The new version allows shape resizing on the image editor. However this is not working in a stable fashion. Here is the list of steps to replicate a. Draw a rectangle b. Hold the central marker to drag the rectangle. it moves slightly and then nothing happens c. Try holding any other marker to move the rectangle it does not work
Add ability to RadImageEditor to show the progress when saving the image to the server, displaying back to the user how much time is left to save the newly changed image back to the server.
When the command dialogs from two ImageEditors on a page are opened consecutively, the second dock is rendered with wrong position. The issue most probably comes from the fact the second dock element (ToolsPanel) is appended to its parent ImageEditor, but not to the form. Assuring that each dock is appended to the form element can be used as a temporary workaround of the issue: <telerik:RadImageEditor ID="RadImageEditor1" runat="server" Width="680" Height="450" OnClientDialogLoaded="ClientDialogLoaded" ImageUrl="waterpool.jpg"> </telerik:RadImageEditor> <telerik:RadImageEditor ID="RadImageEditor2" runat="server" Width="680" Height="450" OnClientDialogLoaded="ClientDialogLoaded" ImageUrl="waterpool.jpg"> </telerik:RadImageEditor> <script> function ClientDialogLoaded(imageEditor, args) { setTimeout(function () { $telerik.$("#<%=form1.ClientID %>").append($get(imageEditor.get_id() + "_ToolsPanel")); }, 0); } </script>
Adding ImageEditor inside a RadPanel breaks the RadPanels designer. The problematic behavior can be observed with the following configuration: <telerik:RadPanelBar ID="RadPanelBar1" Runat="server"> <Items> <telerik:RadPanelItem runat="server" Text="Root RadPanelItem1"> <ContentTemplate> <telerik:RadImageEditor ID="RadImageEditor1" runat="server" ImageUrl="~/Images/Jellyfish - Copy.jpg"></telerik:RadImageEditor> <asp:Button runat="server" ID="dasd" /> <telerik:RadEditor ID="RadEditor1" runat="server"></telerik:RadEditor> </ContentTemplate> </telerik:RadPanelItem> </Items> </telerik:RadPanelBar>
When the page is zoomed in iOS and Android devices, lines drawn are displaced downwards and to the right. Displacement increases with image zooming. Configurations tested: - iOS + Safari; - Android + Chrome;
Images bigger than 10MB cannot be saved if the ImageEditor is used in enabled CanvasMode, even though the MaxJsonLenght property is configured. The ImageSaving event handler is also never called. The only possible workaround for the moment is using the ImageEditor in disabled CanvasMode (CanvasMode="No")
When the cropping box is resized through one of its left corners, the position of the cropping box is changed at all. The issue could be reproduced in all browsers.
When placing text, clicking on the image should set the coordinates in the text dialog as long as the dialog is open. Moving the location for the text block being placed to that location. This is a problem when the default coordinate position is not currently visible on the image because the text block is not visible either. So the user can't move it or even know that it's there. And it's ridiculous to expect a user to enter a pixel coordinate value just to drop some text. I would suggest that coordinates shouldn't be shown in the text dialog by default, and that the starting position should default to something like the middle of the visible area of the image.
Uploaded jpeg images cannot be edited in ImageEditor from the Image Manager dialog. The request for the file seems accurate, but the image is not rendered.
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open in IE9 2. Upload the attached image. 3. Try to resize the image Result: The browser crashes
When you set Lightweight render mode via web.config, the image editor appears broken. You can use the following setup in web.config as a workaround for the time being. Note that all instances of the RadToolBar will be rendered in Classic mode. <appSettings> .... <add key="Telerik.Web.UI.RenderMode" value="Auto" /> <add key="Telerik.Web.UI.ToolBar.RenderMode" value="Classic" /> .... </appSettings>
In the latest release (Q1 2016) it is possible to resize and drag the crop box in ImageEditor to negative bounds in IE. Video:
Filtering operations are registered twice in the undo stack of the ImageEditor. 1. Open 2. Click on the More arrow on the right most on the Toolbar 3. Click to expand the Brightness/Contrast split button and choose Greyscale Result: The Greyscale command is added twice in the undo stack of the control
The Classic RenderMode displays the Crop icon for custom tools, the Lightweight RenderMode displays a gear icon Workaround: /*set background image*/ .rieSomeCommandName { background-image: url(my-images/icon_16x16.png) !important; } /*add for lightweight render mode*/ .rieSomeCommandName.rtbImage::before { /*set your own font and/or content if you want to use a font icon instead of a raster image*/ content: "" !important; } where the command name is taken from the tool by concatenating rie + <command name>: <telerik:RadImageEditor runat="server" ID="RadImageEditor1"> <Tools> <telerik:ImageEditorToolGroup> <telerik:ImageEditorTool Text="some text" CommandName="SomeCommandName" ImageUrl="my-images/icon_16x16.png"></telerik:ImageEditorTool> </telerik:ImageEditorToolGroup> </Tools> </telerik:RadImageEditor>
Dialog tools panel is not positioned properly when there are more than one ImageEditor on the page. The dialog shown from the second ImageEditor is rendered below the control (on the bottom of the page), outside of the browser viewport. Video:
JS error is thrown when opening a tool in Lightweight and ShowAjaxLoadingPanel="true". Error message: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'id' of undefined at Telerik.Web.UI.RadImageEditor._showAjaxLoadingPanel Steps to reproduce: 1. Run the following code <telerik:RadImageEditor ID="RadImageEditor1" ShowAjaxLoadingPanel="true" runat="server" RenderMode="Lightweight" ImageUrl="~/Images/Summdary.jpg"> </telerik:RadImageEditor> 2. Open the "Crop" dialog Result: A JS error is thrown.