At the moment it is not possible to rebind the RadTreeView on the client if the datasource is changed when treeview is bound to a ClientDataSource or WebService. Scenarios: - Changed nodes on the server (database) cannot be refreshed on the client. - TreeView is populated based on a custom parameter value.
The TreeView wrapper is not expanded depending on its nodes width when used in LightWeight render mode. As a result of that the horizontall scrollers of the control's parent element are never shown thus the nodes of the control appear truncated. The problem can be reproduced with the following configuration: ASPX: <div style="width: 100px; height: 400px; border: 1px solid black; overflow: auto;"> <telerik:RadTreeView ID="RadTreeView" runat="server" RenderMode="Lightweight"> </telerik:RadTreeView> </div> C#: protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { string[] cars = new string[] { "Porsche Carrera", "Ferrari F430", "Aston Martin DB9 and some more words foe a long node" }; RadTreeView.DataSource = cars; RadTreeView.DataBind(); } }
Keyboard navigation for the RadTreeView control should neglect invisible nodes when deciding which node to select based on user navigation. To know what I mean, please try the following: - Navigate to the example at - In the console of the developer tools of your browser, type the following: $telerik.findTreeView("ctl00_ContentPlaceholder1_RadTreeView1").get_nodes().getNode(0).get_nodes().getNode(0).set_visible(false) This will hide the "Calendar" tree node. - Using your mouse, click on the "Mailbox - John Smith" root node. - Press the ↓ key once. Notice how the selection disappears, while it should have gone to the "Contacts" node. - Type the following in the console: $telerik.findTreeView("ctl00_ContentPlaceholder1_RadTreeView1").get_selectedNode().get_visible() The console prints "false" which means that the currently selected node is invisible, which is a wrong behaviour. - Press ↓ once again, and the "Contacts" node will be selected. This problem annoys me because I have a situation where I hide tree nodes based on what the user types in a filter text box. After the user filters the tree and tries to navigate using the keyboard, the procedure becomes weird.
Title says it all really. It should be possible to expand a node and force the parent nodes, all the way up the tree to expand too. Likewise for Collapse. -- Stuart
I know that the doc's specifically say that it doesn't do this, but it should. Further both the server- and client- side events should fire. This is true of the RadTreeView as well as any of the newer controls that include a TreeView in their core functionality, (DropdownTree, TreeList).