Last Updated: 13 Dec 2023 13:11 by ADMIN
Created by: jerome
Comments: 2
Category: Editor
Type: Feature Request

I'm looking for the ability to track changes from the editor. I see the feature exists in the Ajax version of the controls:


Last Updated: 21 Aug 2023 12:47 by ADMIN
Release R3.2023-Increment.1(19.July.2023)

Is it possible to allow the integration of the Template component in the Template() option of the CustomTemplate() configuration in the Editor's Toolbar? 

For example:

          .Tools(tools => tools
                .CustomTemplate(x => x.Name("customButton").Template(
                      .AddComponent(c => c.Button()
                          .Events(ev => ev.Click("onExecute"))

Last Updated: 29 Jun 2023 09:01 by Carlhian
Created by: Carlhian
Comments: 0
Category: Editor
Type: Feature Request

Currently, the tool name is not added into the HTML structure of the created Editor's tool:

Here is a Dojo example:


Is it possible to include the specified "name" in the button's class, so the custom tools can be selected by class name for further customization?

Last Updated: 27 Jan 2023 15:07 by Robert
Created by: Robert
Comments: 0
Category: Editor
Type: Feature Request
We need an "insert symbol" tool in the Editor, similar to the one available for the UI for ASP.NET AJAX Editor.
Last Updated: 16 Nov 2022 14:53 by Gaurav
Created by: Gaurav
Comments: 0
Category: Editor
Type: Feature Request

In Word the user can resize the first and the last column of a table. When the outer borders of a table are hovered, a resize handle appears and the user can drag it left or right, to resize the respective column.

Currently, in the Editor this is not possible. The user can resize the first column only through its right border, and the last column, only through its left border. Resize handles do not appear for the outer borders. There are handles that appear when you focus the table, but they are used to resize the whole table.

It would be nice, if the column resizing functionality Word has can be implemented in the Editor.

Last Updated: 16 Sep 2021 14:10 by ADMIN
Created by: Lauren
Comments: 0
Category: Editor
Type: Feature Request

I want to tool inside Kendo Editor, when on click of any Image / Video it should open a inline editor in which i can perform following functions,

1. Replace
2. Change Alignment
3. Change Captions
4. Alternate Text
5. Resize

Here are the few sample links which i am refering too (you need to click on image for getting the image editor),


Samir Sanghavi
Last Updated: 25 Jul 2021 22:48 by ADMIN
Created by: Eyup
Comments: 0
Category: Editor
Type: Feature Request

It would be nice if the MVC Definition of the Editor HtmlHelper (ImageBrowser and FileBrowser) provides the Path setting as demonstrated for the Kendo UI variation:


Last Updated: 13 Apr 2020 09:12 by ADMIN
Created by: Philippe
Comments: 1
Category: Editor
Type: Feature Request

Hello there,


I'm trying to use both snippets (to make a shortcode for our users to add templated Links) and pasteCleanup option (to prevent any style to be import from a copy paste) but it seems like the pasteCleanUp option is preventing my html tags from snippets to be added.


Here my code :

      .HtmlAttributes(new { style = ViewData["style"], @class = ViewData["class"] })
      .Resizable(resizable => resizable.Content(true).Toolbar(true))
      .PasteCleanup(paste => paste.All(true))
      .Tools(tools => tools
                .Snippets(snippets =>
                    snippets.Add("Test", " <a class='testclass' href='www.test.com'>TestLink</a> ");

If I don't remove the line

.PasteCleanup(paste => paste.All(true))

All I can get from my snippet is "TestLink" instead of "


<a class='testclass' href='www.test.com'>TestLink</a>


But maybe i'm doing this wrong ?


Thx a lot.



Last Updated: 27 Feb 2020 12:47 by ADMIN
Created by: Joe
Comments: 1
Category: Editor
Type: Feature Request

I recently added the editor's table insert/edit feature to a project. My customer immediately showed frustration that you can only apply styles and classes to the entire table or one cell at a time. 

It would be great if we could:

  • Select more than one cell, then apply style and classes.
  • Select one or more rows, then apply style and classes.
  • Select one or more columns, then apply style and classes.


Last Updated: 05 Aug 2019 08:08 by ADMIN
This way a read-only Editor could be initialized.
Last Updated: 21 Mar 2019 15:26 by ADMIN
Created by: Craig
Comments: 1
Category: Editor
Type: Feature Request

We are using the Kendo Editor control and need to take actions based on the onChange event firing.  We have found that some formatting changes, such as changing the column width in a table doesn't trigger the onChange event.

Is there a work around for this issue.  It can be reproduced using your editor event demo here