Last Updated: 25 Nov 2013 15:57 by ADMIN
Created by: Danny
Comments: 3
Category: Editor
Type: Feature Request
It would be great to have RadEditor offer CMS type functionality similar to the RadEditor within Sitefinity. The Sitefinity editor allows you to drag and drop different layouts to the editor and then alter each area independently. 
Last Updated: 06 Jun 2016 15:27 by ADMIN
Created by: Telerik Admin
Comments: 1
Category: Editor
Type: Feature Request

Last Updated: 27 Mar 2019 17:41 by ADMIN
Created by: John
Comments: 1
Category: Editor
Type: Bug Report
When part of a table from MS Excel is copied and pasted into RadEditor under Edge, the RadEditor inserts an image instead of the html for the table. It inserts <img alt="" src="data:image/png;base64, ... " /> instead of the html. IE 11, Chrome and Firefox all paste the html in the RadEditor but MS Edge pastes as an image. Is there a way for the radeditor to override this so the html is pasted instead of an image?
Last Updated: 07 Jun 2016 12:03 by ADMIN
Created by: Joana
Comments: 1
Category: Editor
Type: Feature Request
Steps to reproduce:

1. Go to

2. Type some text

3. Format it as bold, italic and underline

4. Enter two new empty lines

5. Insert a table
Last Updated: 07 Jun 2016 11:17 by ADMIN
Created by: Dobromir
Comments: 1
Category: Editor
Type: Feature Request

Last Updated: 09 Jun 2016 14:46 by ADMIN
The default action for the Bold and Italic buttons ([B] and [I]) on the toolbar, is to insert the <strong> and <em> tags. However, this is not the same, and may insert the wrong semantic information.

Bold and Italic are used in far more contexts than just emphasis. For example, many people use these functions to create headlines. (While not semantic, this is not incorrect because they choose to apply a styling.) Italic is also commonly used in quotes and references. None of these applications are correct with <strong> and <em> tags.

Also, remember that <strong> and <em> only render as bold and italic in the default settings for the most common browsers. There are many browsers that don't/can't render these as bold and italic, and a website's stylesheet can also easily override the rendering of <strong> and <em>. This is not what the writer expects, as they have simply used the Bold and Italic buttons in the editor.

Instead, the Bold and Italic buttons should insert style code, such as <span style="font-weight: bold"> and <span style="text-decoration: italic">. The Underline button is already doing this.

If the preference is to use tags instead of inline style, then the <b> and <i> tags should be used instead. Please note that, even though these were deprecated in HTML4, they are now again valid for HTML5.

If the goal is to produce semantic HTML, then the Bold and Italic buttons should be replaced with Emphasis and Strong buttons.

I *know* the editor can be configured to do this. It is the default setting (which is used by 99% of your users) that is wrong.

A similar situation was previous the case for the Indent button, which inserted the <blockquote> tag. Thankfully, this has been changed to insert the style="margin-left: 40px;" code instead.


(This is not a new situation, many of the references are over 5 years old.)
Last Updated: 09 Jun 2016 14:39 by ADMIN
Created by: randall
Comments: 3
Category: Editor
Type: Feature Request
I think RadEditor is starting to look like a good processor integration, however to make it really good it should support Shapes, Charts.

The issue is that it does not support then now, but more that it strips them out  of an existing document with then in it when loaded. I personally think this will make our customers mad if we can't have "true" docx loading etc.

Love to see this Editor become the De-facto for developers and this is what it will take.
Last Updated: 07 Jun 2016 07:17 by ADMIN
Created by: randall
Comments: 1
Category: Editor
Type: Feature Request
RadTextBox need to include the ability for Columns. right now any docx that has a column gets stripped out when loaded. most business documents we deal with have columns.

I have found this feature in other competitive products so i hope Telerik has on on the roadmap and implements it soon.
Last Updated: 23 Jun 2015 05:48 by ADMIN
Entering two consecutive spaces in the middle of a paragraph causes the cursor to jump to the end of the paragraph.

The issue is reproducible with version 2015.1.401 (and not reproducible with Q3 2014)

Steps to reproduce:
1. Open the following url in IE11, setting the compatibility mode to IE8 (or in real IE8)
2. Type in a short sentence into the Editor
3. Place the cursor in the middle sentence and hit the space bar (or other char inserting button)  twice

Result: The cursor will jumps to the end of the sentence.
Last Updated: 26 Apr 2022 13:00 by ADMIN
Such tools exist in Word 2013 - 'Show Markup' and 'Display for Review' tools.

They are used by the users to be able to see the originally typed text, the final results (as if the track changes were accepted) and some further options for the visual appearance of the tracked text.

Such option would be very useful in the RadEditor, because in a large text where multiple users would add their suggestion, redaction and comments, the text would go quite unordered and difficult to be handled with. 
Last Updated: 07 Jun 2016 09:06 by ADMIN
In RADEditor, the date and time are shown when hovering over someone's Track Changes or Comments.  In order to cater to global audiences, this request is for the ability to specify the date and time format that it will use when displaying those tooltips.
Last Updated: 07 Jun 2016 11:12 by ADMIN
Last Updated: 11 Mar 2015 11:10 by ADMIN
Created by: Misho
Comments: 1
Category: Editor
Type: Feature Request

Last Updated: 07 Jun 2016 11:23 by ADMIN
Created by: Brett Zucker
Comments: 1
Category: Editor
Type: Feature Request

Last Updated: 07 Jun 2016 11:24 by ADMIN
Created by: Ianko
Comments: 2
Category: Editor
Type: Feature Request
There should be two properties under the SpellCheckSettings that let the developer prevent the alerts that are shown when there are no errors and when spellcheck finishes.
They could be called SuppressCompleteMessage and SuppressNoErrorsMessage. They would both be boolean and default to false to prevent a breaking change.
Last Updated: 18 Feb 2014 11:29 by ADMIN
Content appears double if there is a Style element inside it and the Spell Check is triggered.
Last Updated: 07 Jun 2016 12:01 by ADMIN
When ContentAreaMode="Div" RadEditor's Content Area's width automatically re-sizes with the content. If width is applied to reContentArea div element, the problem is resolved.

Actual behavior: by placing a long word or pasting an image larger than the content area's dimensions, its width is automatically expanded. (see ActualBehavior.png)

Expected Behavior: the content area's width should remain unchanged despite word length and pasted image dimensions. (see ExpectedBehavior.png)
Last Updated: 01 Nov 2013 13:06 by ADMIN
Radeditor when initially set as visible="false", the toolbar border images never renders when the control is later set to Visible="true".
Last Updated: 26 Sep 2023 08:45 by ADMIN

There are issues with the cursor location when clicking at the end (or to the right) of a line in bullet lists with multiple levels.

When clicking at the end of the line the cursor is unexpectedly placed at the beginning of the line instead of at the end.

This does not happen if you click on some of the actual text or hit the exact location of the last character of the line, but when you naturally click just to the right of the end of the line.

It seems that it does not happen on all levels, but only some, as I have tried to depict in the attached screenshot.

This behavior was replicated on the latest WebForms Editor demo at

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