Last Updated: 30 Jan 2023 14:07 by Anders Mad.
Created by: Greg
Comments: 4
Category: FileManager
Type: Bug Report

Hello, our file manager makes 2 read request in a row when the page is loaded, when we load a new path, and when a directory is clicked in the tree view.

Is this normal?


Last Updated: 04 Feb 2021 12:07 by ADMIN
Release 2020.R3.SP2

Open the demo at

right click Images in the tree and click rename. 

Change the name

select the new folder name in the tree

try to do anything with the files in that folder (rename or delete are available in the demo)

= server error 500 


the path did not update to the new path.

but if you refresh you see the folder renamed and worked (and now you can do things with the files inside)



now if you add a folder inside Images and do the same process over again it works as expected...

Last Updated: 09 Nov 2020 12:22 by ADMIN
Created by: Nigel
Comments: 1
Category: FileManager
Type: Bug Report

A previously completed bug described here: seems to have resulted in code that has the potential to delete ALL files if moved a few times.

I have not had a chance to get the latest version since the above mentioned bug was marked as completed, but I have made a couple of attempts to test the new functionality in your Demo system on this page:

Repeating the previous test, I have now found that a few move actions results in what appears at first to be a Copy, rather than a Move, but then a subsequent refresh reveals ALL files have been deleted.

Steps to reproduce on the Demo system:

  • Create a New Folder within the Images folder
  • Select all images and move them to the new folder
  • Open the new folder
  • Select all images and move them back to the Images folder
  • Repeat the Move actions

I found that after repeating, the files did not appear to move, but seemed had been copied. But a refresh of the Demo page shows that all images had been deleted.

Following the above, here are a couple of screenshots:

Last Updated: 23 Oct 2020 14:09 by ADMIN
Created by: Nigel
Comments: 2
Category: FileManager
Type: Bug Report

If a large number of files are moved using the drag & drop feature, it is very likely that some will get permanently deleted in the process. This is due to the Destroy routine being initiated before the Create routine has completed. Using the demo page here I've been able to replicate the loss of files. Steps are simply:

  • Create a new folder inside the Images folder
  • Drag the 10 images into this new folder
  • Drag them back
  • Repeat

Almost immediately, you will find there's no longer 10 images as the Create routine fails to complete before the Destroy routine is initiated resulting in 1 or more files being lost. With very little effort, I was able to reduce the 10 images down to 6 - I would class this as critical.

After 1 move operation, the 10 files are now just 8:

Last Updated: 14 Oct 2020 12:39 by ADMIN

Bug report

Related item with FM issues/enhancements: telerik/kendo#10473

Reproduction of the problem

  1. Set the Create end point to throw an error, e.g: throw new Exception("some message");
  2. Click the New Folder button in the FileManager

Current behavior

The FileManager's Error event fires, its dataSource throws a js exception:
kendo.all.js:165968 Uncaught Error: Error! The requested URL returned 500 - error

and the added folder is still displayed in the FileManager view.

Expected/desired behavior

The view is refreshed and the added folder is removed.


  • Kendo UI version: 2020.1.219
  • jQuery version: x.y
  • Browser: [all ]
Last Updated: 07 May 2020 08:22 by ADMIN
Release 2020.R2
Created by: Greg
Comments: 1
Category: FileManager
Type: Bug Report

In the file manager after we move a *directory* with the Tree view (NOT list view), we are getting a javascript error:

kendo.all.min.js:114 Uncaught TypeError: e.closest is not a function
    at init._restoreFocus (kendo.all.js:166158)
    at r.proxy (jquery-3.3.1.js:10268)
    at r.trigger (kendo.all.js:164)
    at r._closeAnimationEnd (kendo.all.js:60234)
    at Object.proxy [as completeCallback] (jquery-3.3.1.js:10268)
    at init.complete (kendo.all.js:10997)
    at Object.S.promise (kendo.all.js:11021)
    at HTMLDivElement.<anonymous> (kendo.all.js:1912)
    at Function.dequeue (jquery-3.3.1.js:4376)
    at HTMLDivElement.<anonymous> (jquery-3.3.1.js:4418)


This seems to be in kendo.all.js  and I believe it is being called after the modal closes


which I thinki s being called from this:

 _prompt: function (options) {
                var that = this, messages = this.options.messages.dialogs[options.type + 'Prompt'];
                var prompt = $('<div></div>').kendoPrompt(extend({}, {
                    title: messages.title,
                    content: messages.content,
                    messages: messages,
                    value: options.defaultInput
                }, this.options.dialogs[options.type + 'Prompt'])).data('kendoPrompt');
                prompt.bind(OPEN, proxy(that._cacheFocus, that));
                prompt.bind(CLOSE, proxy(that._restoreFocus, that,;
                return prompt.result;




I think it's trying to locate the target of the directory that was moved - which is no longer there - and set focus to it.

I was trying to bind to the CLOSE event of the move dialog and set it to null to avoid the _restoreFocus call?

Not sure if that's even a good approach to take.

What are your thoughts?  Thank you.

Last Updated: 23 Apr 2020 10:33 by ADMIN

View several folders in treeview of the filemanager:  folder1, folder2, folder3

select folder1

now Click and drag folder2 to folder3.

the folder1 moves to folder3.  

this is not desired.


can be reproduced in the demo

Last Updated: 10 Feb 2020 08:33 by ADMIN
Created by: Christian
Comments: 1
Category: FileManager
Type: Bug Report



the filemanager toolbar item configurator doesnt work correct.

The Id setter function does not work.



            .Toolbar(tb => tb.Items(items =>


Generated HTML

The Button Id get an default value.


