Using EnableTimeIndependentFiltering with a DatePicker works very well but I would like to see a EnableDateIndependentFiltering property. Can date independent filtering be added to the time picker control in the RadGrid? As it is now you can add a time picker filter column but it does not filter properly since it looks at both the date and time portions of a datetime field.
In HeaderContextMenu was made a typo in item value. TopGroupSeparator is typed as TopGroupSeperator. I've wasted 10 minutes to find out why JS code is not working.
Hello, Our project requirement is that information in RadGrid will be exported to PDF in RTL language. Please add this feature - it’s very important for our project!! Thanks, Daniel. .Net Programmer as ISR Corp
I need to export data from grid without actually displaying the grid. When I drop grid on a aspx form, set datasource with stored procedure, one parameter linked to a drop box selected value, set some properties like export all pages, only data and then fire export to excel if I have grid visible property set to true it generates excel file with field names as headers. If I have grid visible property set to false excel file still generated but no field names added as column headers. Is it a correct behavior for the grid? I use 2013 Q3 version of Ajax .Net controls, VS2010, IE 9, Chrome. THanks!
Using Web.UI v2011.1.315.35 How can I count only non-blank items in the group Screenshots attached using the built-in and custom aggregates, also the custom-aggregation event handler code attached.
While filtering in Radgrid column and using special character "%" it is not searching using "%", simply searching by other text. Suppose we are filtering using "30%", but the results are shown as it is only 30. While debugging I found out that the used sql query becomes like following like '%30%%' In this the percentage symbol just after 30 is the symbol passed from UI but query considers as if we are looking for 30.
1. create a rad grid with clientside binding and a clientdeletecolumn. clientdelete column is buttontype=linkbutton and the linkbutton has a class for a background image 2. set allowpaging="false" but don't set a page size 3. populate grid so that it has 10 records 4. all client delete buttons are visible 5. add more records so that there are > 10 records 6. records from 11>n will not show the clientdeletecolumn 7. now, up the page size to something greater than your record count 8. problem fixed on viewing source you can see that the rgNoRecords tr is inserted after record 10 (default page size), which seems to affect the rendering below. the actual links for the client side delete columns are not rendered
Vertical Column Headers using rgRotateHeader seem to be a different, less readable, font than the regular horizontal column headers. Please see attachment. All those column headers are set to the same font. To my eye, the rotated headers look quite poor.
I am using the following grid: <telerik:RadGrid style="overflow: hidden" CssClass="dm-Grid" ID="gridView" runat="server" AllowPaging="false" PageSize="25" Skin="TylerSilver" EnableEmbeddedSkins="false" EnableViewState="true" ExportSettings-ExportOnlyData="true" ExportSettings-IgnorePaging="true" AutoGenerateColumns="false" SortingSettings-SortedBackColor="#F0F0F0" EnableAlternatingRowColor="true" EnableAjaxSkinRendering="true" AllowSorting="true" ShowGroupPanel="false" GroupPanel-Enabled="false" ClientIdMode="AutoId" AllowFilteringByColumn="true" onneeddatasource="gridView_NeedDataSource" Onitemcreated="gridView_ItemCreated" onitemdatabound="gridView_ItemDataBound"> <clientsettings> <clientevents onrowselected="RowSelected" onrowdeselected="RowSelected" oncolumnclick="OnColumnClick" OnColumnSwapped="ColumnSwapped" OnGridCreated="OnGridCreated"/> </clientsettings> </telerik:RadGrid> Columns are dynamic, created in code-behind to match configurable datasets, via gridView.Columns.Add. Each column has UniqueName, SortExpression, and HeaderText properties set - first two to the field name, last to plain-English version of the field name with spaces, etc. Data binding is via a data table created from search results: gridView.DataSource = allDocumentsTable; and using the following JS to activate the header cell context menus: function ShowColumnHeaderMenu(ev, index) { var grid = $find("<%=gridView.ClientID %>"); var columns = grid.get_masterTableView().get_columns(); columns[index - 1].showHeaderMenu(ev, 5, 5); } I'm able to group columns using the menu but the "ungroup" command in the menu does not work. If I turn on the grouping panel as a test (we do not want this UI style in production code), I can ungroup columns using the panel, but that does not change the behavour of the ungroup command in the header menu; it still does not work. I've tried this with the Q2 2014 release and the problem is reproducible in that version.
Having a RadGrid in batch mode with Master and Details tables, when you add a new master record, you are not able to add a new detail record until you save the master record. This feature should be built in the RadGrid.