When a new line is entered (no matter which mode) the new lines does not break the text into separate words. To workaround this problem you can use the following get_text() method with the additional replacement logic: <telerik:RadEditor runat="server" ID="RadEditor1"> </telerik:RadEditor> <script type="text/javascript"> Telerik.Web.UI.RadEditor.prototype.get_text = function() { var $T = Telerik.Web.UI; var modeEnum = $T.EditModes; var oContent = ""; if (this.get_mode() != modeEnum.Html) { var oArea = this.get_contentArea(); if (oArea) { if (oArea.innerText) { oContent = oArea.innerText; } else { oContent = oArea.innerHTML; oContent = oContent.replace(/<br>/ig, "\r\n"); oContent = oContent.replace(/<\/p>/gi, "\r\n"); oContent = oContent.replace(/ /gi, "\s"); if (this.get_newLineMode() === $T.EditorNewLineModes.Div) { oContent = oContent.replace(/<\/div>/gi, "\r\n"); } oContent = oContent.replace(/<\/?[^>]*>/ig, ""); oContent = oContent.replace(/<!--(.|\s)*?-->/gi, ""); } } } else { oContent = this._getTextArea().value.replace(/<\/?[^>]*>/ig, ""); } return oContent; }; </script>
When a groupbox is inserted and start typing text, the fieldset stays fixed in size. You can use the following resolved command: <telerik:RadEditor runat="server" ID="RadEditor1"> </telerik:RadEditor> <script type="text/javascript"> Telerik.Web.UI.Editor.CommandList.InsertGroupbox = function myfunction(commandName, editor, args) { var localizedTitle = editor.getLocalizedString("RadEditorGroupboxTitle", "Title"); var localizedContent = editor.getLocalizedString("RadEditorGroupboxContent", "Content..."); value = "<fieldset style='width: 200px; min-height: 76px'> <legend>" + localizedTitle + "</legend>" + localizedContent + " </fieldset> "; editor.pasteHtml(value, commandName); } </script>
Currently it is not possible to set the value of a password input in the content area of RadEditor via the Design view.
The changes applied to a newly uploaded image through the ImageEditor are not taken into account when inserting the image in RadEditor. The issue is reproducible in all browsers. video: http://screencast.com/t/Uz4BAr9Lj
The Text property of the editor converts the html into plain text. Very handy. It would be really helpful if this could be exposed as a static method on the editor for use elsewhere, without having to create an editor object. I know that I could just grab the source code and create my own, but then I don't get the benefit of improvements and bug fixes you may add in the future.
In the ImageManager when using AsyncUpload as the upload manager control, the uploaded image is not selected. This prevents a fluent workflow of upload and insert of the image. The image preview should react in a contextual way when deleting the image as well. Then the previewer should stay empty as is the case with a first load of the dialog.
Hi, We have just upgraded our controls to fix a security concern with the file upload control. However having done this the radeditor nolonger works with firefox. You cannot enter any text into the editor. Just wanted to know if this was a known issue and if there is a fix/work around.
When the tracking feature is enabled some of the existing features don't work properly. For eg: a. If existing text were bulleted they were not displayed properly. b. If bulleted content was copied over from a web page and pasted into the RadEditor control formatting was not retained. c. If text in the editor that was modified previously and not accepted by a user, a change made to the same text after some time does not capture the new username and date time stamp by the same /different user. Please fix the tracking feature for SharePoint
Inline commands such as bold, italic, underline doesn't trigger each time with empty selection in Internet Explorer.
The current content filters of the RadEditor control supports XHTML content, in which attributes should have a proper value. Although with HTML5 the browsers started supporting boolean attributes that could be used without any type of value. Such attributes are being stripped or replaced, which at some point leads to an incorrect behavior if the user's HTML code. It would be useful if developers could have the ability to modify this behavior and generate correct HTML5 code. A possible usage of such attributes is when they are used as XHTML5 valid attributes, with the proper value (e.g. disabled="disabled").
i am looking for an example how to handle an uploaded screenshot with the radeditor. it is a great feature, one reason why i took telerik, but i can't find the documentation for that. do you have a link where i can look it up ?
FileBrowser pager slider tooltips: "Increase", "Decrease" FileBrowser grid column resize: "Drag to resize"
When the HTML content is set with nested list elements and an empty paragraph right after the primary list, deleting this empty paragraph will cause the nested list to go outside the list item. This matter causes an incorrect HTML markup and additionally causes incorrect tool behavior. Passing trough Design to HTML cures the issue (invoking the content filters) cures the issue, although there are cases where users cannot be prompted to do that. Using native events to resolve the backspace behavior: <telerik:RadEditor ID="RadEditor1" runat="server" OnClientLoad="OnClientLoad"> </telerik:RadEditor> <script type="text/javascript"> function OnClientLoad(editor, args) { editor.attachEventHandler("onkeydown", function (e) { if (e.keyCode == 8 && $telerik.isIE10Mode && !$telerik.isIE10) { var selElm = editor.getSelectedElement(); var isCursorInFront = editor.getSelection().getRange().startOffset == 0; if (selElm && selElm.nodeName == "P" && isCursorInFront) { editor.attachEventHandler("onkeyup", fixContent); } } }); var fixContent = function () { editor.set_html(editor.get_html(true)); editor.detachEventHandler("onkeyup", fixContent); } } </script>
A proper workaround for this problem is applying this CSS rule: div.RadEditor .RadRibbonBar .rrbButton img.rrbButtonImage { top:-7px; }
The main issue is the inconsistent behavior of the borders around the content area.
The initial problem is related with the JS error, because of which the editor's initialization is interrupted. You can workaround this by incorporating this piece of code: <telerik:RadWindow ID="RadWindow1" runat="server" Width="805" Height="450" VisibleOnPageLoad="true"> <ContentTemplate> <telerik:RadEditor runat="server" ID="RadEditor1" Height="200" Width="400" > </telerik:RadEditor> </ContentTemplate> </telerik:RadWindow> <script type="text/javascript"> var oldCommand = Telerik.Web.UI.RadEditor.prototype.toggleEnhancedEdit; Telerik.Web.UI.RadEditor.prototype.toggleEnhancedEdit = function (newValue) { if ($telerik.isSafari && typeof (newValue) != "undefined" && false == this.disableContentAreaStylesheet(newValue)) { window.setTimeout(Function.createDelegate(this, function () { this.disableContentAreaStylesheet(newValue); }), 200); } else { oldCommand.call(this, newValue); } }; </script>
The tools are not respected by the toolgroups under IE7 and IE7 standards. This issue causes incorrect layout at resizing and overlay issues of floated tools. The problem is introduced because the toolgroup elements does not have a properly set width. Possible resolution is setting a proper width to every UL at the load event of the editor: <telerik:RadEditor runat="server" ID="RadEditor1" OnClientLoad="OnClientLoad"></telerik:RadEditor> <script type="text/javascript"> function OnClientLoad(editor, args) { if (editor.isVisible()) { fixToolbarsInIE(editor); } else { editor.add_firstShow(function () { setTimeout(function () { fixToolbarsInIE(editor); }, 0); }) } } function fixToolbarsInIE(editor) { if ($telerik.isIE) { var $ = $telerik.$; var editorID = editor.get_id(); var topTD = document.getElementById(editorID + "Top"); var toolGroupElements = $(topTD).find(".reToolbar"); for (var i = 0, l = toolGroupElements.length; i < l; i++) { calculateTools(toolGroupElements[i]); } } } function calculateTools(toolGroup) { var tools = toolGroup.children; var size = 0; for (var i = 0, l = tools.length; i < l; i++) { var tool = tools[i]; size += tool.offsetWidth; } toolGroup.style.width = size + "px"; } </script>
This problem causes incorrect behavior and inconvenience among users because when the browser crashes all content is lost.
This issue causes an annoying flickering of the page and inconvenient typing experience of the user.
When the Editor is configured to occupy size in percentages and the user switches from default to full screen mode and vice versa, the content area of the control gets broken. The problem is reproducible in all browsers. Video: screencast As a temporary workaround you can attach a handler to the Editor's ClientCommandExecuted event and repaint the Editor in case the current command is ToggleScreenMode: <div style="width: 700px; height: 500px"> <telerik:RadEditor ID="RadEditor1" runat="server" Width="100%" Height="100%" OnClientCommandExecuted="OnClientCommandExecuted"> <Content> <p>dsadasdasdad dasdasdd das dasdasdasd <br /> dsadasdasdad dasdasdd das dasdasdasd <br /> dsadasdasdad dasdasdd das dasdasdasd <br /> dsadasdasdad dasdasdd das dasdasdasd <br /> dsadasdasdad dasdasdd das dasdasdasd <br /> </p> </Content> </telerik:RadEditor> </div> <script> function OnClientCommandExecuted(editor, args) { if (args.get_commandName() == "ToggleScreenMode") { editor.repaint(); } } </script>