the Excel like filtering with the new CheckBox Filter! This was a feature that was highly sought after in our development team.

But there is one thing I am missing: the checkbox list has no option for sorting.

If we want to sort our filters now we have to implement the FilterMenuTemplate in every column that has filtering active (which are a lot) and define the list with filter options and filter it ourselves. 

Is this something that can be fixed easily?



We will probably sort ascending the values by default (out-of-the0box), and any other custom sorts should be implemented through the filter menu template.


Last Updated: 06 Jan 2023 08:23 by ADMIN

Telerik input components inside EditorTemplate render the whole grid on each keystroke



As a workaround, you can use the standard Input components provided by the framework together with a CSS class that would visually make them like the Telerik Input Components. An example for the TextArea:

<InputTextArea class="k-textarea" @bind-Value="@myValue"></InputTextArea>


Last Updated: 21 Dec 2022 13:38 by ADMIN
Created by: Daniel
Comments: 0
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request

A nice feature would be frozen Group Rows.

So if you grouped your data in the Grid and scroll. The Group should stick underneath the header.

As an example look here:

Last Updated: 21 Dec 2022 06:46 by ADMIN
Release 3.1.0
Created by: Peter
Comments: 7
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request

How do I get the filter menu to allow input of Date *and* Time for a DateTime column?


Last Updated: 06 Dec 2022 13:54 by ADMIN
Created by: BENAISSA
Comments: 0
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request

In Grid with Filter Menu, I want to trigger the Filter button on Enter press while the focus is still on the filter input.

Currently, it is possible to fire filtering from keyboard only if you tab through the Filter Menu elements to focus the Filter button and then press Enter.

Last Updated: 30 Nov 2022 13:47 by JeffVisibilEDI

I have applications for which I would like to define the default join operator for Grid filters to be "OR" instead of the default "AND."

Please expose an option to customize the default logical operator in Filter Menu.

Last Updated: 25 Nov 2022 10:41 by Marc
I AutoFit all columns in the Grid but would like to be able to reset their width to the initial value at a later point. 
Last Updated: 22 Nov 2022 13:24 by ADMIN
Release 2.25.0

Grid column header and content alignment (horizontal +Vertical)



For the time being, this is possible through the CellRender event, see below in the thread for an example.


Last Updated: 16 Nov 2022 11:53 by Rac
I have a Grid whos cumulative column width exceeds the total width of the Grid. I would like to reorder a column outside of the current Grid viewport, but it is not currently available. 
Last Updated: 11 Nov 2022 11:36 by

The Grid selection performance is worse in WASM when there is a command column. Here is a test page with a large page size, which makes this more evident.

<label><TelerikCheckBox @bind-Value="@ShowCommandColumn" /> Show Command Column</label>

<TelerikGrid Data="@DataList"
        <GridColumn Field="@(nameof(DataModel.Pos))" Title="Pos" />
        @if (ShowCommandColumn)
            <GridCommandColumn Width="300px">
                <GridCommandButton Command="Save" Icon="save">Reset Volume</GridCommandButton>
                <GridCommandButton Command="Delete" Icon="delete">Delete</GridCommandButton>

@code {

    bool ShowCommandColumn { get; set; } = true;

    List<DataModel> DataList { get; set; }

    protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
        DataList = new List<DataModel>();
        for (int i = 1; i <= 500; i++)
            DataList.Add(new DataModel
                Pos = i

    public class DataModel
        public int Pos { get; set; }


Last Updated: 27 Oct 2022 09:28 by ADMIN

I am using this sample to implement server-side grouping:

Now I need Aggregate sum for the price in the GroupFooterTemplate. When I add aggregates, exceptions are thrown if a group footer uses the aggregate value, if not - the grid simply does not look grouped.



The issue stems from the inability of the System.Text.Json to deserialize interfaces - there are a couple of interfaces in the datasource request and data source result related to aggregates. Preliminary review indicates that perhaps some or all of them might be changed to, for example, Dictionary<string, object> from the current IDictionary<string, object>, or perhaps the framework might "learn" to deserialize interfaces.


Last Updated: 24 Oct 2022 16:12 by ADMIN
Release 3.7.0 (09 Nov 2022)
Subject says it all.  Unless I'm missing something, when you hit enter while in a cell and are on the last row,  it just takes the row out of edit mode.  It would be very useful to have it automatically add a new row and place the user in the new row.  To be honest, that's what all of our users are expecting to happen so they are surprised it doesn't work that way.
Last Updated: 24 Oct 2022 08:22 by Peter

I have a Grid with numerous columns and I am using inline editing. When in edit mode, I'd like to add custom content to each cell - for example, a validation error message from server validation.

To achieve that, I have to use EditorTemplate. However, I want to keep the default editor because I'd like to avoid having to add the relevant control for every single cell each time I add a new Grid.

Last Updated: 21 Oct 2022 15:34 by Rick

Consider the following example. It will trigger AmbiguousMatchException, because reflection discovers two SpecialProp properties.

<TelerikGrid TItem="@GridModel"

@code {
    List<GridModel> GridData { get; set; } = new();

    protected override void OnInitialized()
        for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++)
            GridData.Add(new GridModel()
                SpecialProp = i,
                Text = "Text " + (i * 111)

    public record GridModel : Base1 { }

    public record Base1 : Base2
        public new decimal? SpecialProp { get => base.SpecialProp / base.HelperProp.GetValueOrDefault(1); set => base.SpecialProp = value.HasValue ? (int)(value.GetValueOrDefault() * base.HelperProp.GetValueOrDefault(1)) : null; }

    public record Base2
        public int? SpecialProp { get; set; }
        public string Text { get; set; }
        public int? HelperProp = 10;

Why not replace

private PropertyInfo FieldPropertyInfo => ContainerGenericArgument?.GetProperty(Field);

with something like

PropertyInfo FieldPropertyInfo = ContainerGenericArgument?.GetProperties().FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name == Field);

with the possibility to cache the result from GetProperties()?

Last Updated: 21 Oct 2022 13:13 by ADMIN
Created by: Peter
Comments: 2
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request

The `Context` of `<GridColumn>` is of type `object`, requiring typecasting in order to use the value.

Instead, make `<GridColumn>` generic so that `Context` is strongly typed.  If you use `TItem` as the name for the generic then Blazor will infer it without the user having to specify it.


Last Updated: 21 Oct 2022 11:33 by Jeff
Created by: Jeff
Comments: 0
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request
I would like to refresh the contents of the FilterMenu from my application code. 
Last Updated: 17 Oct 2022 10:31 by ADMIN
Created by: Mike
Comments: 0
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request

Key events will allow developers to enhance and customize the Grid keyboard navigation. For example -

Detect when the user presses the down-arrow key when on the last grid row. We want to force a "next page" when they do this, and a "previous page" if they are at the top of the grid and press the up-arrow key.



Everyone, please feel free to list other scenarios as well.

Last Updated: 12 Oct 2022 07:26 by ADMIN
Release 3.7.0 (09 Nov 2022)
Created by: Mattia
Comments: 0
Category: Grid
Type: Bug Report


The left offset style value is not correctly formatted. It is culture-specific, however, the CSS rules should be formatted with culture invariant decimal separator - dot. 

Reproduction (if bug)

1. Create a grid with locked columns. 

2. Set the culture to one that has a comma as the decimal separator.

3. Resize the frozen columns, the left value is formatted with a comma instead of a dot.

Expected (if bug)

The value should be formatted with a dot.

Browser (if bug)

Project type (if bug)